Alexey Topounov
Alexey Topounov
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13+ 年
Судьба эта сумма определённых вероятностей.
Alexey Topounov
"在光天化日之下 "的 赫普
Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

Hurst Fractal Index Фрактальный Индекс Херста -  показатель персистентности временного ряда При значении индикатора >0.5 временной ряд считается персистентным (тенденция сохраняется) При значениях индикатора явно < 0.5 временной ряд считается антиперсистентным (возможна смена направления движения) Для наглядности значения индекса усредняются периодом 2-3. Настройки индикатора: Max Bars -  глубина истории расчета (кол-во баров на графике для которых произведён расчет) Data from

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

Вертикальная гистограмма объема -  отображает распределение объема по уровням. Гистограмма рассчитывается от объема ( реального или тикового), при этом объем соответствующий бару переносится на уровень H-L бара. Таким образом, при распределении объема за сутки по вертикали - формируются максимумы гистограммы показывающие области проторговки. Настройки индикатора: Timeframe Set -  период в пределах которого производится расчет. (рекомендуется D1) Step's - количество отображаемых

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

Divergence MACD indicator shows price and MACD indicator divergence. The indicator is not redrawn! The algorithm for detection of price and MACD extremums has been balanced for the earliest entry allowing you to use the smallest SL order possible. The indicator displays all types of divergences including the hidden one, while having the minimum number of settings. Find out more about the divergence types in Comments tab. Launch settings: Max Bars - number of bars calculated on the chart. Indent

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

Trading Sessions Pro is a trading session indicator with extended settings + the ability to install and display the custom period. Main Advantages: The indicator allows you to conveniently manage display of trading sessions on the chart. There is no need to enter the settings each time. Just click the necessary trading session in the lower window and it is highlighted by the rectangle on the chart! The indicator has two modes of defining the trading terminal's time offset relative to UTC (GMT)

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品
评论: 1
50.00 USD

Synthetic Reverse Bar is an evolution of Reverse Bar indicator. It is well-known that candlestick patterns work best at higher timeframes (H1, H4). However, candlesticks at such timeframes may form differently at different brokers due to dissimilarities in the terminal time on the single symbol, while the history of quotes on M1 and M5 remains the same! As a result, successful patterns are often not formed at higher timeframes! Synthetic Reverse Bar solves that problem! The indicator works on M5

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

VWAP 是交易量权重平均价格。它计算产品的价格与交易量之和,再除以总的交易量。 这个版本的指标是通用版,它有三种操作模式: 移动 - 在此模式下指标工作如同移动均线。但不同于普通的 SMA,它在大的走势里滞后很小!带状方差可以如同布林带一样使用。 周期 - 在此模式下,计算从周期的开始至结束的累计 (在每根柱线, 计算整个周期从开始时的数值, 所以它包含所有从周期开始的数值)。这个带状方差产生高品质的支撑和阻力级别。 定时器 - 在此模式下,计算类似于 "周期" 模式。不同之处在于,周期的开始和结束可以手工设置。此模式中的最大周期可以超过 24 小时。 设置: Max Bars - 图表上计算的柱线数量 (0 - 所有可用历史)。 Use Mode - 模式选择。3 种模式可用: 移动, 周期, 定时器。 Applied Price - 价格类型。 Applied Volume - 交易量类型 (即时报价或存在的实际量)。 Set Moving Mode - 设置为 "Moving" 模式。 Moving Period -

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

Bullish Bearish Volume is an indicator that divides the volume into the bearish and the bullish part according to VSA: Bullish volume is a volume growing during upward motion and a volume falling during downward motion. Bearish volume is a volume growing during downward motion and a volume falling during upward motion. For a higher obviousness it uses smoothing using MA of a small period. Settings: MaxBars – number of bars calculated on the chart; Method – smoothing mode (Simple is most

1104053796 2013.09.14
May be , it is a good experts, could you tell me ,how can I get
Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

87.00 USD

According to Bill Williams' trading strategy described in the book "Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques" the indicator displays the following items in a price chart: 1.Bearish and bullish divergent bars: Bearish divergent bar is colored in red or pink (red is a stronger signal). Bullish divergent bar is colored in blue or light blue color (blue is a stronger signal). 2. "Angulation" formation with deviation speed evaluation. 3. The level for placing a pending order

Alexey Topounov
留下反馈给开发人员为工作 Доработка индикатора (v2)
Alexey Topounov
留下反馈给开发人员为工作 Индикатор
Alexey Topounov
留下反馈给开发人员为工作 Дополнить индикатор новыми функциями
Alexey Topounov
留下反馈给开发人员为工作 Дополнить индикатор новыми функциями
Alexey Topounov
Alexey Topounov
На маркете обновился индикатор Pin Bar. В версии 1.3 появился фильтр по MA. При активации фильтра, сигналы возникают только в направлении к MA. Параметры MA - устанавливаются в настройках.
Alexey Topounov
留下反馈给开发人员为工作 Написать утилиту на MQL5
Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

30.00 USD

The indicator displays the dynamics of forming the daily range in the form of a histogram, and the average daily range for a specified period. The indicator is a useful auxiliary tool for intraday trades. Settings N Day - period for calculation of the daily range value. Level Indefinite - level of indefiniteness. Level Confidence - level of confidence. Level Alert - alert level. When it is crossed, the alert appears

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品

The indicator displays the "Morning star" and "Evening star" patterns on a chart. The Evening star is displayed in red or rose. The Morning star is displayed in blue or light blue. Input Parameters: Max Bars – number of bars calculated on the chart. Make Signal Alert – use alerts. Send Push Notification - send notification to a mobile terminal Type of rules pattern – type of the model of pattern determination (Hard – with the control of length of shadows of the second bar). If Soft is selected

Alexey Topounov 已发布产品
评论: 1
30.00 USD

The indicator displays the "Three white soldiers and Three black crows" candlestick model on a chart. Three white soldiers are color in blue. Three black crows are colored in red. Input parameters: Max Bars - maximum number of bars calculated on the chart. Make Signal Alert - use alert. Type of pattern rules - use a strict model of determining the pattern (short lower shadows for the three soldiers, short upper shadows for the three crows), or a simplified model. Max Shadow Ratio - coefficient

Alexey Topounov
已发布代码CCI T3 Tick
使用 Tillson 算法平滑的CCI指标.
1607 2409
Alexey Topounov
已发布代码CCI T3
使用 Tilson 算法平滑过的CCI.
1551 3834