MetaTrader Virtual Hosting is designed for round-the-clock operation of trading robots and signal subscriptions even when your computer is turned off. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) can be rented directly from the MetaTrader platform. Our hosting service is a more efficient solution than ordinary VPS because it is specifically tailored for traders. You can select the most suitable server from a number of hosting points located in Frankfurt, London, New York, Hong Kong, Moscow, Amsterdam, Sao Paulo, Chicago and Mumbai.
More than 140 thousand people have already used VPS for MetaTrader. Furthermore, about 7 thousand new traders connect to the service every month. In total, they invest in virtual hosting over USD 1.5 million a year and use more than 50 million hours for algorithmic and social trading via the VPS.
Why tens of thousands of people rent our virtual servers:
1. It is failure free
We only work with the hosting companies which ensure the highest possible uptime of 99.99%. Therefore, you can be sure that your platform will be reliably connected to the broker's server and that your robots or signal subscriptions will not be interrupted. Stable connection is especially important for copy trading. A signal provider can trade in a different time zone or can execute operations during an inconvenient time frame. With the VPS, subscriptions smoothly operate around the clock, and thus the source time does not matter.
VPS for MetaTrader is an ideal solution for round-the-clock trading with which you can maximize your revenue by constantly being in the market.
2. Best execution
Execution delays can affect profits generated from trades. Even a delay of just a few milliseconds can be critical, as the price can change during this time. VPS for MetaTrader automatically offers an optimal server, which is located closest to your broker. This minimizes network delays between the trading platform and the trade server, saving valuable price pips.
By saving a few pips per trade, you can pay off the virtual server renting cost. The more trades you perform, the faster the cost will be paid off, and further savings will turn into profit.
3. Quick start
Nobody likes to get distracted from the main activity, especially if it is connected with money. That is why we have created an easy-to-start solution which does not require any extra effort from the trader. Migration to a VPS is a matter of a few seconds. The procedure takes only three mouse clicks for Experts Advisors, indicators, scripts and Signal subscriptions to be transferred to the virtual server. Applications purchased from the Market do not lose activations when launched on our VPS.
There is no need to set up the machine: renting a VPS for MetaTrader is as easy as installing a messenger or subscribing to a signal in the platform. This process does not require any additional administration or network engineering skills. You only need to select a plan, use a suitable payment method and initiate data migration.
4. Free period
VPS rental costs USD 15 per month. It is more profitable to rent a server for a longer term: your discount can be up to 15% when paying for a year ahead. If you are launching the service for the first time, we will provide a 24-hour free VPS testing period for MetaTrader.
Rent a VPS for MetaTrader to ensure uninterrupted 24/7 trading with the best execution. Migration to a VPS is a matter of a few seconds. The solution ensures low delays and can be quickly launched with minimum settings. Save valuable pips, pay off your monthly rental fees and generate more profits.
为了保护“市场”产品,MetaTrader平台会将所有数据绑定操作系统和安装该平台的计算机硬件上。遗憾的是,此次更新将使之前安装和激活的市场应用程序无法启动。这类应用程序将需要重新激活,因为所有产品都与原来的操作系统绑定。无论哪个版本的操作系统,我们都将为从“市场”购买的所有产品多提供一次激活,类似于之前发布Windows 10 May 2020更新(版本号2004)之后提供的额外激活。
因此,安装Windows 10 Version 20H2 Update之后MetaTrader市场用户将不会丢失产品的激活次数。但是,演示产品的激活次数将会丢失,所以您需要从市场重新下载这个应用程序。
count(*) as book_count,
cast(avg(parent) as integer) as mean,
cast(median(parent) as integer) as median,
mode(parent) as mode,
percentile_90(parent) as p90,
percentile_95(parent) as p95,
percentile_99(parent) as p99
from moz_bookmarks;
为避免耗尽问题,某些产品还提供对现代IPv6标准的额外支持。该协议使用128位地址,表示为x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x,其中每个x是六个16位地址元素的十六进制值。从理论上讲,此格式允许5 x 10 ^ 28个唯一地址。除了扩展的地址空间之外,该协议还具有较旧版本的其他优势。有关更多详细信息,请参阅专业文章。
MetaTrader 5 Android build 2569:新图表颜色
MetaQuotes, 2020.08.24 16:08
我们一直在不断改进移动平台的功能。此次,我们更新了MetaTrader 5 Android版,新版可以在全球随时随地使用移动设备进行外汇、股票和期货的交易。
我们还为OS 10及更高版本操作系统的设备添加暗色主题 — 这可以节约电池电量,使弱光下工作更舒适。同时修复了多个小漏洞。
MetaTrader 5 for Android功能:
免费安装MetaTrader 5移动端,使您随时随地进行交易(可以是您家、咖啡馆、出租车、酒店房间,甚至海滩)。
下载MetaTrader 5 Android版
新版MetaTrader 5平台Build 2690:改进MetaEditor
MetaQuotes, 2020.11.12 08:13
MetaTrader 5平台更新版于2020年11月12日星期四进行发布。新版将有以下变化:
新版MetaTrader 5平台build 2755:弹出价格窗口和改善调试器
MetaQuotes, 2021.01.14 10:30
MetaTrader 5平台更新将于2021年1月15日星期五进行发布。新版将有以下变化:
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
4 reasons to rent a VPS for trading
MetaQuotes, 2021.01.27 19:44
MetaTrader Virtual Hosting is designed for round-the-clock operation of trading robots and signal subscriptions even when your computer is turned off. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) can be rented directly from the MetaTrader platform. Our hosting service is a more efficient solution than ordinary VPS because it is specifically tailored for traders. You can select the most suitable server from a number of hosting points located in Frankfurt, London, New York, Hong Kong, Moscow, Amsterdam, Sao Paulo, Chicago and Mumbai.
More than 140 thousand people have already used VPS for MetaTrader. Furthermore, about 7 thousand new traders connect to the service every month. In total, they invest in virtual hosting over USD 1.5 million a year and use more than 50 million hours for algorithmic and social trading via the VPS.
Why tens of thousands of people rent our virtual servers:
1. It is failure free
We only work with the hosting companies which ensure the highest possible uptime of 99.99%. Therefore, you can be sure that your platform will be reliably connected to the broker's server and that your robots or signal subscriptions will not be interrupted. Stable connection is especially important for copy trading. A signal provider can trade in a different time zone or can execute operations during an inconvenient time frame. With the VPS, subscriptions smoothly operate around the clock, and thus the source time does not matter.
VPS for MetaTrader is an ideal solution for round-the-clock trading with which you can maximize your revenue by constantly being in the market.
2. Best execution
Execution delays can affect profits generated from trades. Even a delay of just a few milliseconds can be critical, as the price can change during this time. VPS for MetaTrader automatically offers an optimal server, which is located closest to your broker. This minimizes network delays between the trading platform and the trade server, saving valuable price pips.
By saving a few pips per trade, you can pay off the virtual server renting cost. The more trades you perform, the faster the cost will be paid off, and further savings will turn into profit.
3. Quick start
Nobody likes to get distracted from the main activity, especially if it is connected with money. That is why we have created an easy-to-start solution which does not require any extra effort from the trader. Migration to a VPS is a matter of a few seconds. The procedure takes only three mouse clicks for Experts Advisors, indicators, scripts and Signal subscriptions to be transferred to the virtual server. Applications purchased from the Market do not lose activations when launched on our VPS.
There is no need to set up the machine: renting a VPS for MetaTrader is as easy as installing a messenger or subscribing to a signal in the platform. This process does not require any additional administration or network engineering skills. You only need to select a plan, use a suitable payment method and initiate data migration.
4. Free period
VPS rental costs USD 15 per month. It is more profitable to rent a server for a longer term: your discount can be up to 15% when paying for a year ahead. If you are launching the service for the first time, we will provide a 24-hour free VPS testing period for MetaTrader.
Rent a VPS for MetaTrader to ensure uninterrupted 24/7 trading with the best execution. Migration to a VPS is a matter of a few seconds. The solution ensures low delays and can be quickly launched with minimum settings. Save valuable pips, pay off your monthly rental fees and generate more profits.
Test for free
Windows 10 Version 20H2发布后,增加购买的市场产品的激活数
MetaQuotes, 2021.03.08 10:04
微软官方正式发布操作系统的重要更新Windows 10, version 20H2。这次更新会影响配置和加密密钥,类似于安装一个新的Windows操作系统。
为了保护“市场”产品,MetaTrader平台会将所有数据绑定操作系统和安装该平台的计算机硬件上。遗憾的是,此次更新将使之前安装和激活的市场应用程序无法启动。这类应用程序将需要重新激活,因为所有产品都与原来的操作系统绑定。无论哪个版本的操作系统,我们都将为从“市场”购买的所有产品多提供一次激活,类似于之前发布Windows 10 May 2020更新(版本号2004)之后提供的额外激活。
因此,安装Windows 10 Version 20H2 Update之后MetaTrader市场用户将不会丢失产品的激活次数。但是,演示产品的激活次数将会丢失,所以您需要从市场重新下载这个应用程序。
MetaTrader 5平台的新版本内部版本2815:从Python进入市场深度,调试器和分析器的改进
Renat Fatkhullin ,03/20/20/09 09:48 PM
新版MetaTrader 5平台Build 2860:增强改进Wine和SQL集成
MetaQuotes, 2021.03.26 08:32
MetaTrader 5平台更新将于2021年3月26日星期五进行发布。新版将有以下变化:
MetaTrader 5 macOS:现有DMG软件包和CrossOver更新
MetaQuotes, 2021.04.12 12:29
我们最近发布了DMG软件包,便于在macOS电脑上轻松安装MetaTrader 5。借助这个软件包,平台安装过程与其他应用相同:只需将平台图标拖拽至应用程序,然后等待安装完成。
这个软件包包含将定期升级到最新版本的MetaTrader 5 64位版本。安装后,平台将可立即在macOS上运行,无需您进行任何额外设置。
在CrossOver上需要重新安装MetaTrader 5
如果您使用的是CrossOver,而不是DMG文件,请重新安装平台。此方法之前安装在旧版32位平台版本。已更新的MetaTrader 5 CrossOver软件包提供完整功能的64位版本。
我们强烈建议升级到更高级的MetaTrader 5 64位版本,访问平台的所有功能。将不再提供对32位版本的支持或升级。此外,它们也不支持VPS和市场服务。论坛
MetaTrader 5平台beta build 2920:在主工作区MQL5服务的显示布局及更新设计
MetaQuotes, 2021.05.14 10:33
更新后的MetaTrader 5平台测试版将于2021年5月14日星期五,进行发布。我们邀请交易者加入新版本的测试,评估其功能从而帮助开发者修正出现的错误。
若要将MetaTrader 5平台更新到build 2920,请转到帮助\检查桌面版更新\最新测试版:
新版MetaTrader 5平台的最终版将在公开测试版结束后发布。
为避免耗尽问题,某些产品还提供对现代IPv6标准的额外支持。该协议使用128位地址,表示为x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x,其中每个x是六个16位地址元素的十六进制值。从理论上讲,此格式允许5 x 10 ^ 28个唯一地址。除了扩展的地址空间之外,该协议还具有较旧版本的其他优势。有关更多详细信息,请参阅专业文章。
MetaTrader 5平台已完全支持IPv6。如果您的交易商或提供商切换到新协议,则将可在平台中直接启用协议支持,而无需您采取其他任何操作。
该软件包包含可使操作更加稳定和快速的附加组件。强烈建议所有软件包用户在下面链接下载最新版本并重新安装MetaTrader 5:
一年前,也就是在发布build 2361之后就停止了对32位平台版本的支持。我们强烈建议升级到MetaTrader 5 64位版本,以便无限制地访问平台的所有功能。
新版MetaTrader 5平台build 2980:交易操作的推送通知
MetaQuotes, 2021.06.18 08:53
新版MetaTrader 5平台build 2980:交易操作的推送通知
MetaTrader 5平台更新已于2021年6月18日星期五进行发布。新版将有以下变化:
在早期版本中,移动设备的通知只能从交易者桌面程序端发送。交易操作执行后,程序端向设置中指定的MetaQuotes ID发送相关通知。通知只能从正在运行的程序端发送。此要求已被取消。如果在您的计算机关闭时在服务器上触发止盈,您将收到来自服务器的平仓通知。