Dear Mr. Rosh About the server's time change of MetaQuotes


Hi Mr.Rosh

You said before the server's time of MetaQuotes is at GM+2

Now the Daylight Saving Time will begin

I wonder whether the server's time of MetaQuotes will be some changed ?

Thank you very much !!

Server Time of MetaQuotes-Demo is GMT+2 with Day Light Saving
Server Time of MetaQuotes-Demo is GMT+2 with Day Light Saving

Thank you for reply

So users don't care about Day Light Saving

Is it always GM+2 ?

Just like top vodka is always "absolute" ?


Now (at this moment) MetaQuotes-Demo server time is GMT+3 hours.
Now (at this moment) MetaQuotes-Demo server time is GMT+3 hours.

I am mixed up !

There is no Daylight Saving Time in China

To make the things simple

Please write the session of GMT +3 and session of GMT +2 ?

Like as GMT +3 is from April XX to Oct XX .......

No Daylight Saving Time people like me is stupid about this idea !


MetaQuotes-Demo server time is:

  • Summer - GMT + 3 hours (DayLight Saving add 1 hour)
  • Winner - GMT + 2 hours

MetaQuotes-Demo server time is:

  • Summer - GMT + 3 hours (DayLight Saving add 1 hour)
  • Winner - GMT + 2 hours
Asking a silly question again !

What the day is the begin of Summer time and the end of Summer time ?

Thank you very much !

Asking a silly question again !

What the day is the begin of Summer time and the end of Summer time ?

Thank you very much !

I don't know. Last time it was 31-st March.