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Trend filter. In short, the RSIFilter fails on strong fluctuations, but handles the trend good enough, but if it get improved a bit, it could be able to give clear answers.
This is an advanced version of RSI. Laguerre converts the signals, so that low-frequency components lag much more that the high-frequency ones.
It is calculated as the difference between two simple moving averages: SMA(5) and SMA(34). Type of the chart: histogram with green and red colored bars.
Graphs correlation between percent change of the price signal, and the price signal, to determine high probability of current price signal direction.
A modified version of the FlatTrend indicator, shows the beginning and the end of a flat.
The indicator displays the average amplitude of the price movement.
The indicator displays the average amplitude of the price movement for the specified period.
Zigzag2 R, bir çubuk üzerinde iki uç nokta çizme yeteneği ekleyen, Zigzag göstergesinin bir versiyonudur.
Momentum teknik göstergesi, enstrümanın fiyatının belirli bir süre içindeki değişme miktarını ölçer.
The indicator shows the average between the maximum and the minimum price within a time range.