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Kullanıcı derecelendirmelerine göre MetaTrader 4 için en iyi göstergeler - 31

Kod ekle

Indicator detects the Inside Bars and marks them high/low (no redraw).

Leading Edge trend estimator with bands.

This code is simple variation of Bollinger Bands code which comes with Metatrader4, if we change Standard Deviation by ATR we have StarcBands.

Indicators for the "Chaos" trading system described in the third book by Bill Williams (Bill Williams and Justin Williams. Trading Chaos - Second Edition).

Defines intensity and a direction of a trend.

Indicator CCM3


Indicator DUR.

Indicator Arbitraz

Indicator EA Vegas 1hr.

Through the use of more sophisticated smoothing algorithms this RSI has less delay and smoother shape of the curve.

Indicates the number of periods for the calculation of the average line.

Indicator based on the data of multiple RSI, Bollinger, MAverage. Beautifully displays the areas for buying and selling. Recoups 30-90 points, depending on the currency.

The 4Period RSI Arrows indicator

Another indicator based on the «Bollinger bands». Good for displaying «Where the trend is, and where the flat is».

The indicator shows entry points according to AC indicator.

A version of the Stochastic located right in the price window.

Indicator BLines Profi v1.

The idea of the indicator is to select each currency from currency pairs separately. The currencies are measured in relative units (points). The sum of all currencies at any given time is equal to zero.

PowerTrend corrected

Originally the DT mode was used by klot in his DT-ZigZag.mq4 indicator.

Indicator EMA OsMA.

(Fast Adaptive Trend Line)– the «fast» adaptive trend line is calculated using a digital low-pass filter with a small cutoff period.

Plotting principle - digital filtering.


The Jurik Moving Average indicator. JMA's improved timing and smoothness will astound you.

One more indicator Jurika.

Indicator JMA StarLight.

Indicator KI signals v1.

Indicator Khaos Assault2.

Indicator Laguerre PlusDi.

Indicator MA-ATR.

Trend indicator based on the Kaufman's AMA.

Indicator SilverTrend Signal.

The indicator of the first price change derivative or simply trend speed and sign.

DT_ZZ göstergesinin klot tarafından optimize edilmiş versiyonu.

Simple tactics using RSI and MACD

The morning range indicator.

Indicator iFXAnalyser

EMA'ya benzer bir hareketli ortalama oluşturmak için fraktal boyut değeri kullanılır.

Displays 3 vertical lines each for a time zone.

Directional system (ADX). The directional system has been created by George Wilder in the middle of the 70s as an addition to the PARABOLIC SAR system, and then further developed by a number of analysts.
