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Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост This is an absolute gamechanger
Never has change come so swiftly and unexpectedly It's over. It's all done but the counting. They'll try to hang the pollsters but who cares. The vote is in and it's wide enough that I don't see any way for Cameron to wiggle out of it...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Nikkei 225 re-opens and posts new session lows. Now down 6.8%
Ugly times for equities in the wake of anticipated Brexit 24 June 2016 lows 15115.38 a few moments ago currently 15166.49 -6.6% USDJPY 101.59 with all eyes on the BOJ after lows of 98.97...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост BBC forecasters say Leave have won
News just out ahead of the final results still to come in 24 June 2016 BBC Radio 4 just announcing that the official position of their forecasters is that the UK has voted to Leave the EU. UKIP leader Farage has already made his victory speech...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Another referendum shows how the FX market has completely morphed in the past 20 years
In 1995, Canada's referendum hardly budged the currency market Picture this: Imagine Brexit referendum polls had shown a massive swing towards the Leave side in the final two weeks of the campaign...
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
Комментарий к теме Traders Joking
Traders Joking
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост The Brexit vote is playing out in the market exactly like the Scottish referendum
Comparing the Scottish referendum vote GBP/USD chart to the current one The reason they write playbooks is because history tends to repeat itself. The Scotland vote took place Thursday, Sept 18, 2014: The UK Brexit referendum takes place today: Thursday, June 23, 2016 What next...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост BREAKING Brexit exit poll news!
Livesquawk in conjunction with the Press Association will be conducting a 'turn up, turn out' poll Big big news folks. There are no official exit polls but Livesquawk and the Press Association will be running a form of exit poll...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост EURUSD , GBPUSD , USDJPY and XAUUSD TA – June 23 2016
EURUSD Daily Analysis EURUSD (1.133): EURUSD has reversed its previous losses and remains trading at Monday’s open near 1.13359. Further upside is likely if support is found near 1.130 and the previous minor resistance high at 1...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост UK Referendum: Markets Levels For The Day After – UBS
Here we are. It’s June 23rd and everything is set for the big drama: the EU In/Out Referendum. Here are the levels for the day after, when we will get the results. Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews: In an attempt to reduce the uncertainty, we try to benchmark “levels for the day after”...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост What Could Brexit Mean For The Euro? – Goldman Sachs
It’s always important to remember that a UK exit from the EU is also a blow to the euro. We have seen such reactions and may see them again. The team at Goldman Sachs explains the fate for the euro which may differ between the immediate reaction and the longer lasting one...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Breaking for Bremain? Sterling shines
There is no rest for pollsters nor markets on the eve of the big vote. Two fresh polls show are showing a last moment lean against Leave and for Remain. This is different from the very tight polls released earlier in the day. YouGov shows 51% for Remain and 49% for Leave with no undecideds...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост AUD: What Would Brexit Bring? – NAB
Australia used to be a British colony, but that’s certainly not the reason that a potential Brexit could have on the Aussie dollar...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост EU Referendum Preview: Positioning, Scenarios and Key Results Releases
Brexit or Bremain? This is a question the whole world is asking. If Brits vote to remain in the EU, we could witness a relief rally in the pound, euro, other risk currencies and stock markets. If Brits want out, the pound could plunge, the euro will follow and so will stocks...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Think ‘Remain’, Sell The Yen – SocGen
While the pound is the center of attention ahead of the Brexit vote and the euro will follow the lead, also the safe haven yen has its role...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Brexit polls update: neck to neck – GBP in range
The latest opinion polls by Opinium shows a marginal lead for Leave: 45% against 44%. This is a very small change from the previous poll that showed an even picture of 44%. One can say that it shows no fresh momentum for Remain but a more careful way to look at it shows basically no change...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост USD/JPY: Trading the US New Home Sales
US New Home Sales indicator is released monthly, and provides analysts with important data the health and direction of the housing sector. A higher reading than the market prediction is bullish for the dollar. Here are all the details, and 5 possible outcomes for USD/JPY...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост GBP, JPY: Expected Trading Targets On A Leave / Remain Vote – BTMU
The Brexit / Bremain vote is upon us, with wide ranging implications...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Canadian retail sales look good – USD/CAD slides
The volume of retail sales advanced 0.9% in May, as expected, but on top of an upwards revision worth 0.2% for April. Core sales beat by jumping 1.3%, and also here, it comes on top of an upwards revision of 0.2%. USD/CAD slips under 1.2750. The low so far is 1...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Here's the full schedule for Brexit results
All the areas and estimated verification and count times Here's the expected schedule for the vote counts. Area Estimated time for verification Estimated time for count completion...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост This just in, the Brexit vote decision from one of the Undecideds
As voting gets underway for the EU referendum here's a few thoughts 23 June 2016 Normally in the UK it's customary to reserve the right to privacy when it comes to voting but many here have asked to have the views of the ForexLive UK contingent so here's a few thoughts as to my voting bias when I...