Tang Ou
Оставил отзыв на исполнителя за работу Advance Signal Copy Tool
Banpodj Titipat
Banpodj Titipat 2019.01.05
Dear Tang Ou
Happy New Year
How are you
Could you please tell me you still used EA Pirate? And how about the profit and dd?

I not successful the EA in mql
Could you please recommend some good EA?

Thank in advance
Tang Ou
Оставил отзыв на исполнителя за работу Modify existing EA
Tang Ou
Зарегистрировался в MQL5.community
Chong Seng Lei
Chong Seng Lei 2018.11.09
Hi, I found your review of StoneBreaker. Are you still using or testing it? Can you share how is your experience of this EA?
danmar 2024.02.01
hi Tang Ou , i have currency strength ACS28 good but by group (AUD, CHF, ....) , does Multi Currency True Currency bring really more information with the line for each pairs ? Thank you