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Sergey Golubev
Trading Signals available from Codebase

Alain Verleyen
Комментарий к теме All about MQL5 Wizard : create robots without programming.
Trading Signals available from Codebase. Not provided with standard library, if you want to use one of them, you have to download and install it. From Metaquotes. Trading Signals of Candlestick

Sergey Golubev

Alain Verleyen
All about MQL5 Wizard : create robots without programming.
What is MQL5 Wizard : The MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform includes the MQL5 Wizard , which allows to quickly generate code of an Expert Advisor (Expert Advisor builder). With MQL5 Wizard, knowledge of programming languages is no longer a prerequisite

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 报刊评论
外汇进阶学习∶用随机指标找寻汇价极值点 星期四, 十月 10 2013, 05:46 GMT 上行趋势由渐高的高点及渐高的低点构成,使用随机指标可以找到趋势中的低点支持位入场,获取理想的风险回报比 下行趋势由渐低的高点及渐低的低点构成,使用随机指标可以找到趋势中的高点阻力位入场,获取理想的风险回报比 随机指标对趋势交易中何时拉近止损位,何时减仓及何时平仓有所提示

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Market Condition Evaluation based on standard indicators in Metatrader 5
Forum Press review newdigital , 2013.10.10 07:24 2013-10-09 08:30 GMT (or 10:30 MQ MT5 time| [AUD - Employment Change ] past data is -10.2K, forecast data is 15.0K, actual data is 9.1K according to

Sergey Golubev
Metatrader AppStore - be first to know !

Statistics and Progress of Sales of Products in MetaTrader AppStore - Track Your Results!
MetaTrader AppStore now features extended sales data. Now, the AppStore sellers have access to the visual sales statistics both for all their products and for each application separately. Please note that this data is only available to a product

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Gold is Reaching at 1270
How can we know: correction, or bullish etc (in case of using indicator for example)? well ... let's take AbsoluteStrength indicator from MT5 CodeBase (fixed version of the indicator is on this post

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 报刊评论
驴象之争又一周,柳暗花明何时来 星期三, 十月 09 2013, 08:20 GMT 提供者: GKFX捷凯金融 基本面分析: 自 上周一(9月30日)美国驴象两党就政府预算问题谈判破裂造成美国政府非核心部门关门,已经超过了一周的时间。官员们各自回家抱老婆孩子热炕头,一般民众

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
Indexes continue to sputter on news out of Washington While the indexes continue to sputter on news out of Washington, we continue to focus on the charts and trade with the trend and what we see. As

Sergey Golubev
La victoire des trolls : comment Internet a été abandonné aux tyrans et aux mauvais esprits

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Market Condition Evaluation based on standard indicators in Metatrader 5
The Worlds Best Technical Analysis Traders 4. Ed Seykota The pioneer when it comes to computerized trading systems. Inspired by the work of Richard Donchian he began developing futures trading systems

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Market Condition Evaluation based on standard indicators in Metatrader 5
The Worlds Best Technical Analysis Traders 2. Mark D. Cook Lost all his capital several times while learning to trade including one occasion when he lost more than his entire net worth. In 1982 he

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Market Condition Evaluation based on standard indicators in Metatrader 5
The Worlds Best Technical Analysis Traders 1. Marty Schwartz Originally a stock analyst but got sick of having to write bullish investment advice on overpriced companies. He developed and combined

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
The Lifeblood of the US Economy: The Consumer ============ US Consumer Confidence This is a figure that is produced by the independent economic research organization, The Conference Board. The data is

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
The Lifeblood of the US Economy: The Consumer ============ Advance Retail Sales This is the report probably closest to Non-Farm Payrolls regarding amount of volatility that it may produce, and impact

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
The Lifeblood of the US Economy: The Consumer ============ Non-Farm Payrolls One of the best aspects of the Forex market is that is so accurately reflects how globalization has changed the world. If

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
US shutdown boosts RBI chance to shore up forex cover: BofA-ML MUMBAI: Brokerage firm Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BofA-ML) today said the ongoing US government shutdown is positive for the country

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 报刊评论
淡市短评 星期一, 十月 07 2013, 09:57 GMT 炒客不愿买进美元 新 的一周,市场的主基调依旧是美元弱势。上个礼拜看笔者的稿子相信会有说收获,笔者更希望是思路上的收获。上周谈到会出现获利了结的情况,目前看确实如此。 今天亚洲时段,笔者也在观察,周五的获利回吐是非美多单的惯例操作还是某些机构在暗渡陈仓。今天欧洲盘开始,笔者更倾向仅仅是获利回吐。更多细节有待美股

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Something Interesting in Financial Video October 2013
Understanding Stock Trading Technical Analysis Tutorial w/ the Zecco Zirens This is the first video of a series of short video tutorials to help improve your basic understanding of stock trading. This

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 如何开始学习MQL5
如何创建自己的追踪止损 我认为循规蹈矩是个不错的主意,在我们开始本文的主题前,先再次定义术语“持仓”和“订单”。 持仓 - 是一种交易契约,即某种金融工具买入或卖出数量的合约。一种工具只能有一个持仓。 , 订单 - 经纪人买入或卖出某种金融工具的工具。订单有多种类型:市价单和挂单,以及止损订单(止损和获利)。

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 如何开始学习MQL5
在 MQL5 中创建多色彩指标 我会试着于本文中论证下述主题: 指标基础, 指标的数据缓冲区, 指标的彩色索引缓冲区, 以 RSI 指标为例介绍如何将单色绘制模式转换为多色彩模式(将 DRAW_LINE 绘制风格转换为 DRAW_COLOR_LINE), 如何根据 RSI 指标值为烛形图涂色(采用 DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES 绘制风格), 如何通过彩色索引缓冲区获取值