Sergey Golubev / Профиль

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 如何开始学习MQL5
小型趋势指标、中型趋势指标和主要趋势指标 James Hyerczyk 在其著作 《形态-价格-时间:甘氏理论在交易系统里的运用》 的序言中写道: “我在期货交易上的经验显示,交易人员在他们的分析中太频繁地依赖于形态、价格或时间。他们趋向于在分析中偏重于一种方法,而不是齐头并进、均衡考量。最

Sergey Golubev
How to Order an Expert Advisor and Obtain the Desired Result

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме How to Start with Metatrader 5
How to Order an Expert Advisor and Obtain the Desired Result Contents Verify the Idea , Getting Rid of Illusions , Determine the Goals , Synchronize the Vocabularies , Preparing the Requirement

Sergey Golubev
What is the Pip Cost for Gold and Silver?
Gold: Symbol XAU/USD
The pip cost for 1 ounce of Gold (minimum trade size) is $0.01 per pip.
Silver: Symbol XAG/USD
The pip cost for 50 ounces of Silver (minimum trade size) is $0.50 per pip
Gold: Symbol XAU/USD
The pip cost for 1 ounce of Gold (minimum trade size) is $0.01 per pip.
Silver: Symbol XAG/USD
The pip cost for 50 ounces of Silver (minimum trade size) is $0.50 per pip

Sergey Golubev

Merhaba! MQL5 Reference Is Now Available in Nine Languages Including Turkish!
Over the past six months, MQL5 Reference has been translated into Italian and Portuguese , and now it has also become available in Turkish. You can download the Reference right now from MetaTrader 5 terminal or Docs section of Millions of

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 如何开始学习MQL5
基于交易模块创建多个 EA 交易 MetaTrader 5 客户端的技术能力及其策略测试程序确定了多币种交易系统的工作和测试。为 MetaTrader 4 开发此类系统之所以很复杂,首先是因为其受制于 MetaTrader 4 无法对多个交易工具根据订单号逐一同步测试的事实。此外,鉴于 MQL4 语言有限的语言资源,也不允许组织复杂的数据结构以及进行有效的数据管理。 随着 MQL5

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Indicators: RSI HTF
Trading RSI (based on dailyfx article ) The Relative Strength Index can be an extremely versatile indicator, Like any other indicator, it will never be perfectly predictive, Three ways of trading with

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Something Interesting to Read January 2014
When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management by Roger Lowenstein A scintillating narrative of how one of the darlings of the hedge fund world rose and how it fell. A reminder

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 报刊评论
外汇进阶学习:淡定交易,愉快投资 星期二, 一月 07 2014, 06:58 GMT “接受亏损是最重要的投资理念,它确保资本的安全。” ——杰拉德·勒伯(华尔街投资大师) 你会从盈利的外汇交易者身上找适用於你的交易方法,这很正常。因为,如果你看到Rob Pasche用CCI赚了钱,显然这是个好方法,不是么?但既然CCI这么好用,Gregory

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
AUDUSD Technical Analysis (based on dailyfx article ) Prices are starting to rise as expected after showing a Morning Star candle pattern, Resistance is at 0.9041 (23.6% Fib); above that targets

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 有趣,有趣的
Top Baidu 邓紫棋(G.E.M.),中国香港著名年轻唱作歌手,流行乐坛新天后。生于上海,4岁移居香港定居,在家人的薰陶下,自小便热爱音乐。5岁时已开始尝试作曲及填词,13岁便完成了8级钢琴。其英文名G.E.M.是Get Everybody

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме 如何开始学习MQL5
William Blau 的 MQL5 指标与交易系统。第一部分:指标 本文的第一部分 - <William Blau 的 MQL5 指标与交易系统。第一部分:指标>,是对技术指标与摆动指标的描述,详见 William Blau 下述书中内容 《动量、方向和背离》 。 本文中所述之技术指标与摆动指标,均作为 MQL5 语言中的源代码呈现,且已附到归档文件

Sergey Golubev

Rafael Antonio
Estratégias/Trade Systems
Abri este tópico para que a gente possa conversar um pouco sobre estratégias, trade systems bons, métodos, assim como também compartilhar conhecimento sobre Forex e Mercados de Capitais em geral.... ÍNDICE GERAL DE TODAS AS POSTAGENS Postagem

Sergey Golubev
поделился статьей автора СанСаныч Фоменко
Анализ статистических характеристик индикаторов

В техническом анализе широко используются индикаторы, которые преобразовывают исходные котировки в "более ясную" форму, по которой трейдер проводит анализ и дает прогноз движения цен на рынке. Очевидно, что без ответа на вопросы о допустимости преобразования исходных котировок, а также доверия к полученному результату, бессмысленно использовать индикаторы и, тем более, строить на их основе торговые системы. В данной статье показывается, что для такого вывода имеются серьезные основания.

Sergey Golubev
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer expected to be a keynote speaker at consumer electronics show in Las Vegas amid a hectic week for company and economic news

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
Week Ahead: Mayer, Malone & Slew Of Market-Moving News (based on Forbes article ) The first full trading week of 2014 brings a slew of company and economic news that is potentially sensitive for

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Something Interesting to Read January 2014
Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis The time was the 1980s. The place was Wall Street. The game was called Liar’s Poker. Michael Lewis was fresh out of Princeton and the London School of Economics when he

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
Technical Analysis for AUDUSD (adapted from dailyfx article ) Fundamental Forecast for Australian Dollar: Bullish Stable RBA Outlook, Supportive Chinese News-Flow to Help Aussie Recover , Firm US Data

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
Technical Analysis for GOLD (adapted from dailyfx article ) Gold May Fall on Fed Outlook as Crude Oil Bounces on Inventory Data Gold prices are markedly higher this week with the precious metal

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Press review
Majors (adapted from dailyfx article ) Foreign exchange rates are quoted in pairs, The Majors, refer to actively traded Forex currencies, Major Pairs reference major currencies coupled with the USD
