Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
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Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
My signals are "out of business", the USD weak and a market that appear so strong not permit to me to come back. But i continue with the analysis, news, update... because i'm proud to be present everytime, also if now my personal situation is horrible. -->
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
So the situation is this: for the umpteenth time the news has fooled me, badly. What was supposed to be the news that pulled the dollar up a bit and finally brought our GBPUSD and EURUSD pairs to more manageable values, came out very badly, with a collapse of the dollar and a jump of almost 0.5% up for the couples. The DD is critical and the 1,000 euros are not enough to manage the crisis. I then increased the Net FX accounts by 500 euros/dollars.
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli 2024.07.11
I know it sucks, that you'll hate me now, that I could have done better. I know it and we will think about it later, when, sooner or later, I remove myself from this disastrous situation. There's no point in rhetoric, if it makes you feel better send me to hell, but the situation I found myself in is certainly not exclusive to me. Now please, if you can, load the bill!
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
I'm in difficult this time with my net fx signal. I'm checking and try to solve but the market don't collaborate with the movement and I can't control it. On my channel telegram I describe the situation at least two time per day in this period. 34% of DD is crazy, I know and don't like. Many other trader bust their account in this days, surprise from a huge movement of the pair, specially GBPUSD. Tomorrow also, there are news high impact. We need to think out of schemes this time. See your tomorrow
Niccolo Tirelli Опубликовал MetaTrader 5 сигнал
Ancient Disagreements
Цена: 30 USD, Прирост: -49.22%
Почему древние разногласия? Потому что пара EUR AUD (которая вместе с EURCAD составляет этот сигнал) в прошлом, также из-за моей наивности в ручной торговле, привела меня к сожжению важного счета и одной из моих первых ручных стратегий, которые я запустил. И поэтому не потребовалось много времени, чтобы дать такое название этому сигналу, состоящему из автоматической торговли, но при необходимости всегда контролируемому и опосредованному вручную. Редкие входы с высоким фильтром, широкой сеткой и
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
Yesterday really few operations because the market need to "breathe" Join to my channel for my opinions, operations or communications about my signals or idea -->
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
I don't even comment on the movement generated. Once the news has passed, there is a lateralization that at this point I don't know whether to be happy about. Obviously there was no interest in starting the price decline on Friday. What is certain is that this movement took away 1% of my profit, nothing serious, but it keeps us standing with the DD high for my tastes. GBPUSD, on the other hand, was worse, going up and giving very little inspiration to go down. He too did not react (or can we say that the lack of further surge is a reaction?) Here too Future overbought, very high indicators. Obviously DXY wants to close Friday with the low of the week to make sense of all this inexorable rise in prices. In summary: EURO Futures +1.32% in the week. GBP Futures +1.37%. Dollar all red daily candles -1%
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
IMPORTANT: remember that if you start to copy ANY signal, for example now, the system will open ALL positions that be open in the master account. So, now, if you start copy a Net FX family signal, you find in your account like 20 operations at current price! So, what can be happen? That if the market is against, all positions start to be in DD simultaneously. If the market start to go in my positions direction, a lot of profit for you immediately. Be careful, can be a strategy some time...
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
Not an easy Friday. In few days the DXY fall for many negative news, and EURUSD and GBPUSD raise a lot. Me and other trader, I saw, are "pro dollar" and now we have different positions opened short with that pairs. Not so good wait an important data like NFP with this situations. Personally I'm not happy to engage in this situation and sure not wait the market help me, never happened!
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
The incredible sequence of negative news for the dollar (and for us) is making me glued to the charts. Three rounds of news and not one that provided the information expected in the calendar, let alone positive. In a few hours the market gained three and a half and 1 percentage point of value, with EURUSD at +0.7%, GBPUSD +0.8% and the DXY leaving over 0.6% on the chart.
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
And this is one of the best reward that I can ask. This kind of message from people that understand the sense of all work, my personal targets reach, the experience done, the lost and win can be resume here. Day after day I improve myself. I'm the best? no. I'm perfect? No. But I put my all into it, yes
Niccolo Tirelli
Новости о сигнале Silent Hill

I removed the "TEST" from the name. I think that this strategy is good to copy, but how I write in the description, only to divide the risk with another signal. Not use as primary signal

Niccolo Tirelli
Новости о сигнале Silent Hill

At the beginning of the month, we resume the Silent Hill case study. Why case study? Because I have brought this "non-signal" to the channel since the beginning, when it was still in the testing phase. I remember with technical, but not financial, interest, when not even published, after backtests etc. etc., it immediately took a blunder that skipped all the cases contemplated so far which led to the triggering of the critical stop (by critical stop I mean that CURRENCY stop which I now include

Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
I'm so sorry for who haven't renew my signal... today really big profit (2% TODAY) and a more reduction of DD. Normally I not say nothing about my result, specially if is a "win", but, after a long period of hard work is a pleasure for the soul can say "Ok Nick, today good game" and hope is a good faith for the next days!
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
Net FX KTM, twin of Net Trading Scalp, 9,8% of profit, maybe for condition from the broker, the commission is bit high or it's enought that the spread some time transform an operation with small profit in loss.. Every broker can give a different result. Sure, if you in the entire month have a big difference with me, contact to study togheter your situation. I'm always happy to help you
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
I'm really happy about my only manual signal "Net Trading Scalp". I recevied only review weak, but maybe were people not so much .... expert. The summary is fast: bit more than 10% of profit in the month, and the problem with DD from 28% to 12%.
Niccolo Tirelli
Новости о сигнале NetBot EU GU

NetBot EU GU is back!!! thanks to my new best friend that resolve the issue with meta trader 4 and the BOT. Before stop there are: 39% of profit from 8 march to 7 June and max DD 18%

Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
All accounts Net FX strategies now have balance 1.000 (EUR or USD same). Check your balance if copy me to be sure about the size
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
AHAHAHAHAHA, after the users (everybody super expert of trading sure) who try for one week and send senteces for my strategies, the winner is this one: i loss too much with gold! My last trade with XAUUSD was the 11 january 2024 (in profit). I hope it is only a mistake.

Pleasy, anybody a bit happy with my strategy that want left a honest review? I not pretend 5 stars, but not think to be a 1 star only...
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
For all Net FX signal: today or tomorrow I'll reset my balance to 1.000 (EUR or USD is same).
So, remember that is MQL5 that calculate the proportions, so, if you look that I have the position with 0.02 size and you same but 0.01 size, MAYBE, is because you have LESS balance. It's instead really important to have BIT more balance to me. And if you work in USD and follow my account in EUR, remember the exchange...
ximijin1314 2024.06.28
How can I contact you?
Niccolo Tirelli
Niccolo Tirelli
I'm working on many things together. I have some EA's cooking, I'm trying some insta funding services, in the meantime obviously I trade for my Net FX signals (Net TRading FX Scalp - Net FX KTM - net FX USD). But today I laid the first stone on an idea that has seen me studying and trying many different things for months. Curious? Follow this channel so you don't miss clues and new rumors. -->