Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
  • Financial Software Engineer/Developer and Floor Trader в Capital Trade and Investment
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6+ лет
опыт работы
Financial Software Engineer/Developer and Floor Trader в Capital Trade and Investment
Финансовый инженер-программист / разработчик и трейдер на полу
Опытный трейдер с хорошими знаниями.
Я проводил еженедельный, ежедневный анализ, 4 часа и 1 час временного анализа.
Весь мой анализ проводится в начале каждой сессии, в середине каждой сессии, чтобы иметь представление о том, куда движется тренд.
Обычно я ищу волны Эллиота, мои профессии основаны на анализе волн Эллиота.
Я применяю свою собственную уникальную стратегию, основанную на всех знаниях, которые я получил за эти годы.

Если бы г-н Сунь Цзы был трейдером, он бы сказал следующее:

Все сделки основаны на обмане.

Знай себя, знай свой рынок. Тысяча профессий, тысяча побед.

Высшим искусством торговли является покорение рынка без борьбы.

Если вы знаете рынок и знаете себя, вам не нужно бояться результатов ста торгов.

Возможности умножаются по мере их захвата.

Стратегия без тактики - это самый медленный путь к победе. Тактика без стратегии - это шум перед поражением.

Победоносные торговцы сначала изучают / изучают рынок, а затем идут на торги, в то время как побежденные трейдеры открывают торги сначала, а затем стремятся победить.

Знай свой рынок и знай сам, и ты можешь сразиться сотней торгов без катастрофы.

Следовательно, сражаться и побеждать во всех ваших профессиях не является высшим совершенством; Высшее превосходство заключается в нарушении сопротивления рынка без боевых действий.

Чтобы выиграть сто побед в сто профессиях, это не мастерство. Преодолеть рынок без боя - это умение.
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet"
Goodbye Stephen Hawking. Thank you"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet"

Goodbye Stephen Hawking. Thank you
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
Big respect for this man's theorem :-)
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
Master Plan: Mr Bot :-) hint and enjoy, the multiplication of joy
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
Park bench, sea, mountain, lake, cloud sky, enjoy your time out nature will help you relax :-)
Vladimir Gerasymchuk
Vladimir Gerasymchuk 2019.06.05
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
Sometime you need to go out and relax when the market is not moving or when there is no clear interpretation, take a long walk and enjoy nature.
923642111 2018.03.10
Lol for volatility at all
Vladimir Gerasymchuk
Vladimir Gerasymchuk 2019.08.16
very good
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме Forecast and levels for Cryptocurrencies
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies Press review Sergey Golubev , 2018.02.23 17:28 Crypto News - Bill To Legalize Blockchain Data Introduced In California State
Super, MetaQuotes moving forward with innovation.
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Комментарий к теме How to Start with Metatrader 5
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies PSB-Forex offers MetaTrader 5 to traders MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.02.13 11:52 The services of the licensed bank
Akamai Technologies provides MetaTrader 5 brokers with extra protection against DDoS attacks
We have added the functionality of using third-party Anti-DDoS services. The new Anti DDoS Proxy Server component, allows brokers to shift the burden of blocking unwanted connections, to a third-party 4vendor's server network. When using an Anti DDoS
Chris Mukengeshayi
Оставил отзыв на исполнителя за работу Modification of EA system
Chris Mukengeshayi
Оставил отзыв на исполнителя за работу Modification of system
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
The best things in life are free.
The best place to hide something really amazing is in plain sight :-)
Prudence prevents me from saying where.

Thanks to all who have contributed to MQL5, thanks to those who are still contributing to this MQL5 community.
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
Bitcoin sky rocketing :-) since 4 hour ago
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
If Mr Sun Tzu was a trader he would have said the following:

All trades are based on deception.

Know thy self, know thy market. A thousand trades, a thousand victories.

The supreme art of trading is to subdue the market without fighting.

If you know the market and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred trades.

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Victorious traders study/learn the market first and then go trades, while defeated traders open trades first and then seek to win.

Know your market and know yourself and you can fight a hundred trades without disaster.

Hence to fight and conquer in all your trades is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the market's resistance without fighting.

For to win one hundred victories in one hundred trades is not the acme of skill. To subdue the market without fighting is the acme of skill.
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
The concept of being more of a technical Trader, there will be no more fear, get in take and pull out.
Chris Mukengeshayi
Оставил отзыв на исполнителя за работу Create EA base on Jap
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
What is best? using an EA in order to be stress free or trade manual and being constantly checking the market every time and get some stress when one start to see that the market goes a bit against you and bounce back in you favor?
Ever since I tested some good system not that excellent 5 star of a system, I became a big fanatic of EA, some EA are more than excellent when they can win 7/10 trade in a day of 15/20 in 2 days. Once more I learn some EA need to be switched off some hour before new and switched on couple of hours after the news, that is a great experience.

but there come some time that fear to actually test some of those EA on live account, although some times you might see that price on demo and live have no difference but the way market can be slow/flat it can start make you thinking too much :-)

I will give them some try on the live when I get a bit confident.
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi
Though they never ask but you can understand, empower them through education