Anton Voropaev
Anton Voropaev
Into business
Anton Voropaev
Gold is still trading weaker with investors bracing for the hike as soon as September. However, ETF Securities' Mike McGlone talks about investor outflows in gold and other precious metals. Is it time for a short covering rally in gold...
Anton Voropaev
Gold is still trading weaker with investors bracing for the hike as soon as September. However, this analyst consider a short rally is quite possible in the second half of the year...
Anton Voropaev
There is much potential for silver as the market continues to see broad-based demand despite the recent price weakness, says the Silver Institute...
Anton Voropaev
Since 2009's $1,000, gold prices have been pushed by bulls, trending higher to $1,500 in mid-2011...
Anton Voropaev
"With the adjustment in U.S. real interest rates and the U.S. dollar still incomplete, the market should prepare for new lows ahead,” analysts from Deutsche Bank said in a report. The bank also notes plunging oil may lend support to gold...
Anton Voropaev
Peter Hug, global trading CEO at Kitco Metals, who one week ago predicted a 5% drop was close, is now being interviewed by Kitco News. He says the psychological level for gold may be of a $1000 an ounce...
Anton Voropaev
In an interview with Kitco News, Frank Holmes, the head of U.S. Global Investors, has discussed the recent drop in the prices of gold suggesting it was a major player dumping the metal...
Anton Voropaev
Wednesday marked wider losses for gold which was steady near five-year lows. However, the chart below suggests the yellow metal is not the biggest loser across the commodities sector...
Anton Voropaev
A couple of days ago commodity editor at The Telegraph Andrew Critchlow wrote a quite controversial article on what may happen to Australia in case of a further commodities crash. The reaction of Australian analysts was stormy...
Anton Voropaev
Although gold has consolidated above $1,100 an ounce Tuesday, its recent plunge is still a fresh memory which hardly promises a surge in the short-term. Analysts, however, do not consider the recent decline to linger...
Anton Voropaev
In recent days, oil prices have undergone something like a perfect storm with the Greek crisis, Iran nuclear deal, strong dollar as well as Saudi production - all weighing on this commodity. However, several banks are not in a hurry to change their upbeat outlook. Let us have a look...
Anton Voropaev
Gold dropped to multi-month lows after the release of fresh data from the U.S. Department of Labor, and as Fed's Yellen reiterated the central bank was on track to raising rates. However, some analysts see gold's plunge as an excellent buying opportunity, and Kitco News interviews one of them...
Anton Voropaev
Kitco News is interviewing CME Group’s senior economist Erik Norland on his prediction on what direction gold will take in the second half of the year...
Anton Voropaev

ECB data: Investment is back in EU

14 июля 2015, 15:47
Even with interest rates in the EU at record lows, companies have been cautious to finance their future goals with bank loans. After all, we've just overcome a debt crisis. However, that may be changing, says ECB data...
Anton Voropaev
Eurozone leaders agreed on a third bailout for the cash-strapped country early Monday. European stock markets surged on the back of a deal, while the initial euro rally quickly faded. Analysts now reflect on what markets should expect now that the deal is reached...
Anton Voropaev
"Control over the gold price is exercised in New York and London, leaving China at the mercy of those two centers." Julian Phillips,
Anton Voropaev
Today's headlines will tell you what's going on in China: the country is in a classic speculative bubble that has been popped. Since June 18th, China lost about $5 trillion in value...
Anton Voropaev
The world's oldest currency, gold, said "So what" to Greece's "No". The yellow metal regained some ground on short covering. But what’s holding gold back...
Anton Voropaev
Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced a referendum to be held on July 5 so that the citizens could vote whether they accept further cuts suggested by creditors or not...
Anton Voropaev
Such factors as Greek turmoil, approaching Fed rate liftoff or potential closing of U.S. capital markets are not sufficient to threaten junk-rated companies, according to analysts at Goldman Sachs...