Sergey Ershov
Sergey Ershov
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Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Despite the decline in the GDP data, the US dollar has felt pretty confident this week...
Sergey Ershov
At the end of this March, the broker company NordFX has made another improvement in trading conditions, significantly reducing spreads and transaction costs, thanks to which the company's clients have received new additional opportunities to increase their income...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The Federal Reserve has left the interest rate unchanged, at 2.5%, and is no longer going to raise it this year. The Fed also lowered its forecasts for US GDP and inflation and raised the unemployment forecast for 2019-2021...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The pair collapsed on Thursday, March 7, after the ECB announced that it was not worth waiting for the increase in interest rates this autumn. The earliest when this can happen is 2020...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. В четверг 07 марта пара рухнула после заявления ЕЦБ о том, что не стоит ждать повышения процентных ставок осенью нынешнего года. Самое раннее, когда это может произойти, – 2020 год...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. For the first half of the week, the euro was growing due to expectations that the UK’s exit from the EU will be postponed indefinitely. The pair rose above the center line of the medium-term corridor 1.1300-1.1500...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Первую половину недели евро рос благодаря ожиданиям того, что выход Великобритании из ЕС будет отложен на неопределенный срок. Пара поднялась выше центральной линии среднесрочного коридора 1.1300-1.1500...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. For almost the entire week, the pair stayed where it had been repeatedly a week, a month, and two or three months ago. Apart from the rare short-term breakthroughs, the pair cannot break out of the medium-term corridor 1.1300-1.1500...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Практически всю неделю пара пребывала там, где уже неоднократно оказывалась и неделю, и месяц, и два-три месяца назад. Не считая редких кратковременных пробоев, пара никак не может вырваться за границы среднесрочного коридора 1...
Sergey Ershov
The brokerage company NordFX traditionally took part at the specialized Forex expo, Traders' Fair-2019, which was held in mid-February in the capital and the largest city of Thailand, Bangkok...
Sergey Ershov
На специализированной форекс-выставке Traders’ Fair-2019, которая прошла в середине февраля в столице и самом крупном городе Таиланда – Бангкоке, традиционно приняла участие и брокерская компания NordFX...
Sergey Ershov
O Hat trick é a conquista de uma proeza positiva três vezes num jogo...
Sergey Ershov
Hat trick is the achievement of a positive feat three times in a game...
Sergey Ershov
Хет-трик (от англ. hat trick) – три гола, забитые одним игроком за один матч...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Recall that the expert community was not able to form a more or less definite opinion on the movement of this pair last week. This was due to the lack of clarity on both Brexit and the US-China negotiations...
Sergey Ershov
Starting from early February UKOIL.c (Crude Oil Brent CFD-contracts) and five CFD-indices have been added to the list of trading instruments offered by NordFX, including: - DJ30.c (Dow Jones 30, a stock index covering 30 major US corporations), - US500...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. One of the development scenarios, supported, however, by only 30% of experts, suggested a decline of the pair to the lower border of the medium-term side channel 1.1300-1.1500...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. In general, the week has not brought any surprises. No one had expected a rate increase at this FOMC meeting, but investors had been worried about the comments of the Fed management on plans for 2019...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. "The "pigeon" rhetoric of ECB Head Mario Draghi during his speech on Thursday January 24 for some time knocked over the pair to the lower border of the medium-term side channel 1.1300-1.1500...