Ali Waqas Ahmad
Ali Waqas Ahmad
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Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A very good indicator  for Experienced and Professional Traders. A practical approach to trading. Easy to understand. A helping tool for traders looking for price movements . Signals: Signal Number 1: When yellow line which is a signal line  crossing the zero line  towards downward direction is  a selling opportunity. Signal Number 2: When yellow line which is a signal line  crossing the zero line  towards upward direction is  a buying opportunity

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A very good indicator for experienced and professional traders . A practical approach to trading. Easy to understand. A helping tool for traders looking for price movements . Signals: Signal Number 1: When yellow line which is a signal line  crossing the zero line  towards downward direction is  a selling opportunity. Signal Number 2: When yellow line which is a signal line  crossing the zero line  towards upward direction is  a buying opportunity

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A technical Indicator Providing Price Convergence Signals along with value for experienced and professional traders. Easy to comprehend, Easy to understand.  This is a helping tool provides best signals. This indicator is designed based on the fundamentals of trade. A very good indicator you can customized its color. A best tool to find trade direction. An adaptive indicator. It constantly adapts to the trade

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A basic tool for experienced and professional traders to trade percentile of the value. It indicates both values in the form of digits appeared on the left corner of the screen. Instructions Manual : First choose your desired symbol and then select this tool. Please be remined that this tool is just a helping tool. its upon trader what he chooses. The function of this tool  is just to provide a help in trading. 

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A value indicator. It is helping tool to indicate the direction of value gain. A best helping tool to trade value. This indicator is equipped with a colored line and a digital tool to indicate value numerically . This indicator also helps to indicate value during trends. A study based on this indicator shows value of trade significantly changes during trends best tool to chase the trends

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A very Simple Indicator for experienced and professional traders. It indicates direction of trade and provides signals of best deals. Signal is referred here a point on chart where indicator line turns its direction or converges. This indicator finds underlaying trading asset trade direction and indicates best scenarios of trade as described in screenshots. Where it has run for a period of time and converges to best deal scenarios.       Have a Look

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A Good , Easy , Readable and handy indicator for experienced and professional traders. It gives bounded signals between zero and one. Easy for investors to comprehend. It gives near and longer trading outlook to investors and helps them to find good opportunities. Indicator gives zero signal on price downturns and signal value equals to one on price upturns.   Once again a new type of indicator and rangebound between zero and one

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A basic tool for traders to trade percentile of the value. It indicates both values in the for of digits appeared on the left corner of the screen. Instructions Manual : First choose your desired symbol and then select this tool. Please be remined that this tool is just a helping tool. its upon trader what he chooses. The function of this tool  is just to provide a help in trading. 

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

Best helping tool for Professional and Experienced traders. A best Tool To find the trend.  Instruction Manual: First Select your desired Symbol. Then attach this tool and wait till it identify the trend for you. Then it will be more feasible to trade. Once again best tool to trade. Demo version is available you can fully test its functionality. More importantly there are always trend breaks Once Trend break is observed un-attach this tool and then re-attach to get the fresh trend

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A value indicator for experienced and professional traders. It is helping tool to indicate the direction value gain. A best helping tool to trade value. This indicator is equipped with a colored line and a digital tool to indicate value numerically . This indicator also helps to indicate value during trends. A study based on this indicator shows value of trade significantly changes during trends best tool to cash the trends

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

A technical Indicator Providing Price Convergence Signals along with value for experienced and professional traders. Easy to comprehend, Easy to understand.  This is a helping tool provides best signals. This indicator is designed based on the fundamentals of trade. A very good indicator you can customized its color. A best tool to find trade direction. An adaptive indicator. It constantly adapts to the trade

Ali Waqas Ahmad

Expert Price Oscillator

26 июля 2022, 18:01
Please be introduced with Expert Price Oscillator giving signals of trend Breaks run on 15 minutes timeframe. For mor information and Knowledge you can download its demo version from my profile. Have a good day...
Ali Waqas Ahmad
Please be introduced with new Oscillator Expert Price Oscillator having run on 15 Minutes Timeframe. For more knowledge of it you can download demo version from my profile. Have a good day! This indicator is oscillating between zero and one . Best points to enter and exit the trade...
Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

Новый тип индикатора. Специально разработан для определения тренда. Отличный инструмент для инвесторов, чтобы инвестировать в нужное и подходящее время для достойной торговли. Вы можете представить его своим потенциальным клиентам и клиентам для их удовлетворения. Очень удобный и модный инструмент. Легко читается, воспринимается и удобна в использовании. С помощью этого инструмента вы можете легко определить потенциальные точки для входа в торговлю и точки с низким потенциалом для выхода. Удачи

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

Хороший, легкий, читаемый и удобный индикатор. Он дает ограниченные сигналы между нулем и единицей. Легко для понимания инвесторами. Это дает инвесторам близкую и долгосрочную торговую перспективу и помогает им находить хорошие возможности. Индикатор дает нулевой сигнал при снижении цены и значение сигнала равное единице при росте цены. Еще раз новый тип индикатора и диапазон между нулем и единицей

Ali Waqas Ahmad Выставил продукт

Очень простой индикатор. Он указывает направление торговли и подает сигналы о лучших сделках. Под сигналом здесь обозначают точку на графике, где линия индикатора поворачивает свое направление или сходится. Этот индикатор находит направление сделок актива и указывает лучшие сценарии сделок, как описано на скриншотах. Где он работает в течение определенного времени и сходится к сценариям наилучшей сделки. 

Ali Waqas Ahmad
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