83 недели
398 / 2.2M USD
прирост с 2022 4 756%
Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь и получите доступ к текущим сделкам поставщика
  • Средства
  • Просадка
Всего трейдов:
1 657
Прибыльных трейдов:
1 620 (97.76%)
Убыточных трейдов:
37 (2.23%)
Лучший трейд:
122.50 USD
Худший трейд:
-15.55 USD
Общая прибыль:
1 658.02 USD (143 561 pips)
Общий убыток:
-177.66 USD (16 123 pips)
Макс. серия выигрышей:
442 (284.46 USD)
Макс. прибыль в серии:
489.07 USD (156)
Коэффициент Шарпа:
Торговая активность:
Макс. загрузка депозита:
Последний трейд:
39 минут
Трейдов в неделю:
Ср. время удержания:
2 дня
Фактор восстановления:
Длинных трейдов:
879 (53.05%)
Коротких трейдов:
778 (46.95%)
Профит фактор:
Мат. ожидание:
0.89 USD
Средняя прибыль:
1.02 USD
Средний убыток:
-4.80 USD
Макс. серия проигрышей:
12 (-100.30 USD)
Макс. убыток в серии:
-100.30 USD (12)
Прирост в месяц:
Годовой прогноз:
Просадка по балансу:
0.00 USD
100.30 USD (8.49%)
Отноcительная просадка:
По балансу:
19.14% (100.30 USD)
По эквити:
66.50% (385.42 USD)


Символ Сделки Sell Buy
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
Символ Общая прибыль, USD Убыток, USD Прибыль, USD
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K
Символ Общая прибыль, pips Убыток, pips Прибыль, pips
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
  • Загрузка депозита
  • Просадка
Лучший трейд: +122.50 USD
Худший трейд: -16 USD
Макс. серия выигрышей: 156
Макс. серия проигрышей: 12
Макс. прибыль в серии: +284.46 USD
Макс. убыток в серии: -100.30 USD

Среднее проскальзывание на основе статистики исполнения на реальных счетах разных брокеров указано в пунктах. Зависит от разницы между котировками поставщика с "RoboMarkets-Pro" и подписчика, а также от задержек в исполнении ордеров. Чем меньше значение, тем лучше качество копирования.

0.00 × 1
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 1
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 74
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 1
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 128
0.00 × 14
0.00 × 190
0.00 × 23
0.00 × 38
0.00 × 5
0.00 × 12
0.00 × 77
0.00 × 16
0.00 × 11
0.00 × 1
0.00 × 4
0.00 × 1
0.00 × 2
0.00 × 36
еще 151...
Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь и получите доступ к текущим сделкам поставщика

Planned yield 10-15%.  Maximum number of orders in a series 7

Used leverage 1/6.

Recommended Broker

Medium-term trading system on volumes. I also use intraday scalping

Before subscribing to the signal please be aware of the risks

I close losing trades with my hands

Recommended deposit for subscription $250, always be aware of the risks of trading - scalping - there is a limitation of risk

My Telegram Channel

If you have never subscribed to signals before, be sure to check out this article:

Средняя оценка:
Mohamed Piro
Mohamed Piro 2024.07.18 22:04 

Scam, and horrible signal. Give me back my money you don't deserve it, shame on you!!!

Hassan Sefiani
Hassan Sefiani 2024.07.18 11:04 

After experience, I do not recommend it. Do not commit to anything related to financial or risk management. Only one thing matters to her is maintaining a high success rate, but the subscribers' money that is at stake is the last thing she can worry about

Shamsun Nahar
Shamsun Nahar 2024.07.17 12:28 

Very bad trader. Zero knowledge in trading. Please do not follow.

Trader42 2024.07.17 11:57  (изменен 2024.07.17 11:58) 

Elvira doesn't follow the rules she mentioned in the description. Doubled the risks and positioned herself against the trend without any exit strategy. She absolutely doesn't listen to any feedback and blames everyone commenting her trade. Once this account is in 65% drawdown, she offers subscribers another signal now. There is no trust anymore for this provider, and having 600 subscribers and 4M under management (only on this platform) doesn't guarantee anything. Don't be fooled by this and analyse entires and money-management better. There were some signs before that she will end up in an unpleasant situation. I was just too naive to trust the solid performance in the past for about 1.5 years.

GUIDO ESCALONA 2024.07.17 11:37 


steveohana 2024.07.16 20:52 

Here is how ZA achieved 90%+ win rate:

1. Open any type of trade.

2. If it goes in your direction, good for you.

3. If it goes against you, wait. No matter the drawdown, just wait.

What is sickening is that she opens MASSIVE short positions RIGHT NEAR CLEAR SUPPORT LEVEL. And then she waited. Till it is now 55% drawdown.

The more disgusting fact is that opening massive short positions at support was exactly how she crashed another signal (90% drawdown) of hers just 1 month before. Right after that incident, she proceeded to use the same stupid strategy to crash this signal.

She post her winning trades in the Telegram chat group EVERYDAY, but when this incident occurred, she just proceeded to ignore everybody asking for advice. Even scolding and threatening those who questioned her.

Totally stupid strategy: massive shorting at support levels???

Totally zero ability to learn from her mistakes.

Totally zero ability to take feedback.

Extremely rude to her subscribers.

Please subscribe if you want massive shorting at support levels and an infinite stop loss.

Kai Urs Friedr Starke Naumann
Kai Urs Friedr Starke Naumann 2024.07.16 11:48 

unfortunatly I can't extend my subscription as it is not allowed by mql.

How will I get your signal, then?

Bluetradissimo 2024.07.13 12:28  (изменен 2024.07.15 05:22) 

Hello, sorry to everyone who is in the same boat here.

Could have been such a nice system, around 10-15% plus per month with low drawdown….

I am a beginner and not a good trader, hence me subscribing to systems - but I once made myself a “mental rule”: using the example of GBPUSD, lets assume I felt that GBPUSD was “too high” and I opened a short position, but then GBPUSD kept rising, I then opened a 2nd or possibly 3rd short position… but it still kept rising that I then had to seriously ask me – certainly after the 3rd short - if I was on the wrong side of the trend and I need to open LONG positions instead?! - Shame that she never followed that kind of principle!! She has now 12 positions against the trend! in the past – I felt – that she had been on several occasions very lucky with her opening positions against the existing trend, - then there was release of economic news and GBPUSD suddenly reversed and traded in the direction of her positions.

I suspended subscription / unsubscribed as I have no idea what she is going to do next, perhaps even open more positions against the trend?? close most positions at a big loss?? according to other comments on her telegram channel (I am not on telegram) it seems she is emotionally quite fragile, not a good place to be for us to have confidence in her judgment. she should just either do nothing and hoping that GBPUSD will reverse, perhaps even add long positions, as GBPUSD might rise further - and hope for a reversal?

One would hope that in the next weeks/ months there would be a reversal, so at least we can exit with break-even. Hopefully GBPUSD wont rise much further, but then it might….

Lolotica 2024.07.13 11:22 

I think Elvira feeling upset, the more negative comments the more her emotion out of control. We should sympathize and comfort her, after all, she is human being and managing 10 different signals, everyone can choose to cut losses and stop signals. I think Elvira will make the right and responsible decision to more than 500 people staying with her. If you don't support her in difficult times, then do you deserve it in times of profit?

Cunpa 2024.07.13 04:14 

This signal is in the largest drawdown it has ever faced and many people are scared of losing their accounts. Elvira has been dead silent and has not provided any update to reassure her subscribers. In fact, she even deleted the entire history of the discussion group. Many trading rules have been violated, there are 12 open orders when the description states that there would be a max of 7. If you had used the recommended deposit of $250, your account would have blown by now. There is an uptrend on GBPUSD, and Elvira keeps adding more and more positions as the drawdown increases. I really hope the signal can recover, but I wish the author was better at communicating with the subscribers, especially since so many people have their money and accounts on the line.

Hammam Hallani
Hammam Hallani 2024.07.13 00:11 

I am very disappointed. you are a good trader but you earn 5 pips against hundreds of pips drawdown. Also, you open many positions at very close price. I hope this experience will help you to improve in the future.

Josef Franz
Josef Franz 2024.07.12 22:14 

Elvira - just be ok and do your best - I wish the best for all of us … I think you can find the way - even it can last a little longer … we believe in you and we can wait - now just survive somehow and than we can recover …

reza hrh
reza hrh 2024.07.12 21:21  (изменен 2024.07.12 21:25) 

In the telegram channel she threaten people that :"IF YOU WRITE NEGATIVE COMMENTS I WILL MARGIN CALL YOU" .

she is a liar person who just think about her profit and even do not stand her principles...

James Tan
James Tan 2024.07.12 21:12 

Failed to keep to trading principles and never planned ahead when it came to knowing the UK elections were coming up.

Richard Mitraud
Richard Mitraud 2024.07.12 20:21  (изменен 2024.07.12 20:43) 

A Elvira foi uma excelente trader durante um ano e meio. Ela teve bons resultados no início, mas neste último mês mudou sua estratégia, cometendo um erro de decisão em uma operação, o que é normal neste mercado.

No entanto, ela não soube lidar com a pressão e ser humilde com seus clientes.

Minha orientação para ela é que não mude a estratégia de abrir mais de 7 ordens. Se for necessário, feche algumas delas com resultados negativos e espere um tempo antes de recomeçar as operações. Elvira, tenha mais calma ao falar com seus clientes!

Não há necessidade de fechar 100% das ordens com resultados positivos. O objetivo é gerenciar o risco e trazer lucro.

Desejo sucesso e que você consiga reverter a situação e ter ótimos resultados em suas operações. Estarei acompanhando e aguardando que você se estabilize emocionalmente para, quem sabe, considerar uma nova contratação do sinal.

Naoki Hozumi
Naoki Hozumi 2024.07.12 20:01 



Csaba Vas
Csaba Vas 2024.07.12 19:06  (изменен 2024.07.12 19:07) 

Update 12.07.24 - now the "trader" announced on her Telegram channel that negative comments make her angry and expose our accounts to danger. Quite unbelievable, I've never seen a signal provider like this one. She lied to her followers multiple times, but instead of reflecting on that, she threatens us not to make her angry. I guess we should celebrate the lying b*tch instead...

This "trader" is basically a liar. She says in the description that the maximum number of trades in one session is 7. Now she has 8 or 9 open. In a private chat she told me that the max DD is 30%, now it's nearly 45. In the description of her Starship (LOL) signal she says the max DD will be 15%, now it's more than 26.

Would you want to trust someone to handle your money who basically lies left right and centre, day and night? I don't think so.

Oh, and she is rude, even if you ask a simple question. Very emotional. Not good for a trader. I will not renew.

Aldebaran Von Holleben
Aldebaran Von Holleben 2024.07.12 17:26 


Manh Dien Nguyen
Manh Dien Nguyen 2024.07.12 17:01  (изменен 2024.07.13 06:01) 

piece of shit trader...PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW

Definition of principle is follow not break

Lost ton money because of this f*** person

In she Netting Gold signal she set automatic close all orders when 30% drawdown of 3,000$ but ZA have almost 600 people with 3.4 MILLION DOLLARS and u not even f*** care about it, u allow drawdown climb up to 50% and not trying to protect ours money it's 3.4 MILLIONS!!!!

Instead u act like the whole world revolves around you and f*** everything up, threaten your customers that u will blow up their account but u actually did cuz in ur description u said min deposit is 250$...nothing to say! F*** u


wajatrade 2024.07.12 16:46  (изменен 2024.07.13 03:23) 

guys, what is the channel foe this discussion, I cannot seem to find it, pls give me the link

and the signal provider just deleted the messages from her telegram channel after storming all subscribers and threatening them that she is getting angry and she will me more mistakes if she gets angry!!!

2024.07.12 15:41
A large drawdown may occur on the account again
2024.07.11 10:52
High current drawdown in 30% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2024.05.08 20:29
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2024.02.07 21:32
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