🔥 🔥 🔥 Easy Copier Limited is utility tool to copy trade / Trade copier form one account (master) to other account (slave) . It works only with a single forex ( EURUSD ) .You can use this tool as local copier ( Terminals have to be in same PC / VPS ) as well as Remote Copier ( Terminals can be in different PC / VPS ). For remote copy you can use my server or it can be configured to your server.
Trades are possible to copy from MT4 => MT4 MT4 => MT5 MT5 => MT5 MT5 => MT4 ( MT4 copier , MT5 copier )
* Multiple copies and versions are required as per need.
One master account can send trade to multiple slave accounts.
Multiple master accounts can send trades to one slave account with multiple EA copies ( to avoid any conflict need to use multiple EA)
=> Single tool for master/slave : EA allows us to switch roles between master or slave. Selection is available in input parameter as Master/Slave. So its very economical if you want to switch your plan between master/slave EA.
=> Copy local/Remote : Tool can copy remotely as well as locally however remote copy needs additional settings on your server and can be configured.
=> On/Off Function : Panel provides you On/Off function without removing the EA.
=> Panel : Panel is available to check settings and you can switch it from there.
=> Custom Signal Provider Name: Provider name can be defined for Master account and should be followed with Slave account. Input field is available in input parameter and panel.
=> Slave Provider: slave provider selection is available from dropdown menu in panel and input parameter by entering manually.
=> Key : While coping remotely key acts as passcode.
=> Retrieve Old Trade : If you wish to copy old trade in starting you can switch it on/off.
=> Lot type (Auto Lot) : There are four options available.
1) Same Lot size from master
2) Fix lot
3) Balance Ratio
4) Equity Ratio
=> Symbol Prefix and Suffix : write the format of Prefix and Suffix of master and slave and it will convert automatically.
=> Magic number filter : Trade can be filtered with master's magic numbers. Multiple magic numbers can be separated with a comma(,).
=> Comment Filter : Trade can also be filtered with master's comments. Multiple comments can be separated with a comma(,).
=> Symbol Replacement : The symbol replacement is available in unlimited numbers. For Example- If AUXUST needs to be replaced with gold then we can write AUXUST=gold . Different pairs can be separated with a comma (,).
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