- Эксперты
- Jose Arranz Becerril
- Версия: 1.0
- Активации: 10
The Strategy is an algorithmic trading system designed for the MetaTrader platform, specifically optimized for the SP500 CFD on an hourly timeframe (H1). This strategy employs a combination of technical indicators and advanced logic to generate entry and exit signals for both long and short positions.
preferredFillingType: Defines the preferred order filling type, e.g., FOK (Fill or Kill).
forceFillingType: Forces the preferred filling type if set to true.
CustomComment: Custom comment for trades executed by the EA.
IndicatorLoadedWithoutError: Checks if the necessary indicators loaded without errors.
MagicNumber: Unique identifier for trades by the EA.
LongEntrySignal: Indicates whether to open a long position.
ShortEntrySignal: Indicates whether to open a short position.
LongExitSignal: Indicates whether to close a long position.
ShortExitSignal: Indicates whether to close a short position.
variable5: General-purpose variable, customizable.
LinearRegressionPrd1: Period for linear regression calculations.
CCICrossPeriod1: Period for the Commodity Channel Index (CCI).
PriceEntryMult1: Multiplier for long trade entry price calculation.
ProfitTargetCoef1: Multiplier for profit target calculation for long trades.
StopLossCoef1: Multiplier for stop-loss calculation for long trades.
TrailingStopCoef1: Coefficient for trailing stops in long trades.
TrailingActCef1: Activation level for trailing stops in long trades.
SMMAPeriod1: Period for the Smoothed Moving Average.
PriceEntryMult2: Multiplier for short trade entry price calculation.
ExitAfterBars1: Number of bars after which a trade is closed.
ProfitTargetCoef2: Multiplier for profit target calculation for short trades.
StopLossCoef2: Multiplier for stop-loss calculation for short trades.
TrailingStopCoef2: Coefficient for trailing stops in short trades.
SmallestRangePeriod1: Period for determining the smallest range for signals.
smm: Label for Money Management parameters.
UseMoneyManagement: Enables or disables money management logic.
mmRiskedMoney: Amount of money to risk per trade.
mmDecimals: Decimal precision for lot size calculations.
mmLotsIfNoMM: Fixed lot size if money management is disabled.
mmMaxLots: Maximum allowable lot size.
mmMultiplier: Multiplier for lot size calculations.
mmStep: Step increment for lot size calculations.
InitialCapital: Initial capital for money management methods.
sdtw: Label for weekend trading restrictions.
DontTradeOnWeekends: Disables trading during weekends.
FridayCloseTime: Time to stop trading on Fridays.
SundayOpenTime: Time to start trading on Sundays.
seod: Label for end-of-day exit parameters.
ExitAtEndOfDay: Enables closing trades at the end of the day.
EODExitTime: Specific time to close trades at the end of the day.
seof: Label for Friday exit parameters.
ExitOnFriday: Enables closing trades on Fridays.
FridayExitTime: Specific time to close trades on Fridays.
sltr: Label for time range restrictions.
LimitTimeRange: Restricts trading to a specified time range.
SignalTimeRangeFrom: Start of the allowable trading time range.
SignalTimeRangeTo: End of the allowable trading time range.
ExitAtEndOfRange: Closes trades at the end of the allowable range.
OrderTypeToExit: Specifies the order type to exit trades.
smmmdfmp: Label for max distance from market price.
LimitMaxDistanceFromMarketPrice: Restricts orders exceeding a distance percentage.
MaxDistanceFromMarketPct: Maximum allowable distance from market price in percentage.
smtpd: Label for daily trade limits.
MaxTradesPerDay: Maximum number of trades allowed per day.
smmslpt: Label for minimum and maximum SL/PT.
MinimumSL: Minimum stop-loss value in pips.
MinimumPT: Minimum profit target value in pips.
MaximumSL: Maximum stop-loss value in pips.
MaximumPT: Maximum profit target value in pips.
slts: Label for tick size settings for CFDs.
UseSQTickSize: Enables custom tick size settings.
MainChartTickSizeSQ: Tick size for exotic instruments or CFDs.
sqMaxEntrySlippage: Maximum allowable entry slippage in pips.
sqMaxCloseSlippage: Maximum allowable close slippage in pips.
autoCorrectMaxSlippage: Automatically adjusts slippage for specific brokers.
orderSelectTimeout: Timeout for broker position updates.
sqMinDistance: Minimum distance for stop orders from the current price.
tradeInSessionHoursOnly: Restricts trading to the symbol’s session hours.
MAX_ORDER_RETRIES: Maximum number of retries for order placement.
sqVerboseMode: Logging level for messages (none, terminal, or file).
OpenBarDelay: Delay in minutes before processing the daily open bar.
ExpirationTime: Order expiration time in minutes.
ModifyInsteadOfReplacing: Modifies orders instead of replacing them.