Delete expiry on indicator

Техническое задание

Hey it is all about the HGI Indicator V.17.

Is it possible to delete the expiry date of this indicator by programming it differently?
I don´t want any limitation of this indicator. I know that programmers use programs to make the code hard to change by putting thousands of words in there which make no sense to hide the actual code. But I don´t have the actual source code of it.

Can someone do this ? If the price isn´t suitable for you we can talk about it if you really think it´s possible.

Thanks for your answers and effort.

Информация о проекте

30 - 50 USD
VAT (19%): 5.7 - 9.5 USD
Итого: 35.7 - 59.5 USD
27 - 45 USD
Сроки выполнения
до 20 дн.