Changing AI Library MXNET to a more portable and Microsoft window's friendly AI library

Техническое задание

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to change a base library that is part of my source code for an arbitrage sport bot.

The issue is that mxnet library in my python code is messy in performance and installation when using Microsoft Windows 10 Pro.

I would like an expert to advice me how and which library to use intead of mxnet. Also, if you can code the whole bot without that library using something different would be of the 

Please Help me, payment will be granted.

The code will be provided once we agree on privacy and price matters.

Good day!
Check the backtrace, it is attached to this notice.

Disclosure information:

I already installed LAPACK and OpenBLAS dependencies for windows but it's still messy. PLS help me change MXNET since it is a Headache.



Разработчик 1
44% / 19%
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Информация о проекте

50 - 150 USD
45 - 135 USD
Сроки выполнения
от 4 до 12 дн.