Agenten Liste auf MQL5-Konto bleibt leer / Agent list on MQL5 account remains empty



die Liste der Agenten in meinem Account bleibt dauerhaft leer und das seit einigen Wochen. Auch die großzügige Hilfe im Deutschen Forum, konnte das Problem nicht lösen.

Da hier viel los ist, dachte ich, dass hier evtl. jemand noch eine Idee/Möglichkeit kennt, woran das liegen könnte.

Hier noch der Link zur Diksussion:

Wenn noch Irgendwelche Infos benötigt werden, kann ich diese hier in Deutsch/Englisch Posten. ;)

Da ich leider überhaupt kein Russisch kann, kann das vielleicht jemand der Deutsch/Russisch oder Englisch/Russisch kann für mich Überetzen und sozusagen als Übersetzer tätig sein? Wäre toll. :)

Ansonsten stelle ich auch noch eine Anfrage in einem Übersetzungsforum.


Edit: Entschuldigung, irgendwie habe ich ausversehen den Link zu einer anderen Diskussion gepostet. Wurde korrigiert!



the list of agents on my account are permanently empty, for many weeks. The generous help in the German forum, could not solve the problem.

Since there is a lot going on, I thought that maybe someone here still has an idea/possibility, which could be the reason.

Here the link to the Discussion:

If any information is needed, I can post this here in German/English. ;)

Since I can not speak Russian at all, maybe someone who speaks German / Russian or English / Russian can translate for me and act as a translator, so to speak? That would be great. :)

Otherwise, I also make a request in a translation forum.


Edit: Sorry, somehow I accidentally posted the link to another discussion. Fixed!




Agenten in virtueller Maschine Berechnungen für MQL5 Cloud Netzwerk ausführen lassen?
Agenten in virtueller Maschine Berechnungen für MQL5 Cloud Netzwerk ausführen lassen?
  • 2019.09.22
Hallo, wie im Thema schon angesprochen, würde ich gern wissen ob es nun möglich ist; Agenten in einer virtuellen Maschine Berechnungen für das MQL5...

Главные причины:

  1. Мало оперативной памяти
  2. Ваша операционная система 32 разрядная
  3. Вы используете не настоящий компьютер, а виртуальный
  4. Ваш антивирус (и/или брандмауэр) блокируют порты
  5. Ваш процессор очень слабый
  6. Вы не заполнили поля "логин" в менеджере агентов.

I am not using agents so I can not help much sorry.
But it (this issue) should be for the many reasons, for example:

  • Tester agents/Remote agents/MQL5 Cloud Network agents‌/MetaTester 5 Agents Manager are no longer available for use in the 32-bit terminals: they can work only in the 64-bit systems: read more here
  • Prohibition for using testing agents working on virtual OS in MQL5.Cloud - read more here 
  • This is very important- Restrictions of Participation on MQL5 Cloud Network
  • and for more reasons ..

There is one summary thread with everything collected about: All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
And some more small threads:


I hope - you will find the reason/decision on the summary thread here All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
If not so - make a post on the summary thread with all the particularities, and some experience users will help.

How to Participate - MQL5 Cloud Network - MetaTrader 5 Help
How to Participate - MQL5 Cloud Network - MetaTrader 5 Help
By participating in the MQL5 Cloud Network you can earn providing the processing power of your computer. Install testing agents using a manager and specify your account, to which the payment will be transferred. Agents automatically receive computation tasks, no further user action is required. You can control the amount of work...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Myql agent manager

Alain Verleyen, 2017.09.18 19:27

Uncheck the "Active last day" on your profile "Agents".



Sorry, somehow in the first post I accidentally posted the link to another discussion instead of the one I mentioned earlier. Fixed!


Vladimir Karputov:

Главные причины:

    1. Мало оперативной памяти
    2. Ваша операционная система 32 разрядная
    3. Вы используете не настоящий компьютер, а виртуальный

    5. Ваш процессор очень слабый
    6. Вы не заполнили поля "логин" в менеджере агентов.

    Sergey Golubev:

    I am not using agents so I can not help much sorry.
    But it (this issue) should be for the many reasons, for example:

    • Tester agents/Remote agents/MQL5 Cloud Network agents‌/MetaTester 5 Agents Manager are no longer available for use in the 32-bit terminals: they can work only in the 64-bit systems: read more here
    • Prohibition for using testing agents working on virtual OS in MQL5.Cloud - read more here 
    • This is very important- Restrictions of Participation on MQL5 Cloud Network
    • and for more reasons ..

    There is one summary thread with everything collected about: All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
    And some more small threads:


    I hope - you will find the reason/decision on the summary thread here All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
    If not so - make a post on the summary thread with all the particularities, and some experience users will help.

    Sergey Golubev:

    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

    Myql agent manager

    Alain Verleyen, 2017.09.18 19:27

    Uncheck the "Active last day" on your profile "Agents".

    Everything could be excluded in this discussion (

    Vladimir Karputov:

    Главные причины:

      4. Ваш антивирус (и/или брандмауэр) блокируют порты

        That is a new Idea. I use Kaspersky Internet Security. How can I see if gets blocked?

        The last Update has fixed the Problem!

        Последнее Упате принесло с собой другие проблемы с агентами.

        Вместо 8 агентов отображаются только 4. 8 отображаются в тестере!