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Psychological Approach

"Anyone who reads about financial markets in the newspapers will come across the terms 'mass psychology' or 'crowd psychology'. Crowd psychology is not the same as just psychology multiplied by the number of people involved; you need to explain how an individual can interact with other individuals and how feedback loops and mass-movements are created."
Lars Tvede

Mathematical model

The mathematical model is used to analyze Market Group Motion Behavior it's based on the following assumptions:

The Market is a self-balancing and self-controlling system.

At any given time in the Market, three Crowd Group are in effect : the Leaders (the biggest one), Followers and Strangers .

  • Leaders - Motion, Inertia Mass, Capital, Education, Economy, Rationalism, Stability, Job..
  • Followers - Maneuvers, Corporation, Dynamic, Emotional, Independence, Impulse, Success, Lost..
  • Strangers - Acceleration, Novice, Painting, Senses, Panic, Gambling, Hysteria, Alcoholism..

In a long period of time, Leaders build Main Market Trend, Followers make the Market Features and Strangers make Small Market Oscillations.

The Third Assumption is also true for short period of time. In other words at time period in one week we can find Leaders, Followers and Strangers. All above Crowd Group has influence on one another.


ИМХО, начинаюшим должно быть полезно - интересно, тут кто-то спрашивал как работает форекс. Вот.


Эх, жаль они на C# пишут, если бы C++ я бы точно присоединился. ПО с открытым кодом, тестер, 64-бита. FIX.

Во черти - они не только с MT4 но даже к FXCM присобачились... Молодцы,

The FXCM adapter, allowing to trade trough the FXCM Order 2 GO API is now in operation on the latest version of the platform (currently accessible on the SVN only). It is capable of retrieving data, and executing orders, as well as reporting position state. Individual orders reporting support to be added soon. You can use it to trade the full instrument set of items offered by FXCM, not limited to forex only.

In order to use it, on demo or real account, you need to get access to the FXCM Order 2 GO API and enter the account details in your adapter settings. Registering new demo accounts for forex trading can be done .

Есть то-нибудь кто с ними работатет?

Так это еще и русские :))) Вот все таки креативная страна СССР была. :))

Программа больше не развивается. На стоит перенаправление на другой сайт. Из других сайтов удалили программу.

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