Ушёл от нас Bookkeeper - страница 10

немного модернизированые 2 скрипта Андрея Георгиевича
Годовщина... Столько времени прошло. Столько всего случилось. Но помню. Скучаю. В этот день всегда выпиваю рюмку коньяка. Присоединяйтесь. СтОящий человек был. Жизнь...
My first post on this forum will be to honor Andrew's memory , i`ve been searching all over the internet trying to find other indicators made by this genius "bookkeeper" and was wondering why he never updated them or released newer ones when i found this post , so he left beside him a good memory that touched people that didn't even know him , my condolences , and may he rest in peace
 My first post on this forum will be to honor Andrew's memory , i`ve been searching all over the internet trying to find other indicators made by this genius "bookkeeper" and was wondering why he never updated them or released newer ones when i found this post , so he left beside him a good memory that touched people that didn't even know him , my condolences , and may he rest in peace

Давай скажу по-русски: Bookkeeper жив, пока живы носители памяти о нем. А потому - дай бог тебе здоровья.