How to update MetaTrader 4 the last version

How to update MetaTrader 4 the last version

15 ноября 2018, 13:03
Vasiliy Sokolov

If you are using an outdated version of MetaTrader 4, you may encounter a MetaCOT error:

What is it mean?

When MetaCOT tries to connect to it uses TLC protocol for security connect. But old version MetaTrader 4 doesn't support this option. To connect the site you need use last version of MetaTrader 4.

How to update?

You may update your terminal if you connect MetaQuotes-Demo Server and wait a few minutes.

For this run next steps:

  1. Press File -> Open an Account

  2. Choose 'MetaQuotes-Demo' server:

  3. If label 'MetaQuotes-Demo' missing, enter 'MetaQuotes' in last line:

  4. Press 'Next' button. Choose option 'New demo account' and press 'Next again':

  5. Fill personal details and press 'Next'

  6. The system will create a new account for your:

When you press 'Next', you connect to MetaQuotes-Demo server. It will detect your obsolete terminal and begin the update process. After a few minutes, your terminal will be rebooted. 

Congratulations! Your terminal was updated! You may check it. Go to Help -> About. Your version will be actualized: