Ye Zhu
Ye Zhu
qq 153923332
Ye Zhu
Publicado o postagem 趋势九篇之六 决战期货
国内量化平台 这里选择聚宽量化平台,其他平台如掘金等都可以,大同小异,平台会提供比较详细的历史数据用来测试,聚宽也会提供模拟盘环境。 期货市场 程序化注意点 1. 主力合约转换时需要移仓 2. 涨跌停情况下 无法买卖...
Ye Zhu
Publicado o postagem 趋势九篇之五 现货风云
上篇提到适合大部分人的是外汇零售经纪商提供的交易平台,这些平台提供许多现货品种组合,首先认识下现货,和期货相比,现货没有交割月份,走势类似于期货的主力连续数据,比如现货铜和期货市场的铜,现货白银和期货市场的白银,走势是类似的,除此之外,现货还有一些特点: 现货110 1...
Ye Zhu
Publicado o postagem 趋势九篇之四 初出茅庐
资金门槛 国内期货交易所的趋势交易资金门槛在300万人民币上下(最低交易量的波动在300*1.5%=4.5万人民币),我会在《趋势九篇之六 决战期货》里面分享趋势交易策略。 国外交易所的趋势交易资金门槛在500万美元上下,鉴于门槛太高,不作详细介绍。 适合大部分人的是外汇零售经纪商提供的交易平台,提供外汇,商品,全球股指,债券,加密货币等比较丰富的品种组合,因为提供迷你手数(0...
Ye Zhu Produto publicado

Trend Trading.Follow thirty symbols which include forex,commodity,stock index,bond,encrypted currency.MT5 version here . the EA open position when break period(global_break_period) attach.the close stop set at price add or minus atr(global_atr_period)*global_loss_close.the immediate stop set at price add or minus atr(global_atr_period)*global_loss_ime. also see the  EA  to calculate minimum cash need for run trend trading. The output log of EA: 1.  Dir:1 ImeStopPrice:123.45678

Ye Zhu
Publicado o postagem 趋势九篇之三 坐而论道
趋势交易:抓住趋势 赚取利润 斩断亏损...
Ye Zhu
Publicado o postagem 趋势九篇之二 人性哲学
趋势交易 为什么赚钱 趋势交易系统的核心内在逻辑是什么,只有知道了这个内在逻辑,我们才会明白其本质,成为其门徒,交易是人在交易,包括策略程序,反映的都是人的思想,是人就有人性,人性都会贪婪,都会恐惧,从而追高杀跌,进而形成趋势,人性也会犹豫不定,从而形成价格的震荡,读过金融方面经典书籍如《股票大作手回忆录》等的同学,就会发现,作者在讲自己的投资策略时,其实本质上是在解读人性,别人的或者自己的...
Ye Zhu
Publicado o postagem 趋势九篇之一 门徒
趋势交易 一种古老的交易策略 类似于知名的海龟策略 特作9篇 以结有缘之人 如果你已经对趋势交易有所了解,请直接到实战部分《趋势九篇之四 初出茅庐》 这篇是趋势交易扫盲篇,让大家能快速熟悉趋势交易的思路,每种交易背后都有交易思路,比如买卖股票时,当股价超过10天均线,买入100股,当股价跌到5天均线,卖出股票,这就是一种思路...
Ye Zhu Produto publicado

Trend Trading.Follow thirty symbols which include forex,commodity,stock index,bond,encrypted currency.MT4 version here . the EA open position when break period(global_break_period) attach.the close stop set at price add or minus atr(global_atr_period)*global_loss_close.the immediate stop set at price add or minus atr(global_atr_period)*global_loss_ime. also see the  EA  to calculate minimum cash need for run trend trading. The output log of EA: 1.  Dir:1 ImeStopPrice:123.45678

Ye Zhu Produto publicado

Trend trading requires a certain capital threshold, and this EA is used to test the minimum capital required to run trend trading.MT5 version here . how to calculate: for example,the total cash is TC,the current price is A,we buy minimum vol V,the fluctuation is  ATR(global_atr_period)*global_loss_imebut = F,and the price go down after we buy,now is A-F,now the loss is TC*global_risk.the TC is what we want to calculate. Why do we need capital testing? Any trading system has

Ye Zhu Produto publicado

Trend trading requires a certain capital threshold, and this EA is used to test the minimum capital required to run trend trading.MT4 version here . how to calculate: for example,the total cash is TC,the current price is A,we buy minimum vol V,the fluctuation is  ATR(global_atr_period)*global_loss_imebut = F,and the price go down after we buy,now is A-F,now the loss is TC*global_risk.the TC is what we want to calculate. Why do we need capital testing? Any trading system has

Ye Zhu
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