Ruslan Ziyatdinov
Ruslan Ziyatdinov
  • заместитель начальника цеха em ООО 'НоябрьскНефтеГазАвтоматика'
  • Rússia
  • 427
5 (1)
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11+ anos
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заместитель начальника цеха em ООО 'НоябрьскНефтеГазАвтоматика'
Живу в поселке Ханымей Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа. Написанием роботов начал заниматься в 2012 и сразу же поучаствовал на чемпионате АТС-2012, где занял 11 место (доходил до 4-го). Ссылка на интервью
Ruslan Ziyatdinov Produto publicado

The dream of any trader is to predict the trend reversal point. The Differntial oscillator calculates the differential of the chart of currency pair rates in real time. Thus, it becomes possible to predict the extremes of the live chart and predict the trend reversal points. Using differentiation of the chart in real time significantly facilitates trading, and when used in experts, makes them more efficient and reduces the drawdown. It is very important that the minimum indicator values are used

Ruslan Ziyatdinov Produto publicado
Comentário: 1
30.00 USD

The dream of any trader is to predict the trend reversal point. The Differential Marker indicator calculates the differential of the chart of currency pair rates in real time. Thus, it becomes possible to predict the extremes of the live chart and predict the trend reversal points. Using differentiation of the chart in real time significantly facilitates trading, and when used in experts, makes them more efficient and reduces the drawdown. For a more accurate forecast, it is necessary to

Ruslan Ziyatdinov
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