Ramon Cutillas Cardenal
Ramon Cutillas Cardenal
I am an experienced trader in actions for many years, that since 2015 I have been researching and learning about the Forex and CFD market on commodities and indexes, and after a long time of trial and error, learning all the time, I begin to be profitable consistently for a long time.

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Ramon Cutillas Cardenal
Ramon Cutillas Cardenal
I signed up for MQL5 a long time ago, but it has not been until December 2018 that I have been serious about building portfolios with all the systems that have operated successfully, since I started, back in 2015, with algorithmic trading.
And now, in October 2019, I will try to publish my portfolios in order to achieve extra profitability. I win, with little risk, so my investors should win too, is what I want.
Ramon Cutillas Cardenal
Registrado no site MQL5.community