Harold Upton
Harold Upton
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Signal Trader em Accelerated Trend Pty Ltd
Harold Upton - Accelerated Trend Pty Ltd
Harold Upton
19 January 2018

snap: Things are staring to lift everywhere. We also see metals like iron ore and copper turning back up over the coming week rather significantly. This will be a positive factor for miners after their sharp, but likely brief, correction of the past few days.

The Australian stock market in general looks like spectacular buying, and our favourite currencies, Euro, Sterling and Australian dollar can all take-off again too.

Things look very good.

+164.9% Real Money MT4 started 15 June 2017

US Jobless Claims came in at a 17 year low!
Simply in keeping with our scenario of full employment as a function of a strong global economy. Global integration continues to intensify and we are all beneficiaries. Stocks are cheap.

Australian Un-employment edged higher? Despite all the spin about jobs growth, Australia continues to fall further behind the world in all forms of economic efficiencies and competitiveness and this will continue to show up in our employment profile. We have among the highest un-employment rates in the world. Why?

The answer is paralysed government at a heightened state of extreme over-regulation, with the bold reforms particularly in tax all seeming non-starters. The real reason for Australia's lazy doldrums floating on the upswing of China and the rest of the world, is a complete lack of vision and bold leadership from both sides of politics.

US Dow Jones some very nice upward pressure building here. Keen buyer at current levels. hourly chart

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Australia ASX200 is a bizarrely cheap amazing opportunity. At simply ridiculous levels driven by, I must say, a pretty much no-idea about how prosperous the world actually is domestic funds management industry. This is great stuff. Take advantage.

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EUR/USD having done several days of slightly uncomfortable choppy wide range trading, this market is to us clearly building energy for a massive upswing. We continue to favour continued buying.

AUD/USD this is an extraordinarily strong market. We continue to target 84 92 96 and even Parity in 2-4 years.

Just keep buying.

Harold Upton - Accelerated Trend Pty Ltd
Harold Upton
28 July 2017

Good morning everyone,

and we have a clear continuation of our Grand Bull Market!

New orders for US manufactured durable goods jumped 6.5% mom in June. This is signifiant and confirms our re-acceleration scenario when many others were doubting.

US Chicago Fed National Activity Index in the United States rose to 0.13 in June 2017.

The Dow Jones is at an all time new record high again. Why isn't that the big media headline today?

Markets are likely to be on fire from this moment forward across all our forecasts These remain steadfastly bullish stocks, including Australia which must play a rapid catapult catch up now, commodities raging higher, and the Euros, Sterling and Australian dollar.

These three currencies all have a different story for strength. New Reserve currency, falsely fundamentally oversold, and a the great commodity supplier to Asia, but they also have the one common denominator of a weakening US dollar.

The US dollar weakening due to its economic resurgence and the increased foreign investment that generates, coming on top of the already existing massive trade deficit.

Stocks will continue to climb to our target set many years ago of Dow Jones at 30,000 by the end of the decade. Of course they will. We live in the most prosperous period in history, end of story.

Just keep buying,

PS $20,000 in our MT4 would be up over $3,000 in six weeks, and would have cost you $72?

Dow Jones 21796 +0.4%
spectacular buying,

ASXSP200 5785 +0.1%,
has to plat catch up,

Euro 1.1685 -0.4%,
straight back up,

AUD .7970 +0.9%,
fantastic buying,

Gold 1259 -0.0%,
buying time,

Oil 49.16 +0.8%,
still very strong.

Harold Upton - Accelerated Trend Pty Ltd
Harold Upton
Good morning everyone,

and the S&P500 closed at another all time record high.

Yet most people simply cannot see how fantastic the world is.

People are almost shocked to hear that we live in the most prosperous period in history, and still see it as all about to collapse at any time. In a way that is true. An asteroid could destroy life on earth at any time too. I would put the odds at about the same. Which is certainly nothing to worry about. Who would want to live their life that way?

The great news is people are starting to buy however, and the clever fund managers around town, in Sydney that's only two or three people, are lamenting the fact that they have missed out on Tesla, Apple, Alibaba.

We didn't. And the outlook remains very strong.

US S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller composite home price index of 20 metropolitan areas in the US rose 5.7% yoy in May. Another very strong number. The consumer is in good shape and well supported by steadily gaining property prices.

US Manufacturing Activity Index in the US fifth district including the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and most of West Virginia rose to 14 in July of 2017, from an upwardly revised 11 in the previous monthly. The US economy is booming.

Commodities continue to strengthen nicely in line with our expectations.

Currencies are consolidating nicely.

The US Federal Reserve will leave rates on hold at this week's meeting, but will raise rates again at one of the following two meetings.

This is all very bullish stocks allowing sentiment to begin to turn more excitingly to the upside.

The Australian market is a bargain.

Just keep buying,

Dow Jones 21613 +0.5%
consolidation, can leap at any time,

ASXSP200 5726 +0.7%,
bounced back as it should, still cheap,

Euro 1.1645 +0.1%,
still a buy,

AUD .7940 +0.2%,
fantastic currency,

Gold 1250 -0.3%,
let it pull back a little more, then buy,

Oil 48.50 +4.7%,
buying was the right idea, still is.


Creating opportunities
Harold Upton - Accelerated Trend Pty Ltd
Harold Upton
Good morning everyone,

and it is tempting right now to think we have had such a good run, that perhaps we could take a small holiday.

Don't go to an island without a bridge back to the market however, as sudden surges, resumptions and follow through of this Grand Bull Market can occur at any time.

Eurozone DG ECFIN flash estimate of consumer confidence fell 0.4 points to -1.7 in July.

This is still however at near all time record highs would you believe. Europe is booming. The boom masked by the immigration surge impact on un-employment, and economists not understanding low inflation is a good thing.

No wonder the Euro is striking higher rapidly just as we have long favoured. This is a move very few in the market understand.

Like the Australian dollar, the young and new traders in these markets have not seen these type of moves before, but really they are entirely normal and represent enormous opportunity. Opportunity we will continue to pursue for you in Rational Profits.

Please also note our NEW MT4 service just started, and after one month is doing reasonably well. This is a very easy way for people to link their accounts to what we are doing here. Creating opportunities.

US Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index fell to 19.5 in July.

This too is up in the zone of economic booms. Remember data always fluctuates. If we see the start of an adverse trend at any time we will let you know. Right now though, all the expectation ahead of the data which we are always focussed on, continues to look even better than the boom levels currently being recorded.

There are some immediate price action events in stocks that could suggest a period of consolidation. Nonetheless until that becomes a little clearer, if at all, we suggest the mantra of buying the dip remains appropriate.

Just keep buying,

Dow Jones 21640 +0.3%
still fantastic buying,

ASXSP200 5761 +0.5%,
buy any dip aggressively,

Euro 1.1635 +0.9%,
and again, go again people,

AUD .7955 +0.0%,
very aggressive buying recommended,

Gold 1245 +0.2%,
breaking higher, bullish,

Oil 46.88 -0.9%,
buy the dip, bullish.

Harold Upton
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