Full time trader. Market analyst, market researcher.

After 5 years of research in the financial markets and after the massive use of all possible fancy indicators, i come to the real market structure with a new light in my eyes; simple and almost naked charts, i can confirm that less is more in this business. This business should be considered like an entrepreneurship, so it will require huge patience and infinite passion for what you are doing, otherwise you will never make income on the long term.

REMINDER: money that you would earn in this business should NEVER and EVER be considered as "free money" or "easy money" in fact you will pay a heavy cost for them: "THE RISK"; it will put you in touch with your deepest fears, but also huge euphoria sometimes ... you will feel often unstable and precarious, but you must learn to live with all these emotions and learn to manage yourself; your soul and your body.

My Motto: Trading is a life's metaphor.
A funny picture of emotions that take place in the markets :-)
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