Henri Frans Marie Smulders
Henri Frans Marie Smulders
  • writer, speaker, transmitter em 24610 Saint-Méard-de-Gurçon
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writer, speaker, transmitter em 24610 Saint-Méard-de-Gurçon
Harry (NL-1944/01), grew up in Schiedam, studied a B.A. economics in Rotterdam and an MBA/Fontainebleau/France. Lived in Belgium since 1972 and moved to the Dordogne (France) since March 2011 - http://gîte-dordogne-ânevert.fr/ The challenges in forex trading - like living, so simple, but not easy @ all – are, besides making a comfortable income every month to live in abundance, a support to transform my human shadow dysfunctional ego survival patterns and to give birth and manifest my true nature. Through an attitude of immense respect, compassionate understanding and gratefulness for my personal difficulties of the obsessive self-destructive habits that appear in my insane unconscious, under the pressure of daily life and a fortiori in trading. Whilst little by little healing myself, I contribute to the urgent healing of the sick, psychopath collective unconscious of humanity. Indeed, over several thousands of years progressively, this extraordinary capacity of pure alive thinking has become more and more driven so that today it completely took over and possessed each of us in various degrees. We take this 24/7 thinking mind to be who we ARE, to be US. In the process of becoming completely possessed by mind, we ignored the forgotten broken contact with the overwhelming living jeweled reality we life in and which we ARE in our unique, original and essential true normal human living nature: our glorious humanness, our eternal inner spacious, time and formless luminous presence. Collectively the loss of contact with the eternal source of who we are and with our inner guidance, generated deep-down in us a GBH: Gaping Bottomless Hole. The imagined terror of crashing in the abyss is the root cause of the compulsive dysfunctional human behavior we see all over the planet. It expresses itself through the thirst for power & control, unbridled greed, fear, confusion, uncertainty, doubt, nervousness, false self-worth & pride, stubbornness, hatred, revenge taking and other self-destructive neurosis, which bring us to the verge of global disaster, see 8pm TV news. Eckhart Tolle ( www.eckharttolle.com ) in his book: A New Earth, suggests that humanity is undergoing an universal evolutionary impulse, that opens us to see our addictive attachment to compulsive thinking, to form, matter and time. A paradigm, a center of gravity shift, is happening in an accelerating way in a growing number of human beings, who experience daily life more and more in their true living essence, instead of being possessed by repetitive thoughts. See also: https://www.facebook.com/Harry2025/posts/259566554576906:0
We are, each of us, invited to restore the forgotten broken and lost contact with our true nature. I take responsibility for the mess we together created on the planet and share on my microcosmic-level, part of the money I generate with those I meet and those in need: 10% as a tithe to up to 50% of my profits, whilst they increase in profusion. More than 3/4 of humanity still has hardly access to clean drinking water, decent shelter, adequate electricity, sanitation, healthy food and basic schooling/education (especially women). I feel deeply ashamed with this tragedy :-(.
IS Humanity is slowly slowly, moving from the more than 5000 years era of the alien and the beast 666, into Age of Aquarius 999, a new era of an awakened and unconditionally loving humanity?
To make this shift to happen, I participate 24/7 on my micro-cosmic level by processing and navigating through my bottomless holes. My inner darkness is the gateway, the portal to the jewels of my soul.
I started giving individual psycho-corpo-spiritual support-backup, workshops and guided meditations, conferences/presentations (the essential enneagram, diamond guidance and respecting/feeding our inner shadow - a new emerging conscious for humanity? - Wake up, stand up: walk the talk of your whispering soul ).
Henri Frans Marie Smulders
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