Moedas / CHFNOK
CHFNOK: Swiss Franc vs Norwegian Krona
A taxa do CHFNOK para hoje mudou para -0.42%. Paralelamente, o preço mais baixo no mercado atingiu 12.65572 e o mais alto foi 12.79746.
- M5
- M15
- M30
- H1
- H4
- D1
- W1
- MN
CHFNOK Notícias
- FXStreet USD/CHF Price Forecast: Rotates near key supply zone ahead of Fed policy
- FXStreet USD/CHF trades below 0.8950 after pulling back from six-month highs
- FXStreet USD/CHF Price Forecast: Extends winning streak for eighth trading day
- FXStreet USD/CHF gathers strength above 0.8950 ahead of US Retail Sales release
- FXStreet USD/CHF bounces back from 0.8900 as USD rebounds, Fed policy in focus
- FXStreet USD/CHF aims to revisit 0.8950 as SNB to cut rates further
- FXStreet USD/CHF: Upside risk on the cards – OCBC
- FXStreet USD/CHF advances to near 0.8900 as SNB unexpectedly cuts interest rates by 50 bps
- FXStreet USD/CHF remains below 0.8850 ahead of SNB Interest Rate Decision
- FXStreet USD/CHF eases from 0.8850 highs heading on the US inflation release
- FXStreet USD/CHF: SNB is going to be in focus tomorrow – OCBC
- FXStreet USD/CHF holds positive ground above 0.8800 as US CPI data looms
Copiar sinais de negociação por CHFNOK
Faixa diária
Faixa anual
- Fechamento anterior
- 12.7274 1
- Open
- 12.7138 0
- Bid
- 12.6601 7
- Ask
- 12.6604 7
- Low
- 12.6557 2
- High
- 12.7974 6
- Volume
- 15.013 K
- Mudança diária
- -0.42%
- Mudança mensal
- 1.48%
- Mudança de 6 meses
- 9.33%
- Mudança anual
- 2.55%
21 dezembro, sábado