Signal Anywhere Subscriber
- Utilitários
- Zhong Zhong Zi
- Versão: 1.4
Signal Anywhere is an advanced version of Panel Anywhere, featuring an additional panel called Signal panel. This panel allows you to copy trades from a Signal Anywhere Provider to a Signal Anywhere Subscriber seamlessly.
With Signal Anywhere, you can view market symbols and copy signals simultaneously without the need to switch between Expert Advisors (EAs).
Features of the Signal panel:
- Local and internet-based trade copying
- Searchable, request, and acceptance functionalities
- Support for multiple providers and subscribers
- Trade synchronization
- This version enables you to establish a complete client-server system within your local environment, ensuring that your data remains secure and is not transmitted elsewhere. Additionally, you’ll benefit from faster internet response times by avoiding connections to distant servers.
The server is developed in .NET Core and will be provided as a zip file containing several files and an SQLite database.
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