AITrade Robot
- Utilitários
- Yonggang Shang
- Versão: 1.1
- Atualizado: 12 julho 2023
- Ativações: 5
This is an automated auxiliary trading system, it include risk management, open orders, batch change stop loss and limit price, batch close orders, and it show daily fluctuation, open lots, and realtime profit, so if you want to control your tarding habits, it's the right trading system for you.
Risk management:
- Maximum opening volume setting
- Maximum opening margin setting
- Stop Loss, Limit Price setting
Panel include three areas:
First Area:
- Daily Volatility Percentage
- Realtime Spread
Second Area:
- Buy, Sell
- Batch Modify SL/TP
Third Area:
- Batch Close Orders
- Show buy num, sell num
- Show realtime profit
Input parameters:
lots_order_times: each order minimum lots times
max_margin_ratio: maximum used margin proportion
max_open_lot_times: each symbol maxinum open lits times
button_xsize: button width
button_ysize: button height
button_xdistance: the distance from the button to the left edge of the screen
button_fontsize: button font size
button_gapdistance: gap between buttons
region_1_button_ydistance: the init distance from the first area to the top edge of the screen
region_2_button_ydistance: the init distance from the second area to the top edge of the screen
region_3_button_ydistance: the init distance from the third area to the top edge of the screen
Input parameters and instruction please see the YouTube video, thanks.