Termos de Referência
hello great developer i need a professional skill developer that can help me in tradingview pineacript i would like to get written into c# ninjatrader i have had to use webhook ulrs. i will be looking for great developer that will bid for this project
best regards
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https://tradesaber.com/product/predator-x-order-entry-reversal-predator/ Minus all the buttons because I don't need it to have manual entry functionality Just like the reference I provided above, I want the strategy to be able to tell the order entry system how many contracts to enter and where the sl and tp. But I want the entry and trail settings to be handled by the strategy. If this is something you can do kindly
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Note, Of you are Nigeria, Dont bother to message me, Those people as scammed me a lot of time, I would like to include in inputs something like with EMA exponential moving avergaes, it is not written in the trading plan, buy i want to include iit if posible, this means that fast moving avergae must be above slow ema to go long and viceversa to go short. ON/OFF
Informações sobre o projeto
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para 2 dias
Pedidos postados80
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