Termos de Referência
1. Project Overview
We need a Binance Spot trading bot that executes trades based on candle highs and lows:
- The bot should BUY when the price reaches the 20-candle high.
- The bot should CLOSE (SELL) when the price falls to the 10-candle low.
2. Technical Requirements
✅ Programming Language: Python
✅ Libraries: python-binance , pandas , numpy
✅ Data Source: Binance API
✅ Timeframe: Daily (D1)
✅ Trading Pair: BTCUSDT (should be configurable)
3. Bot Logic
📌 Fetching Data
- The bot fetches the last 20 candles from Binance and identifies the highest price.
- The bot fetches the last 10 candles and identifies the lowest price.
📌 BUY Condition
- If the latest price reaches or exceeds the Candle High(20) level, the bot executes a market buy order.
📌 CLOSE (SELL) Condition
- After opening a position, if the latest price falls to the Candle Low(10) level, the bot executes a market sell order.
📌 New BUY Cycle
- After closing the trade, the bot waits for new opportunities and repeats the process.
4. Additional Requirements
✅ Config File: The API keys, trading pair, and trade size (quantity) should be adjustable via a config file.
✅ Server-Ready: The bot should be capable of running 24/7 on a VPS (Linux) with a launch script ( nohup python bot.py & ).
✅ Logging: All transactions should be logged to a file.
✅ Error Handling: The bot should handle API errors gracefully and automatically restart if necessary.
5. Deliverables
✅ Fully Functional Code: The bot should be delivered as a ready-to-run Python script.
✅ README File: A brief guide on how to set up and run the bot.
✅ Test Report: The freelancer should provide test results showing that the bot works as expected.
6. Deadline & Budget
⏳ Deadline: [10] days
💰 Budget: [50$] USD
7. Hiring Requirements
1️⃣ The freelancer must have experience in developing similar Binance trading bots.
2️⃣ All source code and documentation must be delivered upon completion.
3️⃣ Final payment will only be made after full testing and verification of functionality.
8. How to Apply
If you're interested in building this bot, please provide the following:
- Your experience (previous Binance bot projects)
- Estimated cost and timeline
- Any questions you may have
For Uzbek programmers!
1. Loyiha haqida
Bizga Binance Spot bozorida savdo qiluvchi bot kerak. Bot 20 candle high darajasiga yetganda BUY, va 10 candle low ga tushganda CLOSE qilishi kerak.
2. Texnik Talablar
✅ Platforma: Python
✅ Kutubxonalar: python-binance , pandas , numpy
✅ Ma'lumot manbasi: Binance API
✅ Timeframe: 1 daqiqa (1m)
✅ Savdo jufti: BTCUSDT (sozlanishi kerak)
3. Bot Logikasi
📌 Ma'lumotlarni olish
- Bot Binance’dan 20 ta oxirgi candle ma’lumotlarini olib, eng yuqori nuqtani topadi.
- Bot Binance’dan oxirgi 10 candle ichidagi eng past nuqtani topadi.
📌 BUY qoidasi
- Agar oxirgi narx (last price) Candle High(20) darajasiga tegsa yoki undan yuqoriga chiqsa, bot BUY (bozor narxida) buyurtma beradi.
📌 CLOSE qoidasi
- Agar bot pozitsiyani ochganidan keyin, oxirgi narx Candle Low(10) ga tushsa, bot CLOSE (sell) qiladi.
📌 Yangi BUY qoidasi
- Pozitsiya yopilgandan keyin bot yangi imkoniyatni kutadi va yuqoridagi jarayonni takrorlaydi.
4. Qo‘shimcha Talablar
✅ Config fayl: API kalitlari, savdo jufti, lot hajmi (quantity) o‘zgartiriladigan fayl bo‘lishi kerak.
✅ Serverga tayyor: Botni VPS (Linux) da doimiy ishlashi uchun ishga tushirish skripti kerak ( nohup python bot.py & ).
✅ Loglar: Barcha operatsiyalarni log faylga yozib borish.
✅ Xatolarni boshqarish: API xatolari bo‘lsa, bot o‘zini qayta ishga tushirishi yoki xatolarni qayd etishi kerak.
5. Natija
✅ Tayyor kod: Python formatida, sozlanishi va ishlashi tayyor holatda.
✅ README fayl: Botni qanday ishga tushirish bo‘yicha qisqa qo‘llanma.
✅ Test hisobot: Freelancer botni ishlaganidan keyin test natijalarini taqdim qilishi kerak.
6. Muddati va Byudjet
⏳ Muddat: [10] kun
💰 Byudjet: [50$] USD
7. Ishga Qabul Qilish Shartlari
1️⃣ Freelancer oldin shunga o‘xshash bot yaratgan bo‘lishi kerak.
2️⃣ Ish tugagandan keyin barcha kodlar va hujjatlar bizga topshiriladi.
3️⃣ To‘lov ish to‘liq tekshirilgandan keyin amalga oshiriladi.
8. Aloqa
Agar siz ushbu botni yaratishga qiziqsangiz, quyidagilarni taqdim eting:
- Sizning tajribangiz (oldingi Binance bot ishlari)
- Loyiha narxi va bajarish muddati
- Savollaringiz bo‘lsa, yozing