Indicadores: Gerador de sinais DC signals


Gerador de sinais DC signals:

Para gerar sinais, são analisados os patrões comuns de três indicadores: DCOS (autor DC2008), BullsPower e BearsPower.

Fig. 1. Gerador de sinais DC signals

Autor: Sergey Pavlov



I'm not very experienced in MQ5 code, but would you like to know where the up / down signs (yellow / blue stars) are drawn?




I'm not very experienced in MQ5 code, but would you like to know where the up / down signs (yellow / blue stars) are drawn?


yellow - Sell

blue - Buy

Sergey Pavlov:

yellow - Sell

blue - Buy

Sorry, I did not express myself correctly. I would like to know in which part of the mq5 code the signal is fired.

Thank you

Sorry, I did not express myself correctly. I would like to know in which part of the mq5 code the signal is fired.

Thank you

Better detail: If I wanted to include an alert with this code, how could I do it?

tks again


Hello Mr Pavlov I am in doubt about some things.

yellow sell and blue buy that's fine but How do the squares and dot work with them?

 the configuration is 500 and if you change to another it'n not holding in the new one.

can you help me?