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2015.04.20 10:50
2016.11.22 07:33
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O script encontra pontos pivot DeMark, exibe-os no gráfico e indica as suas dimensões.

Este script praticamente possui a mesma funcionalidade que KeyFinder. Eles não têm nenhuma diferença visual, exceto o botão que deleta o script e todos os objetos associados a partir do gráfico.

Fig. 1. Índice Futuro RTS após aplicar o script KeyFinder 2.0

Fig. 1. Índice Futuro RTS após aplicar o script KeyFinder 2.0

Embora o script não tenha alterado o visual e a funcionalidade, o código foi significativamente modificado.

Foi criado a classe CKeyFinder para o script.

Fig. 2. Classe CKeyFinder

Fig. 2. Classe CKeyFinder

O código da classe está descrito abaixo. Tentei fazer comentários mais detalhados possíveis, você não deve enfrentar problemas.

//|                                                    KeyFinder.mqh |
//|                                                   Trofimov Pavel |
//|                                      |
#property copyright "Trofimov Pavel"
#property link      ""
//| Class for KeyFinder 2.0                                          |
class CKeyFinder
   // Class variables
   int               MinDimension;  //Minimum dimension of points
   int               MaxBars;       //The number of bars to process
   // Class methods for internal use
   // Determining the upper points dimensions
   int               getHighDimension(MqlRates &tmpRates[],int tmp_i,int tmp_iCod);
   // Determining the lower points dimensions
   int               getLowDimension(MqlRates &tmpRates[],int tmp_i,int tmp_iCod);
   // Class constructor
   // Class destructor
   // Property method for getting the dimension   
   int               GetMinDimension();
   // Property method for setting the dimension
   void              SetMinDimension(int temp_Val);
   // Property method for getting the number of bars to process
   int               GetMaxBars();
   // Property method for setting the number of bars to process
   void              SetMaxBars(int temp_Val);
   // Method for finding upper pivot points
   void              FindUpKeyPoints(int temp_iCod,MqlRates &temp_rates[]);
   // Method for finding lower pivot points
   void              FindLowKeyPoints(int temp_iCod,MqlRates &temp_rates[]);
   // Clearing the chart from the script objects.
   int               CleanChart();
//|                Determining the upper point dimension             |
int CKeyFinder::getHighDimension(MqlRates &tmpRates[],int tmp_i,int tmp_iCod)// The method receives an array of MqlRates type data, a number of a processed bar in the array and a maximum index of the array
   int k=1;
   while((tmpRates[tmp_i].high>tmpRates[tmp_i+k].high) && (tmpRates[tmp_i].high>tmpRates[tmp_i-k].high) && ((tmp_i+k)<(tmp_iCod)) && ((tmp_i-k)>0)) k++;
   if(((tmp_i+k)==tmp_iCod) || ((tmp_i-k)==0)) k=-1;
//|                Determining the lower point dimension             |
int CKeyFinder::getLowDimension(MqlRates &tmpRates[],int tmp_i,int tmp_iCod)// The method receives an array of MqlRates type data, a number of a processed bar in the array and a maximum index of the array
   int k=1;
   while((tmpRates[tmp_i].low<tmpRates[tmp_i+k].low) && (tmpRates[tmp_i].low<tmpRates[tmp_i-k].low) && ((tmp_i+k)<(tmp_iCod)) && ((tmp_i-k)>0)) k++;
   if(((tmp_i+k)==tmp_iCod) || ((tmp_i-k)==0)) k=-1;
//| Method GetMinDimension                                           |
int CKeyFinder::GetMinDimension(){return(MinDimension);};
//| Method SetMinDimension                                           |
void CKeyFinder::SetMinDimension(int temp_Val)
   if(temp_Val>1) MinDimension=temp_Val;
      MessageBox("The set dimension is too low."+"\n"+"The default dimension of 5 will be used","Warning!",MB_OK+MB_ICONWARNING);
//| Method GetMaxBars                                                |
int CKeyFinder::GetMaxBars() {return(MaxBars);};
//| Method SetMaxBars                                                |
void CKeyFinder::SetMaxBars(int temp_Val)
// Checking the availability of history for the set number of bars
   int SMaxBars=Bars(Symbol(),0);
      temp_Val=SMaxBars;// Setting the maximum available number of bars
      MessageBox("The MaxBars parameter is too high."+"\n"+"Only "+IntegerToString(temp_Val)+" bars will be used for calculation.","Warning!",MB_OK+MB_ICONWARNING);

// Checking if the number of bars is not too low
      MessageBox("The set number of bars is too low."+"\n"+"The default number of 300 will be used","Warning!",MB_OK+MB_ICONWARNING);
//| Method FindKeyPoints - Finding upper key points                  |
void CKeyFinder::FindUpKeyPoints(int temp_iCod,MqlRates &temp_rates[])// The method receives an index of the maximum array element and the MqlRates array
   int HD=1;   //initializing points dimensions
   for(int i=temp_iCod-MinDimension; i>(MinDimension-1); i--)// A loop from the last bar - MinDimension to the zero bar + MinDimension
      HD=getHighDimension(temp_rates,i,temp_iCod);//Getting points dimensions
      if((HD>=MinDimension) || (HD==-1))
        {//Creating a mark if MinDimension condition is met
         string Ob_Name="KF_Label"+IntegerToString(i);
           { //If the dimension can't be determined, use a ball mark
//| Method FindLowKeyPoints - Finding lower key points            |
void CKeyFinder::FindLowKeyPoints(int temp_iCod,MqlRates &temp_rates[])// The method receives an index of the maximum array element and the MqlRates array
   int LD=1;//initializing points dimensions
   bool iCreate;
   for(int i=temp_iCod-MinDimension; i>(MinDimension-1); i--)// A loop from the last bar - MinDimension to the zero bar + MinDimension
      if((LD>=MinDimension) || (LD==-1))
         string Ob_Name="KF_Label"+IntegerToString(i)+"_1";//Avoiding the bars there Low and High can be key points
            else Comment("Cannot create the object");
            else Comment("Cannot create the object");
//| Method CleanChart - Clearing the chart from objects              |
int CKeyFinder::CleanChart(void)
   string Label="KF_Label";
   int obj_total=ObjectsTotal(0,0,-1),n=0;
   for(int obj=obj_total-1; obj>=0; obj--) //Clearing the objects created by the script by the name mask
      string objname=ObjectName(0,obj,0,-1);
      if(StringFind(objname,Label)>=0) ObjectDelete(0,objname);
//| Class constructor                                                |
//| Class destructor                                                 |

A maior parte do código foi movido para a classe, o código do script é muito compacto.

//|                                                   KeyFinder2.mq5 |
//|                                                   Trofimov Pavel |
//|                                      |
#property copyright "Trofimov Pavel"
#property link      ""
#property version   "2.00"
#property description "Warning! This algorithm uses loops for calculations!"
#property description "It is recommended so set not more than 1000 to process!"
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters
input int      MinDimesion=5; //Minimum dimension of points
input int      MaxBars=300;   //The number of bars to process
#include       "KeyFinder.mqh"
#include       <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsTxtControls.mqh>
//| Script variables                                                 |
CKeyFinder           m_keyfinder;      //Declaring СKeyFinder class variable
CChartObjectButton   m_button_close;   //Declaring CChartObjectButton class variable
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//-Initializing variables
   MqlRates  rates_array[];
   string Com="\n\n\n";
   int iCod=CopyRates(Symbol(),Period(),0,MaxBars,rates_array);// The number of elements in MqlRates array that we were able to copy
   int sy=10;//Button position
//-Setting the necessary parameters   
   m_keyfinder.CleanChart();//Clearing the chart from objects in case of a second use 
   iCod=iCod-1;//An index of the maximum element in rates_array[]
   Com+="Working...Please, wait!";
//-Creating the button and setting its properties
   m_button_close.Description("Close Script");
//-Processing the bars using the CKeyFinder class methods   
      m_keyfinder.FindUpKeyPoints(iCod,rates_array);//Searching for upper key points
      Com+="\nUpper points have been processed.\n";
      m_keyfinder.FindLowKeyPoints(iCod,rates_array);//Searching for lower key points
      Comment("\n\n\nProcessing is complete");
   else Comment("\n\n\nNo bars to process!!!");
//-Looping the script until the button is pressed
      //--- redraw chart
//-Clearing the chart by a press of the button

E finalmente:

  • Como carregar o código diretamente a partir do MetaEditor.
  • Para usar o script no MetaTrader 4 você precisa mudar a extensão do arquivo KeyFinder2.mq5 para mq4 e recompilar no MetaEditor. O arquivo KeyFinder.mqh contendo o código da classe deve ser armazenado na mesma pasta (ou seja, MQL5\Scripts), igual ao arquivo de script principal.

Estou ansioso para ler os seus comentários, feedbacks e sugestões. Boa sorte nos negócios!

Traduzido do russo pela MetaQuotes Ltd.
Publicação original:

KeyLevels KeyLevels

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KeyFinder KeyFinder

O script encontra pontos pivot DeMark, exibe-os no gráfico e indica as suas dimensões.

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