
Open Trade MetaTrader 5용

This function performs the main logic of opening a trade. Calculates the opening price, take profit levels and stop loss based on symbol information and parameters provided by the user. Prepare a trade request (MqlTradeRequest) with the necessary information, such as symbol, volume, order type

Input and output of onnx model MetaTrader 5용

The script is useful for inspecting the structure of ONNX models, providing insights into the input and output, their names, and their properties. It is particularly helpful for debugging and understanding the characteristics of ONNX models used in machine learning applications

Symbol Filling Policy Determination MetaTrader 5용

This function allows you to retrieve and return the filling policy of a symbol in MetaTrader 5. This is useful for making trading decisions based on the filling policy of a specific financial instrument

Current Relative Drawdown MetaTrader 5용

The DD_Relative function calculates the drawdown (relative loss) of the current trading account in percentage. To do this, it uses the Current_LossOrProfit() function to get the current profit or loss for all open positions and divides it by the current account balance. The result is rounded to two

Check the time periods used MetaTrader 5용

The function takes two arrays of integers as parameters: "allowedPeriods" and "periodsToCheck". "allowedPeriods" is an array containing all the time periods allowed by the system, while "periodsToCheck" is an array containing the time periods used by the user in the indicator. The function iterates