The online ECN broker LiteFinance (ex. LiteForex) has been providing its clients access to Tier 1 liquidity in the currency, commodity, and stock market since 2005. All major currency pairs and cross rates, oil, precious metals, stock indexes, blue chips, and the largest set of cryptocurrency pairs can be traded at LiteFinance (ex. LiteForex).
USD/CHF: wave analysis

The pair can grow.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction of the higher level developed as a wave 2. Now the formation of the wave 3 has begun, within which the upward momentum has formed as a wave i of 3 of the lower level, and the local correction ii of 3 has developed. If the assumption is correct, the pair will grow to the levels of 1.0068–1.0170. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 0.9847.

Main scenario

Long positions will become relevant during the correction, above the level of 0.9847 with the targets at 1.0068–1.0170. Implementation period: 7 days and more.

Alternative scenario

The breakdown and the consolidation of the price below the level of 0.9847 will let the pair go down to the levels of 0.9748–0.9700.

USD/CHF: волновой анализ

Вероятность роста пары сохраняется.

На 4-часовом графике завершилось развитие нисходящей коррекции старшего уровня в качестве волны 2. В настоящий момент началось формирование волны 3, в рамках которой сформирован восходящий импульс в качестве волны i of 3 младшего уровня, и завершилось развитие локальной коррекции ii of 3. Если предположение верно, то пара вырастет к отметкам 1.0068–1.0170. Критическим уровнем стоп-лосса для данного сценария является отметка 0.9847.

Основной сценарий

Длинные позиции актуальны от коррекций, выше уровня 0.9847 с целями 1.0068–1.0170. Срок реализации: 7 дней и более.

Альтернативный сценарий

Пробой и закрепление цены ниже уровня 0.9847 позволят паре снизиться к отметкам 0.9748–0.9700.
USD/CAD: wave analysis

The pair can grow.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction of the higher level develops as a wave 2, within which the wave b of 2 forms. Now the wave (c) of b is developing, within which the wave ii of (c) has ended. If the assumption is correct, the pair will grow to the level of 1.3227. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 1.2924.

Main scenario

Long positions will become relevant above the level of 1.2924 with the target at 1.3227. Implementation period: 5–7 days.

Alternative scenario

The breakdown and the consolidation of the price below the level of 1.2924 will let the pair go down to the levels of 1.2735–1.2580.

USD/CAD: волновой анализ
18 окт. 2018 г., 8:33:58
USD/CAD Технический
Вероятность роста пары сохраняется.

На 4-часовом графике идёт развитие нисходящей коррекции старшего уровня в качестве волны 2, в составе которой формируется волна b of 2. В настоящий момент развивается волна (c) of b, в рамках которой завершилась волна ii of (c). Если предположение верно, то пара вырастет к отметке 1.3227. Критическим уровнем стоп-лосса для данного сценария является отметка 1.2924.

Основной сценарий

Длинные позиции актуальны выше уровня 1.2924 с целью 1.3227. Срок реализации: 5–7 дней.

Альтернативный сценарий

Пробой и закрепление цены ниже уровня 1.2924 позволят паре снизиться к отметкам 1.2735–1.2580.
GBP/USD: wave analysis

The pair can grow.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction of the higher level developed as a wave (2), and the development of the third wave (3) began. Now the first wave of the lower level i of 1 of (3) is forming, within which the wave (v) of I is developing. If the assumption is correct, the pair will grow to the level of 1.3311. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 1.3077.

Main scenario

Long positions will become relevant during the correction, above the level of 1.3077 with the target at 1.3311. Implementation period: 5–7 days.

Alternative scenario

The breakdown and the consolidation of the price below the level of 1.3077 will let the pair go down to the level of 1.2914.

GBP/USD: волновой анализ

Вероятность роста пары сохраняется.

На 4-часовом графике завершилось развитие нисходящей коррекции старшего уровня в качестве волны (2), и началось развитие третьей волны (3). В настоящий момент продолжается формирование первой волны младшего уровня i of 1 of (3), в рамках которой идёт развитие волны (v) of i. Если предположение верно, то пара вырастет к отметке 1.3311. Критическим уровнем стоп-лосса для данного сценария является отметка 1.3077.

Основной сценарий

Длинные позиции актуальны от коррекций, выше уровня 1.3077 с целью 1.3311. Срок реализации: 5–7 дней.

Альтернативный сценарий

Пробой и закрепление цены ниже уровня 1.3077 позволят паре снизиться к отметке 1.2914.
USD/CHF: wave analysis

The pair is in a correction, the fall is possible.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction of the higher level developed as a wave 2. Now the formation of the wave 3 has begun, within which the upward momentum has formed as a wave i of 3 of the lower level, and the downward correction ii of 3 is developing. If the assumption is correct, the pair will fall to the levels of 0.9748–0.9700. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 0.9953.

Main scenario

Short positions will become relevant during the correction, below the level of 0.9953 with the targets at 0.9748–0.9700. Implementation period: 5–7 days.

Alternative scenario

The breakout and the consolidation of the price above the level of 0.9953 will let the pair grow to the levels of 1.0068–1.0170.

USD/CHF: волновой анализ

Пара в коррекции, вероятность снижения сохраняется.

На 4-часовом графике завершилось развитие нисходящей коррекции старшего уровня в качестве волны 2. В настоящий момент началось формирование волны 3, в рамках которой сформирован восходящий импульс в качестве волны i of 3 младшего уровня, и идёт развитие нисходящей коррекции ii of 3. Если предположение верно, то пара снизится к отметкам 0.9748–0.9700. Критическим уровнем стоп-лосса для данного сценария является отметка 0.9953.

Основной сценарий

Короткие позиции актуальны от коррекций, ниже уровня 0.9953 с целями 0.9748–0.9700. Срок реализации: 5–7 дней.

Альтернативный сценарий

Пробой и закрепление цены выше уровня 0.9953 позволят паре расти к отметкам 1.0068–1.0170.
USD/CHF: technical analysis

On D1 chart, the instrument is traded near the psychological level of 0.9900. Bollinger Bands are directed upwards, and the price range has expanded, indicating the growth of the pair. MACD histogram is in the positive zone keeping a buy signal. Stochastic is correcting in the neutral area.

Key levels

Resistance levels: 0.9944, 0.9968, 1.0000, 1.0047.

Support levels: 0.9903, 0.9870, 0.9829, 0.9788, 0.9756.

Trading tips

Long positions may be opened from the current level with target at 0.9980 and stop loss at 0.9890. Implementation period: 1-2 days.

Short positions may be opened below the level of 0.9850 with target at 0.9755 and stop loss at 0.9890. Implementation period: 1-3 days.


На дневном графике инструмент торгуется вблизи психологического уровня 0.9900. Полосы Боллинджера направлены вверх, а ценовой диапазон расширился, что является основанием для роста пары. Гистограмма MACD находится в положительной зоне, удерживая сигнал на покупку. Стохастик корректируется в нейтральной области.

Ключевые уровни

Уровни сопротивления: 0.9944, 0.9968, 1.0000, 1.0047.

Уровни поддержки: 0.9903, 0.9870, 0.9829, 0.9788, 0.9756.

Торговые сценарии

Длинные позиции можно открывать от текущего уровня с целью 0.9980 и стоп-лоссом на отметке 0.9890. Срок реализации 1-2 дня.

Короткие позиции можно открывать ниже уровня 0.9850 с целью 0.9755 и стоп-лоссом на отметке 0.9890. Срок реализации 1-3 дня.
GBP/USD: wave analysis

The pair can grow.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction of the higher level developed as a wave (2), and the development of the third wave (3) begun. Now the first wave of the lower level i of 1 of (3) is forming, within which the wave (v) of i is developing. If the assumption is correct, the pair will grow to the levels of 1.3364–1.3474. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 1.3026.

Main scenario

Long positions will become relevant during the correction, above the level of 1.3026 with the targets at 1.3364–1.3474. Implementation period: 7 days and more.

Alternative scenario

The breakdown and the consolidation of the price below the level of 1.3026 will let the pair go down to the level of 1.2654.

Вероятность роста пары сохраняется.

На 4-часовом графике завершилось развитие нисходящей коррекции старшего уровня в качестве волны (2), и началось развитие третьей волны (3). В настоящий момент продолжается формирование первой волны младшего уровня i of 1 of (3), в рамках которой идёт развитие волны (v) of i. Если предположение верно, то пара вырастет к отметкам 1.3364–1.3474. Критическим уровнем стоп-лосса для данного сценария является отметка 1.3026.

Основной сценарий

Длинные позиции актуальны от коррекций, выше уровня 1.3026 с целями 1.3364–1.3474. Срок реализации: 7 дней и более.

Альтернативный сценарий

Пробой и закрепление цены ниже уровня 1.3026 позволят паре снизиться к отметке 1.2654.
USD/CHF: wave analysis

USD/CHF Technical
The pair is in a correction, the fall is possible.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction of the higher level developed as a wave 2. Now the formation of the wave 3 has begun, within which the upward momentum has formed as a wave i of 3 of the lower level, and the development of the downward correction ii of 3 has begun. If the assumption is correct, the pair will fall to the levels of 0.9748–0.9700. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 0.9953.

Main scenario

Short positions will become relevant during the correction, below the level of 0.9953 with the targets at 0.9748–0.9700. Implementation period: 5–7 days.

Alternative scenario

The breakout and the consolidation of the price above the level of 0.9953 will let the pair grow to the levels of 1.0068–1.0170.
Boeing Co. Technical
The trend is upward.

On the 4-hour chart, the local correction of the higher level formed as a fourth wave (4), shaped as a triangle, and the fifth wave (5) develops. Now the third wave of the lower level 3 of (5) is forming, within which the correctional fourth wave iv of 3 has formed, and the development of the wave v of 3 is beginning. If the assumption is correct, the price will grow to the levels of 400.00–410.00. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 364.00.

Main scenario
Long positions will become relevant during the correction, above the level of 364.00 with the targets at 400.00–410.00. Implementation period: 7 days and more.

Alternative scenario

The breakdown and the consolidation of the price below the level of 364.00 will let the price go down to the levels of 337.68–327.19.
XAG/USD: technical analysis

On the 4-hour chart, the instrument is trading in the lower Bollinger band. The price remains on the level with its moving averages that are horizontal. The RSI is growing towards its longer MA. The Composite is breaking out its longer MA.

Key levels

Support levels: 14.25 (local lows), 13.95 (local lows), 13.72 (January 2016 lows).

Resistance levels: 14.77 (local highs), 14.95 (local highs), 15.24 (local highs).

Trading tips

After a short-term correction the fall can continue.

Short positions can be opened from the level of 14.25 with targets at 13.95, 13.72 and stop-loss at 14.38. Validity – 3-5 days.

Long positions can be opened from the level of 14.95 with the target at 15.24 and stop-loss at 14.77. Validity – 3-5 days.
USD/CAD: wave analysis

The pair can fall.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction develops as a wave 2. Now the wave c of 2 is forming, within which the third wave of the lower level (iii) of c has formed, and the local correction is ending as a wave (iv) of c. If the assumption is correct, the pair will fall to the levels of 1.2740–1.2580. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 1.3084.

Main scenario

Short positions will become relevant after the end of the correction below the level of 1.3084 with the targets at 1.2740–1.2580. Implementation period: 7 days and more.

Alternative scenario

The breakout and the consolidation of the price above the level of 1.3084 will let the pair grow to the level of 1.3227.
Bitcoin: technical analysis

Current trend

Bitcoin prices are trying to consolidate below the level of 6406.25 (Murrey [2/8]).

The maintenance of the downward trend is confirmed by technical indicators. Bollinger bands are diverging, reflecting the active development of the current trend. MACD volumes are actively growing in the negative zone, forming a sell signal. Stochastic is directed downwards. Further reduction will be possible after a breakdown and consolidation below the level of 6406.25. In this case, sellers' targets will be 6328.13 (Murrey [1/8]), 6250.00 (Murrey [0/8]). The level of 6250.00 is seen as the key “bearish” one. It is a strong support level, where the reverse the of course and formation of an upward movement is possible.

Support and resistance

Resistance levels: 6484.38, 6562.50, 6640.63.

Support levels: 6406.25, 6328.13, 6250.00.

Trading tips

Short positions can be opened below the level of 6406.25 with the targets in the area of ​​6328.13–6250.00 and stop loss 6445.00.

Long positions can be opened above the level of 6484.38 with the targets in the area of ​​6562.50–6640.63 and stop loss 6450.00.
USD/CHF: technical analysis

On the daily chart, the instrument grows along the upper border of Bollinger band. The indicator is directed upwards, and the price range has expanded, indicating a further strengthening of the instrument. MACD histogram is corrected in the neutral zone, an entry signal is not formed. Stochastic entered the oversold area, a strong sell signal can be formed within 1–3 days.

Key levels

Resistance Levels: 0.9853, 0.9891, 0.9940, 0.9975, 1.0005.

Support levels: 0.9822, 0.9780, 0.9740, 0.9700, 0.9658.

Trading tips

Long positions can be opened from the current level with the target at 0.9980 and stop loss 0.9775. Implementation period: 2–3 days.

Short positions can be opened below the level of 0.9775 with the target at 0.9700 and stop loss 0.9805. Implementation period: 1–3 days.
Bitcoin: technical analysis

Current trend

After falling to 6450.10, quotes of Bitcoin try to consolidate above 6562.50 (Murrey [4/8]), which also coincides with the center line of Bollinger Bands. These attempts appear to be inconclusive, and the price returning below 6562.50 will allow sellers to lower the rate in the area of 6484.38 (Murrey [3/8])–6406.25 (Murrey [2/8]). If the buyers manage to consolidate above the level of 6640.63 (Murrey [5/8]), growth will be possible to the level of 6718.75 (Murrey [6/8])–6796.88 (Murrey [7/8]).

Technical indicators show that the market is relatively calm and point to the development of the lateral trend. Bollinger Bands are directed sideways. MACD volume is insignificant and is moving along the zero line. Stochastic lines are directed upwards.

Support and resistance

Resistance levels: 6640.63, 6718.75, 6796.88, 6875.00.

Support levels: 6562.50, 6484.38, 6406.25, 6328.13.

Trading tips

Buy positions may be opened above the level of 6640.63 with targets at 6718.75–6796.88 and stop loss at 6610.00.

Sell positions may be opened below 6562.50 with targets at 6484.38–6406.25 and stop loss at 6600.00.
AUD/USD: wave analysis
The pair can fall.

On the 4-hour chart, the third wave of the higher level iii of 1 of (5) develops. Now the fifth wave of the lower level (v) of iii is forming, within which the upward correction has ended as a wave iv of (v). If the assumption is correct, the pair will fall to the level of 0.7000. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 0.7315.

Main scenario

Short positions will become relevant during the correction, below the level of 0.7315 with the target at 0.7000. Implementation period: 5–7 days.

Alternative scenario

The breakout and the consolidation of the price above the level of 0.7315 will let the pair grow to the levels of 0.7383–0.7455.
USD/CAD: wave analysis

USD/CAD Technical
The pair can decrease.

On the 4-hour chart, the downward correction develops as a wave 2. Now the formation of the wave c of 2 has begun, within which the first wave of the lower level (i) of c has formed, and the local correction has ended as a wave (ii) of c. If the assumption is correct, the pair will fall to the levels of 1.2820–1.2740. In this scenario, critical stop loss level is 1.3095.

Main scenario

Short positions will become relevant during the correction, below the level of 1.3095 with the targets at 1.2820–1.2740. Implementation period: 7 days and more.

Alternative scenario

The breakout and the consolidation of the price above the level of 1.3095 will let the pair grow to the level of 1.3227.
Pound is going all in

Britain is ready to show its hand at the EU summit
Haste makes waste or the winner takes it all? Which motto should one follow when opening positions in the British pound? Danske Bank believes that until political risks fade, it's too early to talk about a large-scale offensive of the sterling. Despite the optimism about the outcome of the EU summit in Salzburg, Morgan Stanley is wary of shorts in the EUR/GBP. If you buy the pound, buy it against the Australian dollar, which is vulnerable to trade wars. On the other hand, a currency grows fastest on Forex when the start of tightening of monetary policy approaches. This is exactly what is going on in the Foggy Albion.

At its September meeting, the Bank of England put everything in order. Inflation is slowing down in the direction of the target at 2%, however, in the second half of 2019, due to the growing consumer demand, the normalization cycle will continue. After such comments, the market was comfortable enough with the forecast of the REPO rate raise in November of the following year and closely watched the political upheavals. However, the BoE scheme began to fail in a week (!) after the MPC meeting. In August, consumer prices jumped to a six-month high of 2.7%, and the question is in the air: if the economy feels much better than what the central bank thinks about it, maybe one should not pull the cat by the tail? The terms of the next act of monetary restriction shifted from November to August 2019, and the pair GBP/USD finally reached the mark of 1.32 announced in the previous materials.

Dynamics of British inflation and repurchase rates

Source: Trading Economics.

The joy of the bulls was short-lived: the pound received a blow from The Times. The tabloid reported that Theresa May is going to reject Michel Barnier's proposal on the Irish border and address the EU directly at the summit in Austria. It seems that the British prime minister blames a certain person for the troubles of the Foggy Albion. No man - no problem? Given the fact that Brexit's secretary Dominique Raab called the meeting in Salzburg a key milestone in the relationship between London and Brussels, it can be assumed that there is no smoke without fire. His predecessor, David Davis, argues that the parties will once again face a wall of misunderstanding, which, however, will soften the EU's position. By the end of the year.

Thus, sterling is stuck between the economy and politics. A positive effectthe acceleration of GDP and average salaries in May-July was supplemented by inflation and retail sales. The latter indicator instead of deceleration by -0.2% m / m, as expected by Bloomberg experts, rose by 0.3%. It seems that consumer demand is not going to wait for the end of 2019, which increases the risks of continuing the cycle of normalizing the monetary policy by the BoE in the first half of next year. If Brexit's weights were not tied to the feet of the pound, it could become the most promising currency of the G10. For now, we need to bet on the results of the Austrian summit. A breakthrough in the negotiations will allow the GBP/USD to continue the rally in the direction of 1.34-1.35, but a failure will increase the risk of the pair returning to the base of the 30th figure.
Dollar: Fear Makes the Wolf Bigger

China’s economy may not suffer from the trade war as much as it is thought
Any person is naturally selfish; however, when people love themselves too much, it looks ridiculous. It turns out that, when China is taking retaliatory measures in the trade war, it is taking the revenge against Donald Trump, rather than to the U.S., trying to influence the U.S. mid-term elections in November. Not that long ago, the U.S. president was threatening with the stock indexes crash in case on the impeachment, claiming that no other U.S. president during the past 100 years has ever managed to drive the GDP rate higher than that of unemployment. Actually, it has turned out that the time interval is 10 times shorter, but the U.S. president hasn’t become any less arrogant.

Beijing, as it was expected, has boosted its tariffs on the U.S imports by $60 billion, like the USA, suggesting a less amount of tariffs (10%-15%, instead of 25%, previously announced). Although Washington seems to have an advantage and can do nothing but impose the tariffs on all Chinese imports, time is on China’s side. The idea of $200-billion tariffs came up as early as in June, but they will come into effect only in late September. I don’t think that another $267 billion will be introduced until December. If China rejects the negotiations, proposed by Steven Mnuchin, it is obviously going to hold talks with some other people. With the Democrats, for example. So, there is some sense in Donald Trump’s speculation, but he clearly confuses the reasons and the results.

Imports and tariffs in the USA and China
AUD/USD: general review

Current trend

The Australian dollar against the US one is still traded in a long-term downward trend.

Since the end of January AUD has lost more than 1000 points. The main catalyst for the depreciation of the Australian currency is the soft monetary policy of the RBA. The position of the regulator's representatives remains the same: a decline of the national currency positively affects the Australian economy in the current situation. By contrast, demand for the US dollar is growing, which provides a rapid decline in the pair. Recently days, the pair has moved to a corrective growth and is now trading near the level of 0.7200.

This week, the main impact on the instrument will provide data on the labor market and major US indices.

Support and resistance

In the medium term, the price is expected to be fixed within the current range. This means that the pair will go down either from the current level or from key resistance levels (0.7250, 0.7275), which will be considered the upper border of the downward channel. In the long term, one may expect the instrument to fall below 0.7000 to the local lows of early 2016 (0.6850, 0.6810).

Technical indicators on D1 chart and above confirm the forecast: MACD indicates the preservation of the high volume of short positions, and Bollinger Bands are pointing down.

Support levels: 0.7200, 0.7180, 0.7150, 0.7100, 0.7070, 0.7010, 0.6950, 0.6900, 0.6850, 0.6810.

Resistance levels: 0.7250, 0.7300, 0.7330, 0.7410, 0.7480, 0.7600.

Trading tips

In this situation, short positions may be opened from the current level with targets at 0.7100, 0.6950, 0.6900 and stop loss at 0.7290.

AUD/USD: общий обзор

Текущая динамика

Австралийская валюта против американского доллара по-прежнему торгуется в долгосрочном нисходящем диапазоне.

С конца января AUD потерял более 1000 пунктов. Основным катализатором падения курса австралийской валюты является мягкая монетарная политика РБА. При этом позиция представителей регулятора остаётся прежней — снижение курса национальной валюты положительно влияет на экономику Австралии в текущей ситуации. Спрос на американский доллар, напротив, растёт, что обеспечивает стремительное снижение пары. В последние дни пара перешла к коррекционному росту и сейчас торгуется вблизи отметки 0.7200.

На текущей неделе основное влияние на инструмент будут оказывать данные по рынку труда и основным индексам США.

Уровни поддержки и сопротивления

В среднесрочной перспективе ожидается закрепление цены в рамках текущего диапазона. Это значит, что пара направится ниже либо от текущего уровня, либо от ключевых уровней сопротивления (0.7250, 0.7275), которые будут считаться верхней границей нисходящего канала. В долгосрочной перспективе можно ожидать снижения инструмента ниже отметки 0.7000 к локальным минимумам начала 2016 года (0.6850, 0.6810).

Технические индикаторы на дневном графике и выше подтверждают этот прогноз: MACD указывает на сохранение высокого объёма коротких позиций, полосы Боллинджера направлены вниз.

Уровни поддержки: 0.7200, 0.7180, 0.7150, 0.7100, 0.7070, 0.7010, 0.6950, 0.6900, 0.6850, 0.6810.

Уровни сопротивления: 0.7250, 0.7300, 0.7330, 0.7410, 0.7480, 0.7600.

Торговые сценарии

В этой ситуации актуально открывать короткие позиции от текущего уровня с целями 0.7100, 0.6950, 0.6900 и стоп-лоссом 0.7290.
EUR/USD: downward trend is preserved

Current trend

The euro significantly strengthened against the dollar in the second half of August.

At the end of last week, the pair managed to reach the key resistance level of 1.1730, stopped at it and headed down. On Monday, the instrument gained 40 points in several hours and is currently traded at 1.1650. Today's publications on the consumer price index failed to support the pair: the data only confirmed the forecast.

During the day, one should focus on the speech of ECB representatives. At the end of the week, the main data will come out - releases on the US labor market, the construction sector, and the main indices.

Support and resistance

In the medium term, the pair will move into a broad lateral channel and will continue to trade within the range of 1.1730–1.1500. Taking the key resistance level 1.1730 in the short term is unlikely due to the lack of catalysts for EUR strengthening. At the end of the year, demand for USD will only grow amid an increase in the likelihood of tightening monetary policy and raising the key interest rate by the Fed. So, the pair may continue falling to the levels of 1.1430, 1.1300 with the possibility of testing new lows (1.1115, 1.1000).

Technical indicators on W1 chart and above confirm the forecast: MACD indicates the preservation of the high volume of short positions, and Bollinger Bands are pointing downwards.

Support levels: 1.1615, 1.1600, 1.1575, 1.1550, 1.1525, 1.1510, 1.1500, 1.1430, 1.1370, 1.1300.

Resistance levels: 1.1665, 1.1690, 1.1715, 1.1775, 1.1800, 1.1830, 1.1900.

Trading tips

In this situation, short positions may be opened from the current level; pending orders can be opened from levels of 1.1700, 1.1730 with targets at 1.1550, 1.1500 and the stop loss at 1.1780.

EUR/USD: нисходящий курс сохраняется

Текущая динамика

Евро против доллара значительно укрепился во второй половине августа после падения начала месяца.

В конце минувшей недели пара сумела достичь ключевого уровня сопротивления 1.1730, остановилась у этой отметки и направилась вниз. В понедельник инструмент перешёл к стадии роста, пройдя за несколько часов 40 пунктов, и сейчас торгуется на отметке 1.1650. Сегодняшние публикации по индексу потребительских цен не сумели поддержать европейскую валюту: данные лишь подтвердили прогноз, на что пара практически не отреагировала.

В течение дня стоит обратить внимание на выступление представителей ЕЦБ. В конце недели выйдут основные данные, которые могут придать динамику паре – релизы по рынку труда, строительному сектору и основным индексам США.

Уровни поддержки и сопротивления

В среднесрочной перспективе пара перейдёт в широкий боковой канал и продолжит торговаться в рамках диапазона 1.1730–1.1500. Взятие ключевого уровня сопротивления 1.1730 в ближайшей перспективе маловероятно вследствие отсутствия катализаторов для укрепления евро. В конце года спрос на доллар будет только расти на фоне увеличения вероятности ужесточения монетарной политики и повышения ключевой процентной ставки ФРС США. В связи с этим пара в среднесрочной перспективе может продолжить падение к отметкам 1.1430, 1.1300 с возможностью тестирования новых минимумов (1.1115, 1.1000).

Технические индикаторы на недельном графике и выше подтверждают прогноз падения: MACD указывает на сохранение высокого объёма коротких позиций, полосы Боллинджера направлены вниз.

Уровни поддержки: 1.1615, 1.1600, 1.1575, 1.1550, 1.1525, 1.1510, 1.1500, 1.1430, 1.1370, 1.1300.

Уровни сопротивления: 1.1665, 1.1690, 1.1715, 1.1775, 1.1800, 1.1830, 1.1900.

Торговые сценарии

В этой ситуации актуально открывать позиции на продажу от текущего уровня и выставлять отложенные короткие позиции от уровней 1.1700, 1.1730 с целями 1.1550, 1.1500 и стоп-лоссом 1.1780.
NZD/USD: general review

Current trend

The pair is growing amid weakening of the US currency, caused by the release of unsatisfactory macroeconomic statistics in the US.

The decline in the level of consumer inflation had a negative effect on the US dollar rate. The growth of Consumer Price Index Ex Food & Energy slowed down in August, amounting to 2.2%, with a forecast of 2.4% YoY, and 0.1% with a forecast of 0.2% MoM, respectively. NZD was also supported by the growth of the Business NZ PMI: the index rose to 52.0 points in August.

The key event today will be the publication of data on retail sales in the United States (14:30 GMT+2). The market is expected to be highly volatile.

Support and resistance

In the H4 chart the instrument is growing along the upper line of Bollinger Bands. The price range is widened indicating possible continuation of the upward trend. MACD histogram is in the positive area. The signal line is crossing the body of the histogram from below forming a signal for opening long positions.

Resistance levels: 0.6615, 0.6632, 0.6650, 0.6685, 0.6727.

Support levels: 0.6585, 0.6560, 0.6530, 0.6500.

Trading tips

Long positions may be opened from the current level with target at 0.6650 and stop loss at 0.6560. Implementation period: 1-3 days.

Short positions may be opened from the level of 0.6550 with target at 0.6500 and stop loss at 0.6580. Implementation period: 3-5 days.

New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar
Buy Sell Spread
0.65721 0.65696 25
Timeframe Day's Range
Recommendations BUY
Entry Point 0.6590
Take Profit 0.6650
Stop Loss 0.6560
Support levels 0.6500, 0.6530, 0.6560, 0.6585, 0.6615, 0.6632, 0.6650, 0.6685, 0.6727
Alternative scenario
Recommendations SELL STOP
Entry Point 0.6550
Take Profit 0.6500
Stop Loss 0.6580
Support levels 0.6500, 0.6530, 0.6560, 0.6585, 0.6615, 0.6632, 0.6650, 0.6685, 0.6727

NZD/USD: общий анализ

Текущая динамика

Пара растёт на фоне ослабления американской валюты, вызванного выходом неудовлетворительной макроэкономической статистики в США.

Снижение уровня потребительской инфляции негативно отразилось на курсе доллара США. Рост индекса потребительских цен без учёта продовольственных товаров и энергоносителей замедлился в августе, составив 2,2% при прогнозе 2,4% в годовом и 0,1% при прогнозе 0,2% в месячном выражении соответственно. Поддержку новозеландской валюте оказал также рост индекса деловой активности в производственном секторе Новой Зеландии: показатель вырос до 52,0 пункта в августе.

Ключевым для пары событием сегодняшнего дня станет публикация данных по изменению уровня розничных продаж в США (14:30 GMT+2). На рынке ожидается высокая волатильность.

Уровни поддержки и сопротивления

На четырёхчасовом графике инструмент растёт вдоль верхней границы полос Боллинджера. Ценовой диапазон расширен, что говорит о возможном продолжении восходящего движения. Гистограмма MACD находится в положительной области, сигнальная линия пересекает тело гистограммы снизу вверх, формируя сигнал к открытию длинных позиций.

Уровни сопротивления: 0.6615, 0.6632, 0.6650, 0.6685, 0.6727.

Уровни поддержки: 0.6585, 0.6560, 0.6530, 0.6500.

Торговые сценарии

Длинные позиции можно открывать от текущего уровня с целью 0.6650 и стоп-лоссом 0.6560. Срок реализации: 1-3 дня.

Короткие позиции можно открывать от уровня 0.6550 с целью 0.6500 и стоп-лоссом 0.6580. Срок реализации: 3-5 дней.

New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar
Покупка Продажа Спред
0.65721 0.65696 25
Таймфрейм Дневной диапазон
Рекомендации BUY
Точка входа 0.6590
Take Profit 0.6650
Stop Loss 0.6560
Ключевые уровни 0.6500, 0.6530, 0.6560, 0.6585, 0.6615, 0.6632, 0.6650, 0.6685, 0.6727
Альтернативный сценарий
Рекомендации SELL STOP
Точка входа 0.6550
Take Profit 0.6500
Stop Loss 0.6580
Ключевые уровни 0.6500, 0.6530, 0.6560, 0.6585, 0.6615, 0.6632, 0.6650, 0.6685, 0.6727