Jiri Krajcik
Jiri Krajcik
Full disabled pensioner
politicians from the Jeseník district, also from the superior Olomouc region and from the ministries in the capital city of Prague, it all doesn't matter and none of them wants to provide effective help and protection to my person, even if it's their legal duty, because my person belongs according to the law " ... to particularly vulnerable groups of persons deserving special protection from the state ", even in the case of demonstrable illegal and criminal fraud, oppression, imprisonment, violation of rights, robbery, indebtedness, torture and torture, psychological and physical, severe collective discriminatory bullying contracted and professionally a centrally controlled large group of state social care workers and nurses with management that tolerates and supports about 100 arrogant high-ranking officials and ignorant politicians who defend the linking institutions and not at all the helpless, defenseless and helpless desperate man and his constitutional basic human rights and freedoms! In support of my public allegation, I state that in a court where I was sued by the director for eviction "on the street" because I was absurdly accused of being illegally living where I had to be legally required by some illegal squatter. to stay until the end of my life for a legal, transparent and serious reason, because I was permanently endangered in life and health in my house without all-day social assistance, supervision and care. The court acknowledged the nonsensical, illogical, unethical, inhuman and illegal arguments of the lying director as well as the demonstrable lies in court from his perjured management and thus also became a disgusting miscarriage of justice, when they are severely disabled, this absurd decision of the Czech court in Jeseník and in Olomouc, severely and absolutely illegally trampled on, unrecognized and ignored constitutional fundamental human rights and freedoms, thus violating and disrespecting the entire UN International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006. In addition, I am already imprisoned as a punishment, illegally and discriminatory. years in bed in a room at a distance of about 3 meters from the PC monitor. Dear visitors of mql5.com and readers, respect and enjoy your freedom, it is not always a matter of course, be strong and always fight against injustice, so learn more and, most importantly, trade successfully! Jiri Krajcik
Jiri Krajcik
MQL5.커뮤니티에 등록됨