
Dealing with time (2) functions MetaTrader 5용

Calculate DST for USA, EUR, AUD and RUB and the offset time of the broker automatically from the 70's until 2030 - even in the Strategy Tester of MQ


Dealing with Time (Part 2): The Functions MetaTrader 5를 위하여

Determing the broker offset and GMT automatically. Instead of asking the support of your broker, from whom you will probably receive an insufficient answer (who would be willing to explain a missing hour), we simply look ourselves how they time their prices in the weeks of the time changes — but not

Dealing with Time (Part 1): The Basics MetaTrader 5를 위하여

Functions and code snippets that simplify and clarify the handling of time, broker offset, and the changes to summer or winter time. Accurate timing may be a crucial element in trading. At the current hour, is the stock exchange in London or New York already open or not yet open, when does the

Cluster analysis (Part I): Mastering the slope of indicator lines MetaTrader 5를 위하여

Cluster analysis is one of the most important elements of artificial intelligence. In this article, I attempt applying the cluster analysis of the indicator slope to get threshold values for determining whether a market is flat or following a trend

Enhancing the StrategyTester to Optimize Indicators Solely on the Example of Flat and Trend Markets MetaTrader 4를 위하여

It is essential to detect whether a market is flat or not for many strategies. Using the well known ADX we demonstrate how we can use the Strategy Tester not only to optimize this indicator for our specific purpose, but as well we can decide whether this indicator will meet our needs and get to know


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