Giorgi Komakhidze
Giorgi Komakhidze
Giorgi Komakhidze
Giorgi Komakhidze
Hello Dear Hu Tuan Thang, my name is George, I am from Georgia.
Question: 1. yr indicator works only on XAUUSD?
Question: 2. How many time give signal in a week or in total a month?
Question: 3. As I see it works also MT5, it good, is it possible that he can give signal like noisy/beep on Iphone that I listen about this signals, or just show on mt5 platform. becouse Im not all day on PC.
Question: 4. If I buy for 399$ this is for 1 year payment or perminantly?

Sorry for these question, should be I can read it before I ask.
Best wishes
Giorgi Komakhidze
MQL5.커뮤니티에 등록됨