David Stanton
David Stanton
  • Full Time Trader 에 Flicker Forex
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Full Time Trader Flicker Forex
I want to say, " Thank you" to all of my loyal followers.

Since I am a Trader then I know exactly what is important. Low Latency, High Security and only hosting the MT4.

My goal is to produce the best signals and provide a situation for people who need a helping hand.

Currently, if you check the slippage tab, you will see that IC Markets has the low slippage.

It seems that at different times that the slippage is different
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


The Signal is now waiting to active. It has been on all day and I think we are going to see some good action.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Ibrahim Farhat
Ibrahim Farhat 2015.07.13
Is trade triggers inactive again because of greek deal?
Ibrahim Farhat
Ibrahim Farhat 2015.07.14
I emailed David and he told me that the Trade Triggers are active now and waiting for trades. Thank you David!
Timo Schroeter
Timo Schroeter 2015.07.14
David Stanton
David Stanton
I just received this announcement from my broker International Capital Markets. I am sure most other brokerages are sending out a similar warning.

Greece is really messing things up it seems and I will be glad when a final decision is made.

* * * * * * * * * * * Message from my Broker * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As most of you are already aware, there is a lot of uncertainty being built around a potential “Grexit” following Greece's missed loan repayment of 1.6 billion to the IMF. The markets have been shaky right from the start of this week and the situation is expected to become more volatile as a referendum is scheduled to be held on Sunday, 5th July 2015.

Liquidity is expected to be lower than usual during this time due to extremely high volatility and abnormal market conditions, especially the Euro and its major trading partners. This may have a significant impact when the market opens at 9:00 PM GMT on Sunday, July 5th ( 00:00 Platform time on Monday, July 6th). Therefore, be sure to closely monitor any open positions going in to the weekend to prevent any unwanted exposure to this event.

In order to protect against any uncertainty & to ensure uninterrupted Trading environment, we may take action and limit the trading in EUR pairs, this may include limiting EUR based pairs to "close-only" or reducing the leverage before market close this Friday, any changes will also apply to pre-existing positions. We request that you review your positions and ensure that you have sufficient margin to maintain them, taking into consideration the possibility of an increase in margin.
Ermi 2015.07.03
Hi David, i think your decision is the right one. thank you for thinking that way. have a good weekend david, and everyone
Ivan Ovchinnikov
Ivan Ovchinnikov 2015.07.03
Yes, safety is paramount!
Hasan Al Bana Wan Rozeb
Hasan Al Bana Wan Rozeb 2015.07.04
Totally agree david!
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


I want to thank all of my subscribers for being patient with the trading for the past few weeks. During the times when there is no trading, I continue to monitor and constantly re-evaluate my Trade Triggers and look to see what could have been done differently or better.

But it still comes down to one thing only. If the market conditions are not favorable to Activate a Trade Trigger then we can not trade. I may lose subscribers for not trading often enough but I can say from my heart that I do try my very best to produce profits in the safest manor possible and conserve capital.

Trading more often does not mean more profits. However, waiting for the right moment in time to enter trades can only put the odds in your favor.

With that in mind, I anticipate that July will be a much more productive month for all of us. I am still very confident with my Trade Triggers and their performance.

I wanted to catch everyone up and let you know that I am working my best for all of you.

Best Regards

David Stanton
David Stanton
David Stanton
I guess everyone is getting these types of messages too. I have received three from different brokers all about the same as this.....

"Due to uncertainty in the markets brought about by the current situation with Greece, margin requirements for all FX and Metals pairs will be increased from 1% to 2% as of 20:00 server time TODAY (June 30th).

Margin requirements will revert to 1% as soon as the situation has been resolved and volatility has returned to normal."
Ivan Ovchinnikov
Ivan Ovchinnikov 2015.06.30
I last week received the similar message from the broker.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Greece is keeping everyone on edge.

Just a simple phrase from anyone within the Greek counsel could send the markets roaring with a huge rally to the stars or plummeting to the pits of despair.

Personally, I dont hold out much hope.

None the less this might offer some good post news trading. I am watching the prices keenly.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Lassedh82 2015.06.30
Are your trade triggers active now?
Rolandas Jasiunas
Rolandas Jasiunas 2015.06.30
So many good prices missing..
David Stanton
David Stanton
Wow! So much price gapping today. I am sure millions were lost or either made today.
jacobfiltenborg 2015.06.29
Hi David. Do you turn of your Trade Triggers under such conditions?
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.06.29
I have a feeling those "millions" are only made by the banks. If a small-time trader made such money then surely that broker will be out of business, or would soon put that trader out of business!

Perhaps the broker or regulator would call it "fraud" or "insider trading", and that trader would be jailed too?

Forex is enough to make a living - and that is all. Impossible to make enormous sums of money.
David Stanton
David Stanton
I assume that all eyes are on Greece this weekend.

Even the brokerages are raising margin limits so as not to be in the same situation as before.

Have a good weekend and I will see everyone here on Monday.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Lee Bryant
Lee Bryant 2015.06.26
Yes exactly David, especially if they default volatility and gaps could be like what we saw with EUR/CHF SNB announcement which bankrupt some brokers. Keep up the great work and ignore any silly negative comments you are doing a great job and yours is one of the very few signals I trust. You're a true professional.
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.26
Thank you for your confidence. I know we have not made a lot of trades but with the market the way it has been, it has been difficult. I often say that a good trader knows when to trade and when not to trade. This is one of those times.

Once this passes then there will be ample opportunities for more trades later.

Most novice investors do not understand that the market needs to be on our side to trade so as to put the odds in our favor.

Random trading will lose money.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Lassedh82 2015.06.26
So true, so true. Keep calm and enjoy the weekend.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


I have received a few PM asking if I would trade the account more often.

Allow me to explain....... I do not decide when to trade. IF THE MARKET CONDITIONS ARE CORRECT THEN IT WILL ACTIVATE MY TRADE TRIGGERS.

By using this method I firmly believe that this puts the odds in our favor. But the market conditions must be perfect for me to trade. Otherwise I am not going to risk your money or my money.

The past weeks have not been very good for a lot of activity.

I will NOT randomly enter trades just for the sake of making trades.

I have a lot of responsibility when I enter ONE single trade because there are almost 200 subscribers who are trusting me to do the right thing. That is a total close to ONE MILLION dollars.

I have spoken to several people who have worked hard to gain a bit of money to enter the Forex. They are wanting something better for their lives and their families and a lost of any amount is upsetting.

Therefore, I will do my best for all of us.

In closing I will say to each and every single Forex trader or investor on this site... One of the keys to success is PATIENCE.

I hope this answers your questions.

Best Regards

David Stanton
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.23
SOBEK22.... YES! I have no plans to go any place other than to grow and be the best provider on this site.

What you dont know is, I crunch numbers all the time. If there are no trades I am looking to find out how to capitalize on that movement. At the end of the week, I spend my weekends re running the scenarios to see if I could have done better. This is a full time activity for me. No way will I take off from this commitment.

I intend to always be HERE!

Best Regards

David Stanton
Quan Trinh
Quan Trinh 2015.06.24
I dont think this signal is suitable for small account investor anymore. As if you only have only $500 in your account and you gain only 10% at the end of the month that means you have $50 in your hand and cut off $39 subscription fee, the left over is near to nothing. This doesnt count the hosting service that you have to pay. Although 10%/month is still better than a bank offer you but now this signal only suitable for "big player".
Sirojiddin Nosirov
Sirojiddin Nosirov 2015.06.24
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


We are headed toward the weekend and the end of another week of trading. Candle light made 150.00 USD and we still have one more day to go. All in all, I know you have not seen a lot of new trades this week but I am sure that this month will close with good gains. With the new Modifications, I am now using 12 Trade Triggers instead of 2. That means more opportunities for more trades.

I want you to know that the trades that will be taken now, I anticipate small DD. If this continues to be true then I will increase the lot size which will generate higher profits.

Keep an eye on Candle Light this month and watch the progress. I think we are all going to be pleased.

In closing, I will say that I get asked a certain question many many times. Therefore, I am going to list the answer here...

Q. Will you trade and open more orders?

MY ANSWER..... I do NOT decide when to trade. It is the market that determines when I CAN trade. If the conditions are right then the market will Trigger my Trade Triggers and orders will be entered then. If not then we must be patient and wait for the best conditions for success.

I hope this update was helpful.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Francesco721mt5 2015.06.19
David, regarding your answer to the commonly asked question...this just confirms that I made a good decision in subscribing to your signal! I would have it no other way!!! Thank you for sharing this. I look forward to the coming weeks!
Timo Schroeter
Timo Schroeter 2015.06.19
@David: Will you trade AUSUSD too, as described in your signal? Or stay with EURUSD?
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.21
Timo... I want to move into the AUDUSD but for the past few weeks I have had to deal with the EURUSD new modifications. I anticipate more news on this in about two weeks. I will keep you updated.
David Stanton
David Stanton
F I N A L L Y !
640164 2015.06.16
Dear David i just wanted to know that have you started using stop loss now?? Thanks
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.16
The SL is an attempt to free up another computer for my Trade Triggers but also I am using TS which probably shows as a SL. It just gets moved so that I can follow the profits. This should capture more profits on a trade with a rapid drop instead of just getting the set TP.
Lassedh82 2015.06.17
Wow - boring day! No real movement in the market. No wonder that candle light has not triggered. Hopefully better conditions tomorrow.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


Looks like MQL4 made changes too :)

Candle Light Modifications are on line and ready to go !

Let's see what this week will bring us.

Good luck to all of the Signals.

Best Regards

David Stanton
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.15
Well its better than being cooked.
KYV AA 2015.06.15
Damn I came home thinking we had some activity on the accounts, looks like the updated triggers haven't made much of a difference yet, at least we are not down either :)... lets hope for some positive results this week.
Lassedh82 2015.06.16
NICE JOB DAVID! Back on track - like the new sl strategy.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


When we resume trading after the weekend, I will be live with my Trade Trigger Modifications.

We should expect to see small draw downs and more trades per week that produce a greater profits. I have great confidence with this enhancement and I have been back testing every way possible including on my test Live accounts.

Enjoy the weekend and a few days of rest.

Best Regards

David Stanton
jacobfiltenborg 2015.06.13
Hi David, this is great news :) Are the modifications the reason why there has been no trades in this week?
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.13
Hey Jacobfiltenborg... that is partly true. I stopped trading on Wednesday because I had to configure my computers for the new Modifications. Right now, it is Saturday morning (my time) and I am still not complete. I hope to be done by tonight.

We should see a lot of activity and greater safety in the trades. I am very excited to begin trading next week.

Best Regards

David Stanton
sythg 2015.06.14
Excellent news David, take your time to polish your modifications. The waiting will surely payoff you and your subscribers.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light

This is a really GREAT UPDATE. I will also post this on my page just to make sure everyone sees it.

The past few weeks have been very slow for trading. The Trade Triggers were just not fitting into the market for good results.

But that does not mean that I have been idle.

Albert Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

Those words I heard a very long time ago and is how I approach problems to this day.

For the past months I have been running simulations on my Trade Triggers. Some activate at certain levels then we have to endure the DD and Ride the Dragon. Others Activate and instantly produce a large profit within minutes. The frustration is not being able to discern between the Trade Triggers that will produce quick profits with very low draw downs and those that have larger draw downs........Until now.

Sincerely, I say to all my Subscribers that I have, in fact isolated that key component. This means many more trades and in a safer zones.

I can not remember a time that I have been more excited about something else other than this.

Currently, I am reconfiguring my three Trade Computers for this enhancement. It should only take a day or two to complete then I will test for a day or two.

I can not express my excitement over this potential.

I anticipate huge returns for my Subscribers with greater safety.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Alfonso Herrero
Alfonso Herrero 2015.06.11
Extraordinary news !!. Good luck in the new venture.
Lassedh82 2015.06.11
Great news! Lets see if it can bring the frequenzy up.
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.11
Hey mtbb805 , I have sent you a Friend request and a PM. Perhaps that will allow you to respond. You should be able to send messages.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


I am getting a lot of messages asking me about the successful trade that was made.

My Trade Trigger was valid up until it closed the position. The reason the position closed was the Trade Trigger became invalid.

I was so very tempted to keep it open. If I had kept it open we would be making about 600.00 or 700 or even more right now. That was what I was hoping for. But we have a little profit of 59.00 USD. Any profit is good. Small growth is ok too.

If I had held it and went against my Trade Trigger then this conversation could be the opposite. Subscribers would say, I lost 700.00 just now... What are you going to do?

My goal is to make money for the Subscriber base and have the fewest loses. But I can not and I will not second guess my Trade Triggers. If I had gone against them then it would be a trade base on my greed of wanting to get a lot of money.

That always loses.

So be happy that we have a successful trade today. More to come I am sure.

Best Regards

David Stanton
maxcassano 2015.06.05
You made the right choice David, stick to a system that has shown to be profitable. If you have a winning strategy you should follow it without exceptions.

I wonder why none of the recovery triggers activated when the EURO surged above 1.13. The levels around 1.1380 proven multiple times to be a strong resistance, therefore i was expecting another sell around those levels...but i don't know if your triggers take into account resistance levels or volumes or...they might be working on compleltely different parametrs, therefore no reason to speculate.

Keep the good work, every profit is worthy to be celebrated!!!
gwindy 2015.06.07
The most important lesson I have learnt in Forex....always follow the rule!!! That's why David is so successful. Excellent work.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light


In just a few hours when Europe begins to wake up, there are about 13 different News Releases between the EUR and the USD. Some are minor and some are major.

The trading could be a potential for huge price movements. Normally, that is what I like and would want to see but tomorrow I am concerned that the price movements will be too dangerous.

I much rather live to fight (trade) another day. Therefore, I am going to sit out tomorrow.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Wilson 2015.06.04
THanks David, We are waiting for your Good news
Lassedh82 2015.06.04
Fill confidence in you as always
Lassedh82 2015.06.04
FULL confidence of course. Damn autocorrect!
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light

The marketi is swinging up a bunch today that means a possibly great week for us.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Lassedh82 2015.06.02
what do you mean by "marketing"? but i like the sound!
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.06.03
OOPS, I changed the word "marketing" to "market" Just a little typo.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to All Subscribers of Candle Light

We are off to a good start.

I really just wanted to say that my icon is NOT a black swan. It is a GOLDEN GOOSE.

I think it is important to clear that up because black swans can not lay Golden eggs.

Lets all have a great week !

Best Regards

David Stanton
Lassedh82 2015.06.02
Good point! Keep laying those eggs and nuture that goose! And good work yesterday!
Horace 2015.06.02
Great; I look forward to a great week and even a better month. Thanks
David Stanton
David Stanton
Jodie Alizadeh
Jodie Alizadeh 2015.05.22
Its totally fine with me as it is....no need to increase risk unnecessary - which you've got nailed down
Lassedh82 2015.05.24
I like that you are always searching for the perfect balance between risk and reward.
David Stanton
David Stanton
Has anyone caught this ride on the EURUSD? If you did, a ton of money could have been made.

Best Regards

David Stanton

Lassedh82 2015.05.20
Nope, keeping it low at the moment. But WHAT a ride i could have been. For now at least, it looks like stagnation.
jie li
jie li 2015.05.20
Good job
David Stanton
David Stanton
Hello to all of my Friends and Subscribers of Candle Light


The market just did not give me anything to work with today.

I am holding at 1983% and a profit factor of 113.42

I am looking forward to see what this week hold for us.

Best Regards

David Stanton
Gimpel9000 2015.05.19
Very good, a man with a real strategy! Had have some bad copies from another signal yesterday and today and my whole account crashed, because of using grid. Thank you Master Stanton for being calm!
David Stanton
David Stanton 2015.05.19
Yes Sir, I do have a plan and I will trade ONLY when conditions are met. However, when I am not trading and I am protecting the SUBSCRIBERS funds I lose subscribers because I am not trading.

As I say often and I firmly believe this.... a good trader knows when to trade and when NOT to trade.

I will continue to do my best for all of us.