Romeu Bertho
Romeu Bertho
4.6 (25)
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Romeu Bertho
Romeu Bertho
Cryptocurrency analysis has never been easier with CryptoCharts on MetaTrader 5. Work with thousands of indicators available for MT5 and attach then to your desire cryptochart.
Make better analysis, make better tradings!
Romeu Bertho 출시돈 제품
리뷰: 1
99.00 USD

Order Flow Balance is a powerful indicator for Tape Reading (Time & Sales). It helps you analysis Order Flow Market, find where the players are moving in, market imbalance, possible reversal points and much more! The indicator works on MOEX, BM&FBOVESPA, CME, etc. It has 5 different indicator types Cumulative Delta: Also know as Cumulative Volume Delta, it is an advanced volume analysis method where traders can see the daily difference between aggressive buyers and aggressive sellers

fabioavelino1 2018.02.22
Olá Romeu, estou tentando efetuar a aquisição do indicador OFB pelo Paypall, mas infelizmente - após inclusão do login e senha - a tela fica branca e não processa a aquisição.
Romeu Bertho
게시된 스크린샷
Order Flow Balance Indicator
WINZ16, M5XP Investimentos CCTVM S/AOrder Flow Balance Indicator
Romeu Bertho
게재된 코드 Bcrypt
Class for working with AES-256 encryption.
Romeu Bertho 출시돈 제품

Percent Crosshair is a powerful and easy percentage measure tool. Measure the chart percentage quickly! Don't waste your time anymore! Just attach the Percent Crosshair indicator to the chart, select crosshair mode at toolbars or press Ctrl+F and start using the crosshair as you always do! The percent measure will be next to the indicative price. Customize your indicator the way you want! There are four entry parameters: Positive % color: set the desired color when % is positive. Negative %

Romeu Bertho 출시돈 제품

Percent Crosshair is a powerful and easy percentage measure tool. Measure the chart percentage very quick! Don't waste your time anymore! Just attach the Percent Crosshair indicator in the chart, select crosshair mode at toolbars or press "Ctrl+F" and start using the crosshair as you always do! The percent measure will be next to the indicative price. Customize your indicator the way you want! There are 4 entry parameters: Positive % color: set the desired color when % is positive. Negative %

META-Rico 2018.04.26
Ola Romeu... testeo o indicador de porcentagem no meu MT5 e nao funcionou... se eu comprar vai funcionar???
Lista de mudanças nas versões do Terminal Cliente MetaTrader 5
Atualização da Plataforma MetaTrader 5 Build 965: Busca inteligente, OTP e transferência de dinheiro entre contas A atualização da plataforma MetaTrader 5 esta para ser lançada na sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2014. Ela contém as seguintes alterações
Romeu Bertho
Romeu Bertho
How much risk are you willing to take to make some good money? Does this gonna worth it? I don´t know! Only the future will tell you! :)
Romeu Bertho
게시된 스크린샷
Almost perfect trades! :)
EURUSD, M1Alpari (UK) Ltd.Almost perfect trades! :)
Romeu Bertho
MQL5.커뮤니티에 등록됨