Bjoern Tegetmeyer / 판매자
제품 게시

Crypto Price Action EA is a trading robot specially designed for forex trading as well as trading crypto-currencies (as soon as the latter ones can be traded for reasonable spreads again). The EA uses the ATR indicator. A trade is opened when the price within a candle moves away from the opening price by an adjustable ATR factor ("Open trade factor"). Many currency pairs have the tendency of continuing a trend once it has started so that exactly the direction the price has exceeded the factored

The Double Currency Correlation EA trading robot is optimized to trade correlated currencies based on the moving average indicator. An example of such currency correlations is EURUSD and USDJPY: Particularly stable signals exist when a long signal occurs in EURUSD and a short signal in USDJPY (and vice versa respectively) at the same time. In order to trade exactly those situations, set the input parameter "Use double currency?" to "yes". The first currency pair is the one you selected in the ch