Oleg Bakurov / 판매자
제품 게시

The indicator displays the fractal levels of one, two or three different higher timeframes starting beginning with the current one. When a new fractal appears, a new level is plotted. The indicator can be used for visual analysis of the current chart and applied in an EA. If more levels are needed, start a new instance of the indicator.
Features The indicator works on any timeframe and symbol. If a timeframe smaller than the current one is selected in the settings, the level of the current time

The indicator displays the fractal levels of one,two or three different higher timeframes starting with the current one. When a new fractal appears, a new level is plotted. The indicator can be used for visual analysis of the current chart and applied in an EA. If more levels are needed, start a new instance of the indicator.
Features Timeframes to choose from. For example: M1, M2, M3, M20, H2, H3, H12. If a timeframe smaller than the current one is selected in the settings, the level of the cu