MP Heatmap for MT5
- 지표
- Pierre Ksachikian
- 버전: 1.0
A heatmap is a graphical representation of data in two dimensions, using colors to display different factors. Heatmaps are a helpful visual aid for viewers, enabling the quick dissemination of statistical or data-driven information.
The MP Heatmap indicator provides a graphical representation of the relative strengths of major currencies compared to others, organizing data from pairs into color-coded results and producing a clear overview of the entire Forex market.
The MP Heatmap indicator displays a heatmap for all or a selected number of symbols from the Market Watch. This heatmap shows the percentage change of each symbol's current price in relation to the previous day's closing price. The MP Heatmap provides a clear and reliable indication of what is happening in the market.
- Panel size (Small/Medium/Large): Size of each symbol's panel on the heatmap.
- Panel font color (any color can be selected): Color of each panel's text.
- Up color (any color can be selected): Color of symbols' panel with positive percentage change.
- Middle color (any color can be selected): Color of symbols' panel with no change.
- Down color (any color can be selected): Color of symbols' panel with negative percentage change.
- Arrange panels (by price change/by symbol name/Market Watch order): Method of sorting panels.
- Gaps between panels (0~5): Space between panels in pixels.
- Number of panels in each row (>= 1): Number of columns to be displayed in the heatmap.
- Number of symbols to show (5/10/15/20/All): All or a selected number of symbols from the Market Watch.
- Refresh time (ticks): Updating panels' data based on a selected number of ticks.
- The indicator's window is fully draggable.
- If needed, you can minimize the indicator's window.
- Selecting all the Market Watch symbols to be displayed in the heatmap may affect your computer performance.
#Tags: Heatmap, Heat Map, Panel, Thermomap, Thermo Map, Assistant, Price Change, Relative Strength, Dashboard
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