버전 5.70
In this new Version V 5.70 :
- New algo of status per TF
- Customizing arrow Trend Bar 9TF RSIMA CCIMA
- Adding triple confluence of MA1x2, MA3x4, MA5x6
- Adding new mode to dual pivot ATF
버전 5.60
In this new Version V 5.60 :
- Adding single line feature for on chart four MA
- Adding arrow angle RSI CCI scheme
버전 5.50
In this new Version V 5.50 :
- Adding Another On Chart Four MA feature
- Adding MTF Angle RSI CCI feature
- New algo Dual Pivot ATF
버전 5.40
In this new Version V 5.40 :
- Fixing trading in the zone (TITZ)
- TITZ applied to pivot horizontal line and vertical line
- Customizing on chart four MA feature
버전 5.30
In this new Version V 5.30 :
- Fixing belt trend arrows
- Adding belt trend calculation mode
버전 5.20
In this new Version V 5.20 :
- Adding calculation mode for trading in the zone (vertical and horizontal)
- Adding Trend Bar 9TF RSIMA CCIMA (complete!)
버전 5.10
In this new Version V 5.10 :
- Adding Trend Bar 3TF RSIMA CCIMA arrows scheme
버전 5.0
In this new Version V 5.00 :
- Replay system applicable to Dual Pivot ATF
- Adding display type to Dual Pivot ATF
버전 4.90
In this new Version V 4.90 :
- Adding Dual Double CCI
- Adding DCCI calculation mode
버전 4.80
In this new Version V 4.80 :
- Deconstruct from the beginning
- Adding CCIMA indicator
- Adding triple MTF cloud histo
- Adding triple MTF confluence multi mode
- Adding trend bar 3TF RSIMA/CCIMA
- Adding dual pivot all time frame
- Adding color level scheme
- Customizing on chart feature
- Optimizing the loading time
버전 4.70
In this new Version V 4.70 :
- Fixing pivot value horizontal line trading in the zone
- Customizing Dual MTF Cloud Histo
버전 4.60
In this new Version V 4.60 :
- Changing MTF Belt Trend to Dual MTF Belt Trend
- Adding trend following feature to MTF Belt Trend
- Adding time frame scheme True RSIMA
- Customizing On Chart Dual DRSI
- Customizing On Chart Dual Stochastic
- Customizing On Chart True RSIMA
버전 4.50
In this new Version V 4.50 :
- Deleting Super Trend Arrows (only dashboard available with lines and trend bar) to optimize the rendering time
- Deleting Trend Bar 3TF of SRCM (Stoch,RSI,CCI,MACD)
- Deleting Trend Bar 3TF of MA5 x MA6
- Deleting confluence 3TF of Stochastic
- Deleting confluence 3TF of MACD
- Deleting confluence 3TF of MA1 x MA2
- Deleting confluence 3TF of DRSI
- Deleting confluence Dual Stoch
- Deleting confluence Dual MACD
- Adding MTF Belt Trend
- Adding Dual MTF Cloud Histo
- Adding 3TF True RSIMA lines
- Adding 3TF True RSIMA trend bar
- Adding 3TF True RSIMA dashboard
- Adding horizontal line trading in the zone
- Adding pivot value horizontal line trading in the zone
- Fixing vertical lines trading in the zone
- Total mode right now is 13 (previously 9)
버전 4.40
In this new Version V 4.40 :
- Adding trend bar feature of True RSIMA
- Adding dashboard feature of True RSIMA
- Adding vertical lines feature of trading in the zone
- Adding current time and broker time feature
- Modifying trend bar 3 time frame
- Fixing dashboard monitor position
- Fixing price index location
버전 4.30
In this new Version V 4.30 :
- Fixing histogram of MTF Belt Trend
버전 4.20
In this new Version V 4.20 :
- Fixing OBOS level of ATF dashboard
- Adding calculation mode of TB TRD FOL 3TF, i.e DCCI and FDMACD
- Adding histogram to MTF belt trend
버전 4.10
In this new Version V 4.10 :
- Fixing ATF Stochastic and ATF MACD
- Fixing algorithm of confluence 3TF
- Fixing algorithm of STF Dual Stochastic and Dual MACD
버전 4.0
In this new Version 4.00 :
- Adding background color to trend bar 3TF
- Adding Mode 8 : Show ATF MA 1x2 DRSI
- Adding timeframe scheme of trading in the zone
- Adding timeframe scheme of trend following STF
- Adding timeframe scheme of trend bar trend following 3TF
- Fixing dashboard of RSIMA
버전 3.90
In this new Version 3.90 :
- Deleting favorite arrows
- Adding MTF Trendbar Trend Following 3 Time Frame FDSTOCH/DRSI
- Adding MTF Trendbar Average 3 Time Frame FDSTOCH/DRSI
- Adding MTF Trendbar Trend Following 3 Time Frame MA5 x MA6
- Adding MTF Trendbar Average 3 Time Frame MA5 x MA6
- Fixing status quo of trading in the zone
버전 3.80
In this new version V 3.80 :
- I fixed the 1 minute RSIMA dashboard
- I limited the number of favorite arrow mode to three
버전 3.70
In this new version V 3.70 :
- I fixed the RSIMA dashboard
- I added favorite arrow calculation modes
버전 3.60
In this new version V 3.60 :
- I added favorite arrow feature
- I set up trading in the zone interface
- I added W1 timeframe scheme for trend following STF arrows
버전 3.50
In this new version V 3.50 :
- I changed the symbol for MACD above zero and MACD below zero level.
- I changed the code of square STF trend following.
버전 3.40
In this new Version 3.40 :
- I limited the number of candle high time frame
- I added arrow size option to trend following STF arrows
버전 3.30
In this new Version 3.30 :
- I fixed the on off button sound
- I added trend bar 9TF of STA mode 2 from current time frame (0) to previous 5 bar ago (5)
- I fixed on chart dual stochastic channel
- I fixed dashboard position
- I modified algorithm in STA mode 1 & mode 2
- I added time frame scheme for trend following STF
버전 3.20
In this new Version 3.20 :
- I changed the dashboard font so it looks clear
버전 3.10
In this new Version 3.10 :
- Reduce total mode to only 8, i.e show all time frame crossover arrows and trading in the zone
- Modifying parameter setting
- Can show all time frame crossover arrows of fast CCI and slow CCI, i.e DCCI
- Modify the status for mode 8
- Can show trend following selected time frame of fast stochastic, RSI 1x2, CCI 1x2, fast macd and RSIxMA outside the modes.
버전 3.0
In this new Version 3.00 :
- Modifying STA algorithm both for calculation mode 1 and mode 2
- Modifying dashboard color scheme
- Modifying parameter setting
버전 2.90
In this new Version 2.90, I added new features :
- Adding Mode 29 : Show ATF Fast Stoch DRSI. With this feature monitoring all time frame arrows of stochastic and RSI is easy.
- Adding STA Calculation Mode. The first mode is based on crossover of RSI & MA and the second mode is based on crossover of fast RSI & slow RSI.
버전 2.80
In this new Version 2.80, I added new feature :
- Adding Time Spread Profit Info (TSPI) indicator
버전 2.70
In this new Version 2.70, I make monitoring visually Stoch RSI easy :
- Modifying on chart dual stochastic
- Modifying on chart double rsi
- Modifying on chart rsioma
- Modifying color level
버전 2.60
In this new Version 2.60, I added new feature :
- Adding STF belt trend
- Fixing on chart range
- Changing arrow code DRSI and DCCI
버전 2.50
In this new Version 2.50, I added new feature :
- Adding confluence of 3TF MA 1x2
- Changing arrow code for trend following double CCI
- Changing arrow code for trend following double RSI
버전 2.40
In this new Version 2.40, I added new features :
- Adding confluence of 3TF Fast DSTOCH
- adding confluence of 3TF Fast DMACD
- Adding trend following STF of DRSI
- Adding STA monitor, i.e (from top to bottom) H1,H4,D1,W1,MN1
버전 2.30
In this new Version 2.30, I added new features :
- Added mode 28 : show trading in the zone
- Added 9TF double CCI dashboard monitor
- Added selected timeframe of double CCI crossover arrows
- Added STA monthly arrows
- Added three new dashboard color scheme
- Fixing STA, dual stochastic & dual MACD algorithm
버전 2.20
In this new Version 2.20, I added new features :
- Added upper bound 100 & lower bound 0 for on chart dual stochastic
- Added upper bound 100 & lower bound 0 for on chart double rsi
- Fixing trading in the zone four MA
- Added timeframe scheme for four MA
- Fixing RSIMA dashboard
버전 2.10
In this new Version 2.10 :
- Fixing DRSI arrow TF MN1
- Fixing color super trend arrows
- Fixing arrow MA 3 x MA 4
- Added timeframe scheme D1,W1,MN1 for conflux DRSI
버전 2.0
In this new Version 2.00, I added new features :
- Added confluence arrows of 3 timeframe double RSI
- Added 12 timeframe scheme to choose from for confluence of double RSI
- Fixing algorithm for trend following dual stoch and dual macd
버전 1.90
In this new Version 1.90, I added new features :
- Added super trend arrows higher timeframe
- Added MACD above or below zero level into dashboard
- Fixing MTF feature
버전 1.80
In this new Version 1.80, I've made a lot of changes :
- Change the appearance of the dashboard from a circle to a square shape.
- Fixing color OBOS of slow stochastic and slow drsi.
- Added feature on chart slow stochastic.
- Added feature pivot value of all time frame of Fast Stoch.
- Added feature pivot value of all time frame of Fast MACD.
- Added feature pivot value of all time frame of MA 1,2.
- Added feature pivot value of all time frame of Double RSI.
- Added feature pivot value of all time frame of RSIMA.
- Added feature MTF candle high time frame.
- Ability to change/shift the starting time to monitor in real time 9TF dashboard.
버전 1.70
In this new Version 1.70, I've added the ability to monitor visually :
- On chart stochastic makes it easy for us to observe the movement of stochastic main line and stochastic signal line along the OBOS channel.
- On chart four MA makes it easy for us to observe the movement of MA 1 cross MA 2 and MA 3 cross MA 4.
- On chart double RSI makes it easy for us to observe the movement of RSI fast line and RSI slow line along the OBOS channel.
- On chart true RSIMA makes it easy for us to observe the movement of RSI line and MA line along the OBOS channel.
This on chart double RSI or on chart true RSIMA will make monitoring RSI divergence much more accurate than installing RSIMA on sub window.
And also I changed the appearance of the 10 dashboard color scheme to be more attractive.
버전 1.60
In this new Version 1.60, I've made trading in the zone much more easy :
- Added four MA dashboard monitor (not just two MA!)
- Added four MA lines on chart (by default : MA 1x2 on current timeframe and MA 3x4 on M30)
- Customizable four MA lines
- Button can be located on sub window
버전 1.50
In this new Version 1.50, I've made a lot of reconstruction :
- Total mode up to 27
- New feature : Show Trend Following ATF TWOMA Filtered By Trend Following Selected TF of FAST STOCH
- New feature : Show Trend Following ATF TWOMA Filtered By Trend Following Selected TF of FAST MACD
- New feature : Show Trend Following ATF TWOMA Filtered By Trend Following Selected TF of DRSI
- New feature : Show Trend Following ATF TWOMA Filtered By Trend Following Selected TF of RSIMA
- Trend following = non repaint arrows!
- Fixing algorithm of button
- Adding color level type
버전 1.40
In this new Version 1.40, I've made a lot of reconstruction :
- Total mode up to 23
- New feature : Show Trend Following All Timeframe of Two MA
- New feature : Show Trend Following All Timeframe of Double RSI
- New feature : Show Trend Following All Timeframe of RSIMA
- New feature : Show Trend Following Selected Timeframe of Two MA
- New feature : Show Trend Following Selected Timeframe of Double RSI
- New feature : Show Trend Following Selected Timeframe of RSIMA
- New feature : Show Trend Following Selected Timeframe of Dual Stoch
- New feature : Show Trend Following Selected Timeframe of Dual MACD
- Trend following = non repaint arrows!
- Fixing algorithm of mode 21 : Show Selected TF of STOCH,MACD,TWOMA,DRSI Filtered By Trend Following RSIMA
- Parameter values can be hide/show
버전 1.30
In this new Version 1.30, I've made a lot of reconstruction :
- Added dual stochastics dashboard monitor (fast stoch = stochastic 1 and slow stoch = stochastic 2)
- Added dual macd dashboard monitor (fast macd = macd 1 and slow macd = macd 2)
- Fixing MA Phase of RSIMA
- Change arrow code
- New feature : showing trend following arrows of stochastics and macd
- Dashboard monitor can be hide
버전 1.20
In this new Version 1.20, I've made a lot of reconstruction :
- Fixing daily arrow of MACD
- Fixing arrow of RSIMA
- New algo in determining the up and down arrows
- New feature : showing arrows of Stochastic, MACD, Two MA and RSIMA at once
- Adding the RSIMA 9TF dashboard monitor
- Beautify the dashboard monitor
버전 1.10
New version 1.10 with new feature available:
- Adding the ability to filter price action by all time frame (ATF) Two Moving Average
- Adding the ability to filter price action by all time frame (ATF) Double RSI
- Adding the value of Stochastic on all time frame
- Adding the value of CCI on all time frame