- 유틸리티
- Vitaly Murlenko
- 버전: 1.0
- 업데이트됨: 16 12월 2022
- 활성화: 10
The ScriptForOrders utility is intended for placing orders with the required Magicnumber parameter manually!
Manually opened orders have Magicnumber = 0. Expert Advisors often open orders with a Magicnumber parameter other than zero. This is done so that the EA can distinguish its own orders from those of others, or apply different control algorithms to different orders.
Sooner or later, a trader has a situation when he needs to intervene in the work of the adviser and place an order manually (the market changes and the adviser's orders need to be corrected). But to set such an order that the adviser will pick up as his own. There is no way to do this using the terminal. That's why ScriptForOrders comes to the rescue.
ScriptForOrders can set orders: Buy, Sell, BuyStop, SellStop, BuyLimit and SellLimit. All order parameters are specified in points, which adds additional convenience.
In addition to the above, ScriptForOrders has a built-in ability to use lagging stop orders. What it is? In some dealing centers, it is not possible to programmatically open a market order with pre-set StopLoss and TakeProfit sizes. In these Dealing Centers, you must first open a market order and only after that you can set the desired stop order. ScriptForOrders has a parameter that allows it to work in this mode too.
You can see all this in the video below.