This EA is recommended for trading BTC/USD timeframes M15 or M5. It is based on the strategy of "waiting out", the market entry (and exit) points are determined on the basis of correlation of a number of indicators, included into EA, also used market news pausing. The trading volume for opening a position depends on results of previous trades. It is possible to limit the amount of risk (the AutoMM parameter). It also has advanced features for managing news releases.
- StopAfterNews - a pause after the market news release, in minutes.
- StopBeforeNews - a pause before the market news release, in minutes.
- LightNewsEnabke - enable the pause for low-impact news.
- MediumNewsEnable - enable the pause for medium-impact news.
- HardNewsEnable - enable the pause for high-impact news.
- GMT_Offset - your broker's time zone.
- NewsCurrency - a comma separated list of currencies for which you want to receive news.
- NewsLines - show time of news releases on a chart as lines.
- FixedLot - fixed lot size.
- AutoMM - risk limit (as a percentage).
- HEDGING - Enable or disable hedging mode.
- MagicNumber - any unique number that distinguishes this EA.