Go Ferramentas
- 지표
- Fabio Oliveira Magalhaes
- 버전: 1.6
- 활성화: 5
This product is a set of tools that help the trader to make decisions, bringing information from different categories that complement each
other: trend, support / resistance and candle patterns.
It also has a panel with information about the balance.
The trend has two different calculations and is shown as colored candles. Strategy 1 is longer, having 3 different states: up, down and
neutral trend. Strategy 2 has a faster response and has only 2 states: up and down trend.
Support and resistance also has 2 calculation modes (strategy 1 and 2).
Available candle patterns are hammer / shooting star / hanged, engulf and harami.
Allow trend signal (true/false)
Use strategy: strategy used to calculate trend (1 or 2)
Allow Support and Resistance (true/false)
Use strategy: strategy used to calculate Sup and Res (1 ou 2)
Period (strategy 1 and 2): period to calculate Sup and Res. Used for strategies 1 and 2
Delay to refresh (candles,strategy 2 only): time (in candles) to refresh Sup and Res calculations (only for strategy 2)
Timeframe (strategy 2 only): timeframe used to calculate Sup and Res (only for strategy 2)
Support line color
Resistance line color
Lines style: solid, dashdot, etc
Lines width
Allow Candle patterns (true/false)
Write patterns name on chart (true/false): write patterns name above candles
Arrow codes: is the code that defines the design of the arrows. The designs available are at:
Allow Hammer/Shooting star (true/false)
Minimum body size (points): minimum size of candle body in pattern Hammer/Shooting star
Greater shadow (x body size, at least): how much (multiplier) the largest shadow of the candle needs to be larger than the body at minimum
Smaller shadow (% max of body size): maximum percent of body size the smaller shadow can be (100% means that the smaller shadow can be up to the same
body size)
Arrow/text color: arrow and text color to the Hammer/Shooting star pattern
Arrow size: Arrow size to the Hammer/Shootingstar star pattern
Buy arrow code: code (see the link above) that will set the drawing of the buy arrow to the Hammer/Shooting star pattern
Sell arrow code: code (see the link above) that will set the drawing of sell arrow to the Hammer/Shooting star pattern
Allow Engulf (true/false)
Arrow/text color: arrow and text color to the Engulf pattern
Arrow size: Arrow size to the Engulf pattern
Buy arrow code: code (see the link above) that will set the drawing of the buy arrow to the Engulf pattern
Sell arrow code: code (see the link above) that will set the drawing of sell arrow to the Engulf pattern
Allow Harami (true/false)
Arrow/text color: arrow and text color to the Harami pattern
Arrow size: Arrow size to the Harami pattern
Buy arrow code: code (see the link above) that will set the drawing of the buy arrow to the Harami pattern
Sell arrow code: code (see the link above) that will set the drawing of sell arrow to the Harami pattern
Allow panel (true/false): panel with balance informations
Text color 1: panel text color
Text color 2: panel text color
Text size: panel letter size